Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Aug 1975, p. 10

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The Canadien Champion, Wed., Aug. 20, 1975 12 E I .LS F r-AWAR,D THE TRADE MARK CF A COO DEAL MADE SETTER AT GALLI NG ER MOTORS LIMIED MILTON PLAZA e MILTON COM PANY DEMONSTRATORS 1975 CM ET 2 00CR 400 40809904 body 1,40 youIdineesg .,s o0î L,e 07 1 y $4188 1975 MONTEGO MX 4 00CR 00e11 standard power loîoooî esviyl top AM radi,whte w14ires and06004ldetesLi1,0JPZ276 CPPCRTUNITY INOCCING Clle89 ail 10010001 l,1800080, 8071048 100o01100,et Hvewe oltho44l1îlfor 000 8'campoerwt lltloîoîîOîy equipmet o ntd on 197tl4 Fod XLT F25Opickp wit hV 8,auo mo wer steering, pow0e r900bake01îdul gas tanks Campe, package90 0,008 1ss 110 15,2000 ,8eoî 1,9 05714 1974 BOBLAT 3 00CR Wit ,18 00,010and radio04Lo 9H0X952 1973 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 4 COUR 00,11 standard4 power 10010401Goofl 111040Le RSTBIS 1971 LADILLAL SEDAN 4 00CR 00,11 lots980940of Gqim, ,444I 0111100ha47,000 m011401i 1971 PONTIAC T37 4 00CR TRUCKS 1974 F700 004Wlh 16 e 00 pool'a :.40400-d- .0 1973 F108 PIî K E 962PORC F60 Wth 1W Mloto, 0, ah I L / 389 ANOTHER PLUS oAS SEEN ADOSO ON OUR OSEO CARS THROUGH INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY. ONE YEAR OR 12000 MILES ON POWER TRAIN, NO DEDOCTIBLE 100 PER CENT PAID ON CLAIMS! Sales Department Closes Satiîfday at 1 C m. " METEOR e MONTEGO *COUGAR " CAPRI e BOBCAT *LINCOLN " COMET e MERCURY MARQUIS Ford Trucks 878-2883 Streetsville 826 1434 Toronto 9250887 bc DVH 955. EoceoIIO8 condition. $2195 AS IS 1969 COUGAR 2 DR. HARDIOP VB o mi, power st9e4e4ri0011 and8 brakes. Fnish .i br,gît y 1Io wtblacOk inteior and 1back0îioyl4-of Radio Lec O K 4890 ood ruhning on901dition Unctified, $895 1970 OLDSCMCRILE DELTA 88 4 DOOR HARDTOP V8 0,,10404449 poe, teerin9 1 bra 1,0iofinished je SahaaGo cg it 0ir ndcntt,411419.4y rouf B ilro th, -ge . 0iio cNeoBVK502 $1595 1970 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 00CR SEDAN V8 4,te,041,100power 044erin 94 brake 0 radio. wh itl intber-h bc No0 BTVV002 e $1995 1974 MUSTANG 2 00CR HARDICE 1,8,1100 ofin medium gold 04,10 eotrasting 0100,00 WhtO ,al tireo, heel ovoers Ono oe,, Iotmlooago, îel d and s000104 b us s ce ne0 Le 000X1 19 $3695 1973 LAPRI 2 00CR V15engine, Aspeed transissi,110AM FM, -do,0F 8,110d i bro- metalli1 O mat1hngnteo, steel6 belt11e d il rite wa 1, hos. îo-1 ,--s ,tOe o 0owr o ieaoge Lic lo DZM5 7 $3595 1972 METEOR RIDEAU 500 STATION WAGON catcodtonLc No.HBN2OR $2695 1975 PINTO SQUIRE STATION WAGON .9194 eeo44,lotOin44geen1 lero, whie wa00tir,10 004,901 10balance9of1100 Ford Ca, ooooty Lie0,Na 000 $4195 1973 CLOS IUîiASS S2 00CR HARDTCP VO8aoO0ticO power s1eerin5 and 40101 Ar, onditioning. $4095 1973 1100 PORC PICh UP $2895 1970 MUSTANG MALH 