64 The Canadian Champion, Wedl. July 2, 1975 jow)c (Pea(toh Pre/udice Ai a poblie meeting liai long 060 a public relations man for a large corporation made the insinuation, 001 ance boltlaice, ihai prohirmo andhine 16e compaey ocre hecase o "the lile gai ai head offic" r -a bouscaile ibryhireloado the job." The aomen in hionaudece ocre nrprtoed ai 'bc lîirsrmark and anmoyed byis secondThe corpraion bas an equaioaoîberofien adnon empinycco aod yel il papped ialo ls head 6o16 blocs ta 16mete peohicans on the aamcn, nsooaling "Wb'ti can youcepecilfromn onien"- lies a good goy Voicingmciydismayia malefiîendio'as qnchii asord "he's rcaiiy a ice goy aed 'an sure he ddn' meanltheanay isoonded" l'mnsure he ddn'ieî1her, bol htls ouaiiy the case 'aib maey instancen ai ldd.a prjud.Jîca \la th1eoune if anc oopped la thnk eanc anldl rke 'rS dscrminatory 'ansreno 've heard the aying "Sreodice i0 leaned a themohr's koec.r similarlow oints;. We il, prejodice is deeply ingrained ia moifus. In he Amerîcan soulh soieewahie poplie aie the bhacks soimach h by cao tasic il. Il asked 10 tel] o one sperir inotance ahere one partielar back man bas bren case for hins harerd. lt'o omeiesendficli 10 gel a saiaglaiansaer The back rcedons anaemeni cao b6ein mnty waays n1adanî1616haofwoamen'soicouggie.Soneof the prejudcescoun vry deep Somaofithecrcanons are verysaoloan Miiant blanks dAanî16 the back mosaeel il aas the mliant [action, nol the SMartin Lather Knga bai brmughi 1he prohem shacpls'ania locas. 1melamembreafthe Black Panwer m aemeni a hie ai 'a loman Rights runs deep Cnerncein NewnYork i ffoiie aaaaan, mchto my srprise tjosiasosome men are sarprised oben the aomen ie 16eîe hoonehoid begîn la make ýaane.s, and bcanas ai the opnonithatifil alk faied iberer anmid be a iondy oprisief Ai the wonchhop foiiooieg a pung ahite man told honesiiy ai is feeling oaard the blackso "If a black person is comîngitoward me onteibsireei 1 doni bknoan aýhy. utlanlrihraieeed. Someimsicrosslthe Women 0arc peple I'rrîudîcrowaard aomen arc lac more oobite. Teacyîaaiortain remarks ooch a"s -omn care ioo 10 bonl oid doano an important job," or "Theccos nopoint training aanomae for promotionanhen they onyaworhouniil Cey gcprcgoael " .ny emack ibai lumps peope logether in groups accordînglto religion, caine. race or oco as dangerînîs Peaple arecîndinîduais. lacs doni orecessariyhase good rhythm,. lialians oeni guaranieed 10 bc good loers and ooiail Chrislians are sinfiy.Ncî16cr arc ail %vmnflghiy and disorganized. Mliantwi e Soi ail oomee are aoring ontl th1e tiîmc iey iecame pregnani Samtiîmesro aoen become regeani 10 reicase 16cnscines froma a oring,no iuilre'lypc job. Becoeoîeg pregeanti o a ociaiiy respecifol tihîg 10 do. Fighting for your rîphis for promotion and eqoal p), s onaidcrrd "uniadyliic" and ponha' Parla o the aoaeno anoncaeni hase becoanc miiant. Soane o ome el sao angird in hir rhome .Situation lbey are eaving it ail bind 16cm. W'rce lineanîdst of a revololson. aheieror acknoaicdgr i or Step into the past Women visit Bronte Creek Park Snatitractive Jonc da il smeira cotindtaons fac the Neson ibamens lnlîti' pronee11, the Oroole Crcrk ltatatiPaîrk N\',o anee eleomeci 6e Mar Mtta'Peao. Vadatr Se rtît'aC rdataor athetforma il1 I'îgehrtraneart hbatacI eaof 2., Iigbazi' , perantlif aed asth 1e pal* office Iwoofilmafertamti o atte parh oerc'baanad the frst camntator, George Athaoa oîîlined ita origino paoncd praccdorc. 