86 The Caniadlan Champion, Wed., Juts 2, 1975 IODE National 75th anniversary John Milton Chapter founded 64 years ago Bs Joas e Beatas 1 n thîs Itersatioaa Wisesv Yeac 1975. il iv itereetisg ta dîg ach io th hîtsyîot sone oaOu vstssleetivasiensveganiza- tiansoasd finit aut hsss hev a'eelaesied, asdwhy. The IODE, Impectai ilcdee Daughtecs oi the Empice. is 7 yeacssld in this yeaclu'ien the ivrlit iv lasasing ail asmes Seventy-ise usai s aga the IODE sas lacoîcd durisg the armns iaOys oi the Saath Aleîsaîî Wae Mes (loch Murray iof Masrecal caseveithe idea aid the ievi shapîer as iaemed nii Fedccîss, New runcswaickh Taiiay the rgaiaaiîas as shaptees ini eveey paovsnue aîîdlteccîlae5 ofCaaada. Lite is 15 ia fa arc cci leai lite s ins ýIl iv a ticiliae la lise laaadisg semheev ihai lheîe eacty sasseets have pcaided a iens taasdatiori1 Isrcthe geaalh ofthe vital, reevant ocganiatsifiai the IODE lv laday Ediisalios, seieseand iieshiiparee vtlîithe chiet sassecsîsflise iiedee. Masî poncer pairrîs sadeciahen Li the paviar sais gavreaiesi eSpoils bisîiîieies ees are con- vssciai sf elsareas of chalege aîîd sadetahe e pjerîs a h thesau ee oi dedîsatinanad esaiiy of prpase ils hein pce- decsîlev T, , ',!,iitcathi 7(h an îversaes îifihe finîg saiasals iN fhe IOD1E a Caîîadîaî bril, dep rrd larihunai ro cse %, as Praseedsieaai tlirsale a isa lir,lardN rave iîaah iii supp cleearn r hiiiiaeu lririiaey. Il is a eaaiisl ývn ifi le lrders Ti lnOaio eiatse arfathle clive issies î iilcliste the caueafgsrlic caaa.elliis If ad in asce a travelliag gaeic couasellilag irais aiîh 1h1 sîia centre lit Ontlarioi a iece 110ia aîîassrliîag iv iilii)edisl availahis. Jîsho Stuttas i hapter [OD0E ta Mlilon uaa lourder!ini 1911 Iii saîîlr ladies a liii lire sssvîdecîsg thelfracionaofsa aieadisg cluh Thai waa 4 yaarrvaga ohcîî Mia F C Nilliasil la Pio Pleeso iih Miss ilastirdoa a ssii ha asaarila aha hall hecrs saaaisiased la paî'lt a prtraîlit 1Dr. avsoBack. Ii canversatias aillihies CliniiCampbsell. cks daîgthe daller iof the vrý Campisell, asiadn Daughiec ai the F iipire îîîîîîedîair-lî sagelllise shapter. Thersia v is ain .)uaîe 6,11,iiai lie hborneiof'rs. ttacsîsg the tJohn Miltoni Chapter sas lrsird, of liii 25 ladeîrecrit,17 cisraî saessheav Thrlitvl fice oece itegentl Mrv F ( Pilniotsai rirlalMr, Sîdra' Tiiîhris giies Msail alli ý ll s lnrai,îîHiiuii 'lSiHan Bo sr îi Eliiriist nasiedi> Kili flying insects stop foui odors safely effectively inexpensively automatically MUFIRAY HOO Yaur Authoriznd AIR GUARD CONTROL Dealer Today 87-628 Milon ,;,,.psIak, Readîinîg lis cilgiri tlie careullllisrpi ssrap hiosiia il lie îlegal,îtloairîl is us a ngisloa is lîclil k lutas ailias re oii dsrhisg iisrl,îruhîl c i ,ere Ihes i i o la 1914 ail 'I l t i eslsriîhaiis lit cini li r saw1-rits fo li the ioerolonlîor su rds 155 pairs iai vsis s lentilflaIl ivîiia specîalpin,ithe fst olie gulîs mîl aildaîa, fii lainknia granid total ol Ijoiilpaisaiofsicss Ams ii'eressiig 51151 iv lic ý s heprr5111a- linsoflifeinemrishiip Women in Ha/ton Sixth in a seriesW e iî.