2The Canadian Champon, Wed.,JaIp 2, 1975 -R e is a Ra mautarsing h first recipient of new award T anautaringh a pat ptasdntaof tihe Hltlon (Battee of the OttaioSeondaî-y School Teachers'Fedecaton .ithe- ht-at Haton recipeaitf tS G B RbahîsnaM'iria lAard foraautstanding sericeto teaehcî-a Ramnautarsiiaghtrt-ident of thelaltan GSSTF fat- hnayeat-s. asnchasen farthlie atard hy the ar-t1000 mtem bers of thie allon district The aaard is a mnemrial of Dr.S. G. BRobinîsonfirst gt-ît-iaisect- lt-ayi the CSSTF and tl was stuck by th Ftd-Ot atins Provincial Eat-ctia't Conit in Jonc, 1974. Prpmef the new aaardis to n ti ahf nd hnsar lt.,asea-haveicachievted ahigh standatdof service ta the secndati chatit teachr- thtoagh their atgant zation-tlfpone Roinisotn aaard canobt gtct-îanîiaatfv hp a district. An autpahrit tttcatt-o at cchcrti righta. Rantoolarsingh ta-tee oas etecîrd perideiti af the litaitn SSTF. despite a challenge ta his leadership haut it-achtes aha frl i fac stimatasiec- reationsawithfhe Bairdoif Eduatiattateedataaging the praft-sian. H aaîitasy ictarîrs. Ramaat.,rsingh tsoachieaf th distinctian f t-teivnghe Prvincah,itdaoftMrnt ini 197, the iafht-st aisard metaherai ottht- lattiS atettaer tiaTF- eta fie a proýticing teacfîcr He receieîed htsM.A. tiniisioatlricdiLaurie- Uiveirs-ity t in172t-ndhs Materaof dcatian (Uivsitiy ai Tranta)-in 974, A Gcrgetaa n hîgh -choud teacher Tant tfanatatigh has ah vi)ttaticat the prainciai lt-set inciading thrOtarioashtiiatiaa fr Criuu Dect-iapmntvOnaio tResearcah tticiilt-t-ading 75. 7f (Yath Uiversatyp, Asatahsg tht-Cutricufanm Branch Mtiiisit-e f Edacato ina- assestng oîîd restewictabohasi hich at-t added ta the offical Minis- try ai Edacatian haaklist. In histarît-r caret-t- he as hten aonsafaher inga. sectt-tarttathe- fteeta 'cahiatilitgantzatfia Cmitiites' tartht-lai eti eets itet-atiati ht-tre ttheii-ptilla of coi itbardsa Ocegate ta yaîthai oneiîitintî tatdat--Ergiisttandtmne tthet-tin oc t etia a Singleton retires t-et i o is it a -u tuittin w"d l, i til. a altnJi igletn ofi, , o iin i ions i hil ay rtrO t hrsa' ' ii it ilcted t mting ofbh Oltn oliletr teii r"go ai Edacatita il1ht 1tl' ni, irae Singetonaho asbt iaiieen ptitiý it-ectrfat tf (l aattaF i ,liaise l iitht-titci-t tOtn i ctat-d wai- n it fth fBtardt-ifhifa> ,etoin- 1969ttaishbeitgtre- tii th anti-tdiith patt paetth sistiatitctttcaitt l-iat.ilstevSigle ai Etdîts-oai iitittice F iln auttthee arctttn sta Lavt-ndte-citIl-, oittfinup hefitce the Af tht- neetitng fie %tast itîactibut thîîsgbt tbe am otilî prestaite ietîh gifts, taettti 1F tiî ci itoeroet-tbemIa it ing anew caa-t-Boardtslt tsiiadetthe teatchti aand Chaît-nan Juta Airxntiii the cbosaff-ti iv hi in Liberal ring Julian R ed,39, aisittta saysht- can snpptp hîs ft-mîtp figr t- ta tht- fighlta t-ree t- aimtamilhandnt-g-- Nrval sehant a pt-, ast- tables, tad hnptttntty his t-mî tnsat-d hîn ati n tht- ring. ini hpdt-apaint-t. Ht-ts ostbuild- an att-mtp, nta pit-retht- tg hiaawnadam tad gent- Lîhecai nmaationorft-the t- ing statioa. nets Ha t -aBatîngiona Allet- gradnatiîg ft-am t-dîng tlA.C ht-n-t-oRtait-rn On- Wt-tl-na n n Noral - tarin sat-eoman tnt- Mapte a-fit-t-t-hic lt-mit av t-e int-O leafiitng('f' ura ptarn, it-ie lt-2f. Jafit-no fame tht-n lt-itt- ith tht- tiagg- aptead fatthtr afîeid a-ht-n e Daites Lahaeatarien, aiha ptrhed tht- bait-e n hitet-odace cheatîcats fat- feed Narvaltathaaton,-andtrail- fortification. ed tht- ahate cîllage ta tht-e rt-riheret- e fth ehîi- tase. ife it-mesaht-t-f the ptnngt- tatasho husiness, eastcuteaof NoraaCatit tlt-c itaittg lis debt ta nîuniy Associttion inhoaratt-ight npt-ra, ta a Glberitad tna ît-ing ta et-at- tht-vct uivtîan production. achat-i tad gt-aaîdsast-a MrReed bas ben invnlct-d cnmaaaatycene.