1 PASTBAI.,I Band rewtfacory Oexhage 31 l0 ec0 ln, tadard tr,, 04 oo, console,110 bold 49080000104 4441 0,8raia w it l tie, radio Fin,î11o4 in1GoabberBlue 0,81 90881018189 oeoore 011r sec it004l94y 0,ie01400401 12,000 mille power trainO ,4404t9 9ne, eutile $?Gq5 i4 1.41 , i b , "e î410 918901 1brcugham interiar Futl 090wer, irco,14011409 01A 0.001040o, rdi98o, whie waH , diltires, VB, o,000-e,loa beaulfol car Lic DSI16 12,0060tmile 000wer810,8 0000081 110, dd.cfible, $4195 Ask about our One TSar 0r112,000 Mile no Deductîble Internatonal Warranty On Used Cars We close SaturdayN a8 12 0000, during JoIy and August. 2m17 GUARANTEED )PRE-OWNED AUTOMOBILES "AS IS SPECIALS" 1966 CHEVROLET SISCAYNE 4 0009 SEDAN L,No. AFP1916 $195 1967 CRIS ROLET IMPALA 2 00CR HARCTCP Lie No OIE 518 $295 1967 PONTIAC 4 0009 SEDAN L,îNo GIL 1784 $150 196î7 MERCJR'I LOIJAR 2 0009 HARDOII Le No 07K 33A $575 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY 111 Lie No D015311 $575 199CHEVRO) r IMPALA '200CR HARDTOi' 0,9 No 9LG 259 $5y5 1969 PLYMOUIl- 4 20CR SEDAN4 lcNo. AGI 2014 $795 1970 IFCRD0LI1ID 4 COOARCICE A, C.tonng Lie GIR 1 $995 ie69 PONTIALC 4 014011SEDAN 0I0 oe-e b-e,0e,00 Ooe p,1- i, Fne, e -thM,,o, 04104000 o- I0IyGeL, Dli 444 19 74 1VENTUfRA 400COR SE CAN 6cyli48904 OtoOtOteO ,1wer8004 990radi, tied in as80100 1iler, ma001 1,9 48i l,00 hite10 allire,9 heel revers. LocafOneG1OwGoopoand c4,o ly 9,000 miles. Le No. HOX483 SM395 1973o1 I. (K LE SABRI .4 COOR IARDTOP V8 auorali, owr soot10eri9. 100101 lot 110 'n Bitter Ioootîoo d îddIe itOeio.Compityt th radio,44 whieOoOI tires, oîe, oeoo4Aooea ie autooleo,4th beI00 av4erge ,leage.LieeNy. 090064. 43974 167 MERCORY COCCAR 200CR :IARCTCP V8 auî,oo, oeal) it elbuIli 1engi , ons real weIISacifice0 sa0 leas- o er4tfcte yLielNo. AZK334 1972 PO2NTIAC yEN fi RA 400COR SEDAN 6 cyindr, a tom 4ic,-di, white o,0l 1tre,1 ott o ersyO Fo iehd ,e NeptuneoBu eith mate1459 bloe eoth nte49 Beow o-age m014104012,000 or I ,ear , oOOoOOy.LieeNo 02991, 1974 FOolOF 100 '.TON PI.K [IF 30 940 04,00 02 V sandrdhey 0419 sus 4100 9j W, C.010404 LCaper sh0l IFneîloelt PPe tioizu. --IelOIy 100404 t, oeid and ,ody te go Ths eîO 040 4 O O 0410 chle 10Lie No A3077. 1971 V0,IANT COSTER 1973 BE[ AIR 2 00CR IAROTOF 350 8 1.,l6t141y6001100448and1ba00014rdio and white vialis ReaIIy sîttîo Lie B607 94t AS 10 SPECIALS 1967 FIRESIRD t,c 010K 814 $875 GMAC Tioe P90001088Platn 388 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-2355 29, VEHICLES FOR SALE 1974 CHEV. SEL AIR 2000e yarop e, green07 940041040 /, 8 atonn 04e' 145 0po- , r 01 40ra 0i, rie ,eO aM,1 ilLi0 No JDH640 1974 FORD PINTO 1 0004 oje- 4y1ire r, standar,rd, wh lîti o iýN 444 eo e $ 9519 1 29. VE tee95000 PRC MATELY $39.0 LICE NC E0 sdWl.MECHANIC/OR PRICE APPRENTICE $2695.OS 197.1 HORNET AMC 