Kinsmen Korner Lonergan, Robertson Kinsmen of the Vear The 175 KSismen year Hand einir Biyan cmlanendonJune2Oand Robetndeco Do was2 3333ebated looally by the Scalon and Bu3letin3 Editor Mîillon anad0District31club .10533Les Wood. 27 ai the Boyne Communily Present ai the dinner as Hall zone deputy governor Bob Hgligbls of the evenîng Homes o Sîreeelsville Kin ssre the aards. Bob sas recently elected 33nsmn ori331the Vear award Governor o the Onario Dis to theKinsman consid3ied to trict 8 and lbaoked the have conribued the mnost 10 M.A.D. club for is clp and the ideals o the associatio encouragement lrougbnut and the3 activil3es o the is campaign. President Bill M AD. club, as joioîlis MacLennanin relueil poned awarded 10 Paul Lonergan ouI 10 Depnly Governor Bob and Bryan Ro3betson. Ibal the M.A.D. club elt Ibal 'M1e cenege Currie Pnblie be on ad been eslremely Speaking ropby badt been elpol in the conîinued won earlier je the year and deseloposenl o the club in ils oas awardedto Kin Barry t3535 ts secono year An Tonner engaed sein was presented Nstlendance Ansnds 33350333 10 1 DepuIs Governor Bob 10 tbose Kinsmen wo li adt commemorate the special acieved 100 per cen general elaioosbip tat essts meeting alleodance lrougb beween the MAD. club and the year were received by 15 iossell. K insmen. Aller the amards, in- The Moaple Leaf tssad. sallation and and lormalilies mbcb is a association amard ail Kinsmen, Kîneîrs and for tbose esn Knsmen wsooin guesîs danced i010 the omal Ibeie firsl 12 monlbs o menn- bours o he3 morning 10 the b3esb3p compleled a partci- music3 o disc jockey Jim paion program. Eighl Thornlon o Brampton. Dru rnquin The Canadian Champion. Wed., July 2, 1975 B Community Party honors Harold Merry, Nancy Noble A CAIRN was completed last week ut the corner records the dealh of James McKinney, a native of the Eighth Line and Steeles Ave. by employees of lreland who died April 18, 1834. His wife Ann of the Halton His works and engineering ded in 1849. Two of the workers involved in the departments. The gravestones mounted in thse projecl were John Pimenlal, lef f. and Sam cement had been broken off and found lying in Tennanl. thse grass by a loul farmer. The tone at 1f t A WARDS NIGHT ut Use Milton and District Knsmen Club Friday saw a host of awards officially presented 10 Ue club and ils members. Retiring p residents Bill and Linda MacLennan, lef t, are shown with some of the bnners and trophies and they turn over the reins to incoming Kinsmen president Barny Henderson and Kinette president Barbara Wood. INSMAN 0F THE YEAR, an annual award in Kin clubs, was shared Uis year by two members of the Milton and District Kin Club. ryan Robertson, left, and Paul Lonergan, rigist, mode eqîîal contributions 10 Use club during 174-75. Deputy Governor Jim Murray congratulales them. M.3.D.Koosî33iO thissva rcîîs'd the %tapieLeaf033 2ardh533003333g in exss ofî 301 program points A Kin-3 mîillabove average inîisfirst 12 mîsîîhs o mcmbecsbîp may score in o330e33 of 100 poi nts and qualify for the Out- standing Kin3sman Awaeîl This 33233 Oian Gildea rcoived theo iîI133331dn lonorary Nie33331s53P335 Go ms, Edîlor of Thc(hsiiip ion. and 51,5e 1lonnei. assisanacooosant,Bankbof Comîmece ece insalled as HoooarlMemes o h33 membership is hestowed upon an ndividual considered t;, hav o 00033 353133con-0 loo offic hy the 0zone dc1uty of h33 Mssîssaîîga Kiosmen