- in musicnîceht-c ant-îght As anatt intatelt-ciasionatt ycoad. oîging ta tht- chnir tammeria-t ilsiafact- so f Noral Utnited Chrhand tamîtîarttacienet-a ta Libbyn anasataitina ait-t-nht-t heans, Tridetigaî, Gent-rt-ttharches. Tire, baith, and ta the Bt-t- Sfintg ht-n hten a big soniianditcdge ma-gaztinet-td partfaIhia lite, tad as cht-ceMr-Read iaoh'c-rîing funîdg skippeîofthe 2sd inisshs.naFe andfilsaîtfe bat-af RatetCreo, Ht- ats Ditana oad tht-t-rchîtdt-en the ftîoNar tt-ident laocb Clrittotptir 14, Rbtae 11, aicarded Qootno at-at-i and bintait- 5, ccaaîana1ltt hanars appeart fgethet-i ta ier cias.He -t-yotht- ht-tilettaht-tp Ht-tnt-fon actantpiihtd Nra cooat- ht-ct-ht-tn masccan tad singtr ad hts tht- sparh thtt made him appeart-d ta mat-y iatt-cai decietit-taetnter pnltîiîts'If pradactitans, Hic ltitenhîg ttte tao pet tnt-peonple Fiddtcr an tît-Rt-ai tcere ie avhotnieat-he insi ta ynn ta payed the lt-tdia g t-aie natatonifitîy tad yaa-e Mit- Rt-id attendt-d Nitetat thippeif yaitct-a t-th-r te- puhlie vthaai ahat-il mas ta teatt-f hu yîa ana]filent-v twa-t-anmed chnl, aîîd ttet tait ight-.tliestid tht- gnt- Miton Hîgh ochant He lt-g tf tht- nînht-ofaI]ittht- gradoated ft-m nmtatio gti- Naaipent-te to tnt-atch rculture Citifege tnom, iiter lar hua o ta tnd--Tht-tht-st sit fGuel-ph, inantima-tht-- fgoi'rnmcnîmusticnmt-ut- andrp is9, tad nomputsfo l-a-ithe pt-apte tidawn hîohnantiedgtfagondtuse ft-iithi gati'taetttofthe rannng fteff100ttacreOflo. Ht- peple.- JULIAN REED Gordon won'trun for Liberal post %Il t ltCau i i 1titi tDtt t ai doitlians ueutîtîut ta Libîeat înominationtîflar bhe ne, elditi f iii on BIrittifln t a teieîBone antt-t-att-a bis a Fth e ciian curcll s id thift tîght nit Bt didnltOatltlie Sepleihet-orat),lebeIl utitohi petialtoh sati liai-titi - 1fieauî (Jolit i et the tilfthe Wi 10 e bF' it ajob, îlîîîînIlleîtdonc 1ieheen appoacthed, bliai f itFuttd' t ltutt iitifn lattans itttiitvt-ttnintitfed Actitn tîtl) OI pricial Garyt- laitt a oltmth and mat-t .ohtn tf tnrihen Miltonnai ihetî candidate. Jîtabîtaîl awhulforthett-tv eîght net-t-ohtst-tptesetiitd ans fi tut-lB uth ant-d itîaitteietttitht-et-attiotn ni ait. ti[ n lnaget- eept-eaeni hisaratt-Hei runarîîcg ta tht- l iitOtîîng ai titis nal net sci a daiitefra Toyota Comm unity Calondar , Whots doing in the Central Halton Area!1 SUMMER FUN Mitonias -and t-crnalioa Detart-entnasot-niant *lyg -t-ig-atd 50apat at-tiMndt-y, Jofy 7et-lt t-s ayî gt-onsainitl bnloultd .W. t.Dt-,t-d J.M.Oena .tvn..nt-olt-a'cyPark and Kismn ark osetPar-k t-et-t-t Ithos d garia îlot-la 12 yet-trnart- mait-. A trankilia.' Cta ellftl nd-OPtrt-p Mat-t-t-at-Bsn a a pateltinte asis Far mnnea iformatin-cheuk tht- Pt-ttntt-nRceaaaon patentnas tae peoget-sa Mîllt-onentalnet-caimfes moearc lu oks.10000A nuasairofsni act gaIm ae s ct- etded tiis - usasare Watch thit eintpt-par fnort-ttalla. Toyota - yoafrero Tomifiel_ Oi--tetf Htit-t -ru-h il$11 9671 Li 878-4365 826-2931 Hwy. 25 Just North of 401 1975 QUEEN MARISA PICCINI t-f the it-it-Ctat-dit-n Club t-fMlon- was crnwned Salut-day ntghl amid feativitian ai tht- Holy Rosary chut-ch hall. Placing tht-ct-otan on ht-r ht-ad it- Sut-an Faggionn tha reigned during tht- pt-siyear. Expect tenders Mrr-ý for new bridge Mile Ct-t-t-hn Miltonan eT-tt- at-testimait-O cst ni the eapettd tt litIfn Regianat bridge o it-a6,0wt-f ath ie het-quattera Oti 3,ac-.tttiegîonatahînt- gn per cent f direttirnfphli ant-hcD. J.ith ill tith a-5f pet-cet-a Cnbt-tt ld the tegianat pratint-tat aahstdy. 