1FcOR 00bus1s045404048 PRICE PleaseLContact $2695.00 Inglîs Bus Lînes bakes rad,0, 23,000 m04101-ore 60704Lo No. D5710. PR 1CR $3895.00 295 Main St. Milton e. î l,rv jý fpMîîteî l'141414)i r0 , e o.60 Yo 411 878-9942 877 3490 RICHARDSON: CH EV-O LDS HOME OF CH EVROLET NORTH AMERICA'S NUM BER AUTOMOBILEý Ail Demonstrators Now Qualify For Tax Rebate OPEN BA.M. TO9 P.M. MON DAY TO FR IOAY CLOSED SATUROAYS DURINO AUGUST. GREAT CARS AT GREAT SAVINGS JACK RICHARDSON CHEV*OLDS [ID. Hwy 25 S. at Derry Road 878-2393 818-3812 854 2171 LICE NC[ D MEIHANIL and franc,, Tf00414901 9904 MapIo Lodge Farms Ltd 011 oL70 0011 ot ofBampton, (Weoî,fo Llî4Oil IlBIdJ 1110 . oAve4,116 CHU 0LEIGH'S Apple E4îm RECUl RES Tractor Drivers Corn Bar-BQ CRefs Sales Persons Apple Picbers Weekeed and week day work. Persons must be 18 years or ovor. PHONE 878-2725 toefore your i ntervtow MEN & WOMEN SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS i FOR SEPTEMBER A0M P9M. ROUTE, For Futelnormation1040 INGL BUS LINES 854 2171 000 WILL TRAIN 341 I DRIVER W AN T EG0 FO0R AUTOMOTIVE PARTI GELIVER Y 40 hou,0041 Mth benefi4s 09010lu 1994 4 MIL [ON MA000011 ,1 ueî0 nrd,799 1011 e 1,44004 1000449n po, __ 809150008141010St0E 12r10008 ,1 4 9998e 00008,89and o alm,, ili train0800 8088,8a t u 0e perso 1 29 VIHICLES FOR SALE 1 dO heCaadanChmpon ed, og*atm97 I TRAFALGAR ý 1954 2lst 1975 MOTO S \ANNIVERSARY/ ,409 MAIN MILTON 878-2369ý 1972 PINTO 2 00CR JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE1 Ray Addy RAY'S CHOICE 1974 GOOD QUALITY USED CARS 1974 CHRYSLER NEWPORT CUSTOM A doo haret op, grayblac eror,0001 Iy equipped n0oi. on we.LieNo, HEH1860 PRICE 1974 DODOS MONACO CUSTOM $550 40 oorad top, bronzte parchbOlotleOOor, pab111108top, a, 1 tando099ep118and8air, Li,No. OLSiII PRICE $4295.0 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY Il '4dorsclainb8u black in ,tero,o, îWy quippe o ai Lie No. H0X377. PRICE $3 795.00 1974 PLYMOUTH SATELITE SEBRING 2 o 499, 104top, baby bIo lu , hie,1t10,,or, 599101, cnoe 8 bornatiîl, poer stoeog power bokoî, radio, 00logger, i rlOft oLîieNo. HOV36. R1 C $3795.0S 1974 D000E DART CUSTOM odoo sda, green, green i.nteri4or,6 yliner, auonnatcl4 power-îlotînraodio, white 8do e 111 oboelol eoOy Li No. APB812 PR 10E 1971 AMBASSADOR 1808i00 di0rin. 0This9one108,9 00ca0 B4M4R819, 080 00t- 989 Guelph St , Georgetown807 10 9.F00 98 64806Co vertilet, pwer b88I60, Power Baz 01111980,t,19LIGue000h 000.08000 l ,10 605 hardtop, 0,4 00ower,100,04 19I 90elphpSt It77o52 8 29a - 1.96010816049 S;toId o wer 0004 a010, steei,90and6wi0909s, 455 c i0n ch Th0 f s 00tof th m Oli 114. 41trU 404 NOTIC.E TO ADVERTISERS: 'ne Onté,b;t, ýH mon R.ghts Cette p,,h, bol- 'n-, ........... In. h9h, 1. me, ke the ,Z, .. -y h»lgll -- Od 55

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