'aed progren to date lic coplaînca te 20001 acre arra a la osee te eds of ioelivng inîhcs denerahaiod and fast graa îog bell belocen Torono ad iHamilton. Il 'il, hope ful, proide 1e a isiior w016 atcciaxed atmosphcrc. enj oa ament ai Irsure. anod a chance lot cas l aran le in tvaiu phasesatanasîin theceacia the oiacv oi threraeod1 'on e tar. Grdo le onahio aiheco ifra. ibat ahle tbe (coup abrbcd tis iomtiIon.pctace'fllahcd "howang the16etacitt. n ldbfe, costructionand.aachangcof the pachiioci The gcoap tbî'a aicîato aa prei abrter on t e tormer Pcheti ('trn A1 short1 ttusnessasesson oo taacter ind it wasideridlao ancri She Iloaltile.fuie 15 oiaog l Ilaitat onstitat Oy thîn tiane al ere'tuisioad hatgrs ta desoar 1he assoriral auantihia oi amid uppiad by the ladiesa (acianrohe prnîe area'and the homte ta netsit t, a tamiter rode n 't barse drao t :eatt aagon. a btrh actsas a aloy evce iding is uaaN Irautaghe mî"tdaans ta ha' rtoaerd hame aif Ience Srcthas.the de'otrati'ao bas lataiet ai lcori pcaanitced horriecerapaai frisadgrainsan'tdowhib facmeia rtoaaprosperous rural onimui ailOle memberein o tctrair. Mcas Il, Burtkhoder, ai ongtitoa rtîdent. aeaed herîfara nî OocioaahRd.,aics noo a pat of aithe' l'a c om pic Olîdrîtdays "tac same antertof the lienr, Bliceon homae, ilt i', a udeghfai exeyccaclreor il mant rieminosetngof ol ader dasa Shaahoptiaty eîgaed anadgond timaesacre spet!o ta ibte ilswailis Although mil a1aîaîc canaplete. the housei s tcstrrd'attarlyas'tposibleît taIllis origaiatondtiona'ntd i' larlaînhngs typîr'tl aithît ea. f s pleatngittatsît îand 'ta cdita ohse espansable toi, theprojet i liasicsea ta îcaditîoaa)costal rnearard reicashorneat All raeltrai Salirnfelga sne of prîde lac 16e tai vtin fthe ra Aitogh si nIaits n t cy the m'ter painadesigned in gromantd raitlacrpeoape'ai al walks inle ROCKING HAPPILY in o tiny chair ai Milton District Hospital is Jody Reid of Milton. The young patient doohed for the rocker juot after it wos presented to the hospital on Saturdoy by Mrs. Becky Tonner of the Milton and District Kinettes. The group in the past h,1% îioo given the pediolies wrd a high chir and a paypen. Kt'cp abreasi ai sports Georetown Denture Clinie happenings ita SMtlton ît a' or The Ciatpio sports 106 Guelpah Street sectionIN 7x, 1.Fost Office on No. 7 H glvwavî *Ladios Fash 005 for Spring & Sommer ~ lro~ NEWtYORK0PAOS 1(6 oe& 'aor Uio oms Ca a Castume Jowo ler EXCLUSIVE oIEUlit* ltùii LADIES'VVEAR 246 Main St. 8036 ébampion/Famiy êWe Obituary Ruby Morion Ruhy Asirlia Morion of 40 Haion Cenienniai Manor Ontario St, Milton, died Jone Auxiiary, Snoobali Woanen's 9 ai Milton District Hospitli nstitute and aas the cierk ioilowtng a ienglioy liness.oiih .KEmanunlri aptitl She was 67 years oi age, the Church. ifr gol the tair William Sheanas cery acti'e in the George Morion. Baptisi church aitl iorr fie and Bot n ai Norsnood, (loi Juir csprciaaiiy njoyrd aoring 31, 1907, Mrs. Morton as the anah rhildren in the chorch. daogherof the ]aie Margaret lier foerai wao fron and Thiomas Pailerson. She Emmsoaael' Ciîrh loor 12, and Mr. Morion were Palor Dr. J. tsronog loarrird Nonember 20, 1026 ai offiriaird Iîîîrrmroî was ai Noranood and had six Milton E vrrgrrrn Crmriery. chiidrro. 