Club The exeeutive for the 176 Kin Vear comnmenring July are: Kinelles: Prensident Barbara wood, pasI presîdenî Linda MacLenniao. vicepresidenl Enelyn Speck, secrelary AIma Gildea. reasurer Carnl Wason registrar Heather Hand and Bullein Edilor Becky Tonner Klnsmien33Presiilenl Barney Henderson, pas-presidenî Bill1 MacLenoan, vice peesidents Bill Spech, and Barry Tonner, secrelary Bliss Flowee. preasurer Ls holday a fs ing in333 ni champion35333 13'333335333333sifi33333d 3313 M.3>3nday, 50033.Tues, L33 33313013553 soine 33both days 31Bu33-3vers 33and31 333533335333,33 Milo 1,323gouns o pen33533333e30333W5331533d.v hrough nextîMonday foi« the surniner Charnimon class333 5'I3353iied3 4-H tours feed miii By Scot IHarris O June 25 a Halolon 4-1l Field C rop Club meeting was beld aI Reid Milling Ld., Mississauga To 'tart the meeting mc mee nloducedto one of the mlî's lob ecbnicians. Ile sbowed us arousd the lals Here tbey teslfloureandlcry 10 deselop nemer qualities of flour Aller Iis mc ocrein trod uce d 10 the supecîn- tendet andsîmanage othe Tbes 3hosed us thcough 1033 plants. One plant basfo 03553033 floue and 2001her3 plant m2331for35033333g M any lIanhs go t10u leaders At Law3son and Cecoi Armlyworm arrives [033Mark Leahyl Aemnyworm socco icol lourd on sucl'3y about10 da55 ago. Worms oosrangeuplto .pprqximalely one-balfinîch n f(ngtb and 0205b ond io grasses. snoall grains and coon, but gcnerally oo popu- Howeve3, 0one3report13in ds cals acelatively hgh population on shat isBant coOnyfit cIould develop into Ili3ghest a r3ni3y3%% o3r3i growth or Iodgcd a2«e's3i233 fields.sInfestatios îs 3333bc h 3303311031 arly bfhc53 ex-033 tensive 533leal and 133.333 3333330 os sscn oder 5to ma3333h To inspect sewers on TV are g33333g to bcteleve03d. The Pub3llic WOocbs Corn 313331103of lallon flegooal Cotincil acceped atom, tender ,i 36 :50 pet o2 ocra aunir 3per ei3g155 front,day 1[coin30Willamo lîw ss oscales of3Ha1lton,îîsîî 5333333333333l the3530333333333331 te1.50533333333333up0500 5033 hitik it's ab331 te1 33o53333g IiîOcl.50cofPulic3 33331c330 0î"o lhe13330333055 i nî 33,33 eu 33333 3333 Oz'3333 if if3 a3 cd 53333j 3333 133133133533 .3333333 333 31 31333 (3l3353î33collet]33 theS tele'o sure3301 05- 01ro 3î e 31333333main3 333303p333505333333,333 WHRRL HORSE, 0F COURSE!f 4WHEEL HORSE Jlawn &garden tractors Complete fine of Lczwn & Garden Equipment writ,.3your dectl " SALES " SERVICE RENTALST" C oSen oe . 033. [ s. onen RE OR BUY ARiMO I ANGRDNCNR Headquarters For.. 0 CIL Fertilizer " Plants e Shrubs " Seed e Fertilier " Everthing in tawns& Garden Supples Pienie at Boyne I i Nb-Iril Pa,î33o 3333333.3303 3y01pat3h is ex- Icîîded In 3al oho m00333the pa333i533 of15Miss0 \32gacct D)ouglas, at Joseph Brant333 1133pî121 3on0Salocday, Juneîî Miss350333g3 DulsIcogsurv 13333hy hf c33îneandr .103333 ie 3313an ,îephoo33, a31h3a .3 33003 503333d 1330 Gs2520î F333133302 3333330103va,23fieldifo3î33l105335 Tucsday, 1wi oh 3in- 3333033he of the ohu, r33.33and 33o333333330333333331l 033333ch 3333 shilî iSho 33332 a3 [33 *133 N3,33353 ci3333533333and a %%il] 513313333333333333 1 n3îan3îîWho lon33g r000330lohol hch33dl33, .133 335303335 Pr3es cr33233 33133330133333233hld 21 113350 Centre3 on33333Sîîodav. .13353 :3, 3333153333,3533335allonslaîîcc The group met for 13330dinneîr 333312.lis 133311333333306 hucl33 o3lsh533 1333303333c I0en03oe bs al 5333333335i1(33Hospita îl .3 a .ld By30Mrs es ri3 Pattersn33 Neighbbss 13333ds an3d relatives gatheced a3 Boisni Cntre on Tbusday venosg Juse 26 foc a pc3e033313333 porty olooolHarold Mccry and his brdetohbe Misso Nancy Noble of M3ilton Eucbrc w5s e3333053d uni lunch 13me 0315 prizes for3 high scores a33302d33d 3333 533 Norma W3isons and Elmer Bailey. TSlieg33333W 3331f33333333330vere3 Wcesented 033thelie f31, a eautifl traistrmn cloch in antique3 333303 Clareoce For33d Jr. as chair- mn gave the33lbc ddress.3 0355300 the îooog couape mueh apporss andI ail gssd tbsngs lfor 51333333future,13Harold1 and Nancs expres33ed 1heu3 appr3c3323330 on fo lise gift for lbcl 0330 home o for33 he 133 p3arlis 2and happy tin33033 îogoîbeaod 3331052chance foc the hsdetohe o 103333333 larolds neighbors a il2333d friends 3in35the 3country1c lunch as s33333vedI and33ail1 hall bouc The 0303333n3v 3323 Colin 333Mars3hal Ho ldso and533 Nancy3ld333g503 in3 13332033Anglcanî Chorch. Milton o30 n Satuday .13333 M. Une it3ll3h 30his arets tl 03333133335333 3353333thv 333331 Hareold Ys mai321033330 in Art. sn o 0303333100 33333333333130333330 ai 5333 333333333 Six3513 1L303, aller a3.33 310333Yi 31333133333Hospital.52 FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM CONTINENTALS COMETS -MONARCH MONTEGOS BOBCATS 12 PASSENGER -COURIER PICK-UP CLUB WAGON -F 100 PICK-UP -F350 -12' VAN -F700 -16VAN EQUIPPED WITH ELC AILGATE LOADE R Some Cars3 Ar Cood33333000d For a Day! a Week a Month' a Yeir! for 333ou r 31333 Drap in and Check Our conomy Rates *SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES* ~ii IIL H ~ U Ii 'I fl1I I~L y ~ TOWN& COUNTRY ABATTOIR 126 STEELES AVE W. HORNBY 878-3923 FREEZER SPECIALS SIDES of BEEF 200-220 Ibs Clt & Wappsd (33 9c,) HINDS of BEEF 100-110 lbs CLt & Wrapped @ $1 .29ib FRONTS of BEEF l1 110ibs Cut & Wrapped 85C lh SIDES of PORK 7510lObs Cut&Wrapped 89 c lb RETAIL SPECIALS THURSDAY & FRIDAY 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. STEAKS ITBONE SIRI OIN or WING ROUND SFEAK RIB STEAKS PORK SPARE RIBS PORK LIVER 11.89 s $1.49 ib. 1.5 '2.80 1.59 ib $1.59 lb. 55c lb. WEEKLY SPECIAL STEWI NG VEAL $l1O'. FARM PRESH VEGETABLES, EGGS & CHIOKENS THURSDfAVS & FRIDAYS CLOSED MONDAYS Mco Wllae Simpson and lier gran3ddaughie3 Mi3ss Picia53s 2McNe3il 33raned IlsIsrns 30o friea i,333333300 Miss 33ud33333 field ni Us had .5Vrica2 herc3 ,lie30lias33 3b3333d f16 31533333 1333352.3as1lier3333333331333ough dra33 23331ail33end. 31This3 533033333 and333333 îc30ted lady lSas hoso veyus dursgher slavîin Canada, gîoss3g tlîboand lectures335on0her duties in Ibat la c off field. OSincece syropalby io ex- ten3ded 50 îîugh O'Connor and O'Connor03333 aosîly on 5the recnt e ath 132 bof iheirse 53133 055330 Mr, Dan 11(03335033 3w IToronto30133 Tho deceased as in her 86t5h50233 Shemwas hsrn al, Milton3,an is surviv33,sed by 5cr 333033 John,0.Enîosetl, Tî33O P13333533133 Geoc33 3 23and 331233gliters 33Marie , Grtrude an ar3îgret Avpdlable M *front your Co Caoperatîve . .:4 ohnson à b ug * Ul I - 25-rbornEi NOW ONLY $2 200,1 - PYHRETH RIN S,. 25, PIPERONY 3 BUTUXIDI 1.25 ROSE DUST * or SPRAY C0ü lscs& D seaspon Rs. * & * 4 'bs v $529 * e W wiIIk ý- i-osed M until further notice =BRONTE ST., MILTON r - 878-2391 C* L O 2 LCO-OP t' *CC -.i Tî...uîîîîoDîl ~VERY ITEM YOU NE O DAI LV ITEM RATE Askf3 1333333 31313 .. 3 33 3:300 d lo y~ ek 4 00 k33ys I 33333310 M I9L T -1 7: DOMINON HADWAR mi a-" .1