2Mil Street EastACtn COMPAPE THE PRICE of87 Ohi 77el 3 OWNER LEAVING THE COUNTRY Sa7 8760777 brick back-Spli on a larg he's prie this charmig 3 be470077N7d 9777777 707-3 b7670077N, 777707077 kith7777077 spl 677777lhot ely Located in br0741007 and mo0re. 0777 $52,500> sur t7 7Ple777the 77077 477777777177 87777 REDUCED TO $45,900, 70777777777 and in central Act07, nearly 777777877977 7777. 777777677e po1ssession avallable. Must7 07 LIKE NEW2yearo7d3bedroom bungalow 777777876 8777777777 77777 rec 770, 478 large fence lot $54,900. SURROUNDED BY MATURE MAPLES A PICTURESQUE COUNTRY LOT and closet7 all aeniti7s,1 year old 3 surrounds this rew cusom built7 ro077 bedodom7 brick bungalow fi7777787 Col0onial racher cose 7Aton and basement w1877th r 788700 07777 770770007and 779loci golf course. A 97717778home pla77777777 aloo 8,77700770707877 $5,0 7778 77777 e77701 for ony $79.500. A.E.LEPAGE j ONTIZ DC A RITO C0AIT E V 2YEAIRS'CONTINUOUS SERVICE COME ALIVE IN 75 If lou've been looklng for a place fo bring Up yoor childrefl, this is if. They will have 48 scenic acres t0 grow or ride on. The 2 year old raised colonial bungalow teatores spa. ciouS 700001, parque8 f loors, rec room with log burfling fireplace and walkoot, gant7s room or fourt h bedroom and a large double garage. Don't your children deserve a chan7ce? Cali toduy and invesf in the future. C57ly $123,008. THE WISEST MOVE.. Youuve ever made will 8urnou 7788 077 a7707 t0 this house! Were ready to show you a place with everything that makes for 9076 Iasting home value .. .includiflg; parquet floors, separate living and dining rooms, bright kitchen and a large lot. Asking $53.000 but were anoious--'call us today. 23 ACRES For building or investing. 10 miles south- west of Donldalk. Only $22,000. Caîl us for RING US FOR RECENT LISTINGS W. REX COCK OR I. BARRY COCK muedtaG.EORGETOWN 877427 Port Credit 278-5273 DAVID JACKSON BROKER JM GOUOY 877-3366 BARBARA DUNLEAVY 87 731 SANDRA HURLEY 877-1268 TENA KROEZEN 877-2722 SANDRA NAIRN 877-1380 877-0104 7 MAIN ST. N., GEORGETOWN 1777IN811 YORDREAM COME TRUE NEED MORE ROOM7 Beauifui csombuil bunglow Cohedra cei779s Lookno7 7777e.170 Tudor style 7770777877home,7tou Orly $7990070 oher feat77777including POOL. e 077his one tday SUMMER PLEASURE HERE'S ONE YOU CAN AFF080 ThiS4b7oo de7,76tached howO 1778777777777077 Or 4500 d77 7067 g et yo io thi deace Il2 r deîîght. 87117 ln dish o770her, 777777. fr1687. 0777 stre i Milon Fetrn to 9 77 9 y b, 776 7777m Stepout of sIid77g patiocloors 77~~~ toc 7777kPai 77re 7Why wait Cai befr itsgr t do,7g0777dtSi77O767ed-wiIk77! anisc~ped 17 depth17 717 wh 77777IL s77707 Askin $54.9007plus0 VILLAGE HOME We r pleased 77777 offt f. 17 7777hi brck 07777177 2 OOVE IN 0710080 SLHLAL STAOO loi backing 7777 Cred7i 87777 storey.3erm, bah P0777777 d 70 77601'il 7717777 fenced yard, Patio. Askin7 177,77777 BI 777777 CRAMPEO AND CROWOED? Mm Move7 t7 the7country. 18177 77777071777 bungalow 17 SPIC AND SPAN situated un a one acre lot, Durable a17771777 7716179 Descibesthisneya ne777oythe b 077707077.877777 men opsInt wo7777777 T8,77 bedroonns, brSdl7007 tow, ome l77,uII bro7d1007774, rec 70777 an" pIu777 74 through777. 777776 Patio. 077777 ar,,7700 Aking S17.587.