24 grandrbiidren Palihearers lore hersoos. anditoogreai graodrhildrero and soo iaa Leonard Si. lier childrero. bacnon and Joiho. ooe daoghler are Rosseiiof R. R. 4.Acion: Harod oiHorn- hy; Rail hof Oahnie, ';~ Eerriliamiioîî, han of ~MILTON Milton and Margarel aiSrs , Leonard Si. John) of i-orohy.i E PR M fine of sxchidero, 6cr TE E H N heoihers are Ottie Pailerson, Paveiock and Floyd, lOrroîl ANSWERINI Michigan. Gordon and Rari lUA pre-deceasrd 6cr. lier sinier SERVICE Mary liadley lbren ai Rich- eCONFiDENTIAL mond Hill. OCOURTEOUS Mes. Morion reccivrd hec *PERSONALIZED formai dcdaaion atNo aood pubiean hghsc, he 818-2020 a a0a1 member of the "MARCEL" & £ A 'JOHN" z i THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL MAPLE LEAF WIENERS -Perfect for Barbecoes" FORF REEZ E RONLUY- ECGNOMY BEEF FRONT ......63 clb A SIDE ....... ..13c b. HIND........ 95 c About the town with Dolores Melanson Phone 878-3138 Jae Sibeldsinîd hisntla le catît Glasgoal brttiaod Si' haîme ai lacs hbetaiertnia Tomttoaa"'and Jia"t 'abelds A 5 ChutrcbilSte ns' hope they arc rno itig11 hie otiriilaton. Ha'ppy brhda saiîhî'a ga ta Joan ('oulson and et tatghier Danîta. 29011 'neSt .iaîaelelbrilti 6cer Srt(ia mi tîte 2'tandîaiittta i lta'îd heit ita. tont laie 25 Miaîta S.ayîa!a',i dît ire ot to11ita Fhampsonofai liaa'h'o cerla t," t l'tl att, tt N ia l tta tt1,talî tti Sa I "iltttl aa hion aaadaarî iltrdatJaate'tI;ta alrro ',ttra Scmaats oniltt 'aat (ilbialitt Int-rldat 'i'elera t nas alniso tcl jýtl tabtte ta Icilciooint for hstgettcrauiatitttatattttli lt i, o lattîttatCort MS, Rîdaieli spalie att6e- ialifteten5' calantaiFaminte irt'tdec piaeai[lie pia lortcheiaieldai og AStri a tt'ditat a 'a, - o o Iaoaaa AiT. MOORE INSU RANCE 854-2271 Take off $500 5 vaeekn' micieri ha pIeu a i19 S Novv S4.00! Take off excess pounds vvath Caaadai s icadiidtg ateightS * oitriîcal liL'tlaOl n home centre Si. Fails Unted Citatch Min tiS. & Jaoc Mondie, 7.30 p.m Tf< couintef'weight. C(E NTE'N 'N1 1, 11lA\1R STý ,I G (formeriy at Shoppers Worid) NEW LOCATION: CENTENNIAL MALL /f EXPERT HAIR CUTTING Foc an appoîniment cal 1-457-5550 Lîz Frame -- LIZ SA1l'S. "its the tSmo o h e yaf nacoy 000sommer funn in sun.A nc i h at seller waaf 10 ake adaantage o Oearto0s 5eaaîifal sammer Iban ilS pt sncs and bacbnqacs The erf Thano non help you add a iouch of class to Ibose oaitdmr meais. Come in and106e a ook- an Sae theacry t hing yoaa)) need! ( perpbg. Pienic Baskets Paper Plate *frwym"1898 ll<4ders $279 . .. nd for your Pool and Patio Parties Salal Dressing Boittle Holdùars $329 Paper Flaies & Servoentes The F0 frct Giftfor Yoar hosteso. ýý Come in and Brnaaîýe MILTON DOMINION HARDWA2E 0 27Min St. +878233 GEOURGETOWN, ONTARIO Maemhrr C oltal stSociety ai Ontario J. KOHARI O.T. J. NOVAK D.T. "COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE" PHONIE 811-8914 451-6125