îîiges la six Milonnse Ih uvdoesieas. The 1-plenlla 1,5111Msdams EricîRetls on.iiD.ilR.Wae, 5 K. Itîisarîls .1 5VSah tJ. i tisaand i is s K atlseen Aheilconclssion ofWsaid Wari il aisaiadreery Chîristms,s liwssieusent i the %%or ma idiiaa Tise isr i a.pecia as international Women'sYear 1975 l t 1 CUTIIN(î THE CAKSE at he golden ana versary of the Jnhn MilIons Chaper IOD1E are fsar ofte otcaN s ha plaved a big part in the day's pragram i1961. Fram left orght are hostess NMrs F.McNiven, Regesl Mc aJhn Vernon, Rege t usi h96Yto andfrain 1922ta 1925, Mrsv E E. YaIs and lesa ovne ras.F. M Master. hoi'Id We Tsso From 1939 onssaeds the Jiohn Miltons Chapter agais ga v e of ils ime, masey and taetinitheisecotnd cali tor snacwk. In additio, on earh Rememheance Dlo sembees o the Chaptee have alleisded the Memoeîal Day seevice and paced a weealh at the folt of the cenolaph, In the ealy yeaev of the Chaplee the seed for a lispîlal ini the Mlon distict uaavdiscassed .Tathîs end Miss E. Bastedo staeled a haspilal fosd silh an exhihition aI hec paislingv. the pceeds of which irere $il. Thcaagh the years Ihis fondhbasheeiiaddedto and a susvasiial sam was made asailahle toc the Mlon Distictiel tspîlal ahen it a finally hut Pioeee emetery Oue exireenely aoeih-ahile piere ob schssas undeelahen ii 1928 shes the Pioneer ilemeeyssaseresiced. Conihutions lesas pîioe descendants asd leons Chapler donations amusased 109$943. Thehcruvhscas eutland sieaeed assav. the groand ieveled. and as îeos lence placed aloiig the front. The John Mlton Ciaplee a as Cassinued on page B7 Your CHAMPION CARRIER s opecating his or Sec Ploase heip he paylng peomptie uhen thon sali to csiiect at theenosfa eaah masîh. They do- pend on y505 If yo'ree mosu egplea se Pasyaaa acieapto RING "RADAR" and WIN A TRIP FOR TWO TO BEAUTIFUL JAMAICA CAI CALL -ff1ýýN -- - ei Leave your Nome, Address & Telephone Number & the Year you'd like ta hear Music from. Radar selec#s a dQily programer & puts his or her name in the draw September 5th for the Grand Prize for a trip for two to via Air Jamaica & a week's holiday in Jamaica. WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! X I)U', XMItlI)D,ýYFOR TW'( SRING0ii RADAR* *.** à** A JOHN MILTON CHAPTER IOD1E elecled the R. Mackay. Seconid raw are Mmes G. F. Thomp- 1975-76 executive rscently. This is MuIons 641h soa, Cackam, M. Ravberry, J. Sproat, 1D. E. Mar- year. The national IODE was formed in t900. Lo- is, N. tL. Pickell. G. Bussell, F. Edwards and T. cal members f rom te t in the front row are A. llrîlhiîîsas Mmes. H.R. Magee C. Peacnck, E. W. h'oster. m~uu uDmf r-omesteaca INTERIORS - FURNITURE 1 DOES IT AGAIN!I FOR OUR WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 to SATURDAY, JULY 5 We have purchased a trucklood of high-back Colonial and other style Swivel Rockers fully upholstered in Hercu Ion and Nylons Rockers by ""Vogel"" These latest styles iriclude e Buttoîi tufted bock -~ e Wrop-a-tîaund wings a High density faamn seat cushion ~ wrapped in Fortrel a 5 legs, steel swivel mechanism Regular sugges#ed retail $28900 Sidevialk Sale $ 10 Speocial i9 Alil merchandise throughout the store narhed down for this sale! Also Cash & Carry Speciaas