19 pet- pahfî c mat-ha tamttit-ecennttil e paid b hetinw etdat-aday attet-naona afi Mltonant-d tht-t-emaînîng The n-whbrdgeînstahi' baiif 21 per-tent if hebcptid hp ltt- ta Miltonaas pat-faitht-tf Mut- liatfnnRegîonaConserva-tin- Ct-et-k chaaaeliiatian pt-fiec t afthartîy Channetit-attan 10 campltet dawatream oattt-he rdge wih contracitospt-efcingfno 1976. 40 BROWNIES The ptenent bridge ih o MIaO ' span toa 14lt-et a ait teîîgth aIof68 M L O lt-et bafdies8o iia tehîcies pet- dat. Thet-e t-te taioîdt-atth N . on' t-e e otît-tiide ai the NO 1 bridge thaagbcîutt-aafhotead op ta tht-bidgeSPOTS SHOP 2l lt-tt, mtîtie1f8t- tiPit-n CiWIDIIN 8STY1 DONITS 425 Main W., Miton 878-7663 Every Morning Spocial From 7 AM. ta 10 A.M. coffet DRv 3 SPECIAL DONUT PROMOTION FOR OUR REGULAR CUSTOMERS BUY 1 DOZEN FRESH DONUTS, YOU RECEIVE 1 COUPON. SAVE 12 COUPONS YOU RECEIVE 1 DOZEN FREE._a__1 818-3212 MI LTON 818-3208 Th.3 Fi4 St5 abakeEduwadz hlm Juhie n > Andf hl s-. 6 mo1T.A t-- 8 9 When you a cait scroam anymorel l'âl i PHASE IV Thi. 10)Fris1,i 12v 13 m., 14 T- 15 taat-16 u.anqpudm lhh&hfm U -ciýmttt -ý- Ntai -- -- mt - l-P> -ac - -t a larntag and entertîanîag eapgrîgîcg for the gatirg family' M ILTON CENTRAL LIBRARY ast-rctaSI. Mlt- Consider watermain for Heights homes Stlps at-t- nderwap i n tant pt-st tht- homes. Miton t-lit-m reidetlaoaiMiton Cannaitla ntert-ntd ine- H eighintaSoth t-i Thrt-ttlttding tht- st-tvict- taonne ide.t-at n tp lttaat-an ht-metsnoth nf the- main Milonan malt- lit- lot-arn ornee t-tts--tn. Kctnn rconst-vatin-at-et-. .1 mantttht-m in havt- mater, ' Milton Mayor At-ne Mat-Arht-la ad tht- Puhbt-ile Warhn Cammittat- t-IHatln a ni Rt-gît-tat Con-il Wedt-mdt-p aithanoMn t-tht samt-a altranMit. 'th name LUVwIMIouse Contltattnt R. V. Anderson and Asaciaiet- tdvtst-d the comtsý a1 ic daetrproposai malt-mai ti-t-en Tht-te idet-tad and tht- CtIltat-h altlit- Rt-gît-t-plin tîg an Tt-emtint- Rd. mut ct-sit-nmmitiee ltat met-h t-htt-i$200t-it-taatrvaot ha appt-tvt-d tht-pt-tpt-ted lt-t-nil 2t- ht-mms. At-det-sot- sggenta Jont Preslep tnmnhaane tht- ht-msrt-nid bht- net-at-tojt-atlted lt-t- tratti. hp an tightitnt-h diametat- t- Milton-. tnt-at watt-tmain ai t-200at- lmdht-hailtaon-the-met with at-t-h main ta ha ta- idt-ofitronte'ppos-ite-King8 aîalted ai a at-r dat-mht-n Si. tht- at-t- at-tnt-n Aipt-tset-t, a large niant- Ht-mes an Tht-t-t- idet-tad hanse alth a grt-t- rani tad t-aTt-tmaint- Rd. natt-oft-istands an tht- heanvlp lraed tht- Heights main crtt-tt-art-pt-tpertt. atready ht-ltg snrvt-d hp tht- Milten Can ntilsppnt-ted t-ns watt-tmain, wlictaI tow-inhtast-plan-. -OPENING SOON- By Reservation Only TEA ROOM 8 Martin Street Anna at-d Bt-t-attt-invafte ya to corne ta and et-loy a tîght tant-b ta a unique, rntaxnag aisanspht-re. lBa sut-nt70 try anme af aur home hakîng. Open 8:30 ar. ta 8:30 p.m. To the following prize winning promoters & participants in our Sale-a-thon contest Air Conditioner Portable T.V. Digital Clock Radio Blender Transistor Radio Can Opener Tea Kettie Electric Comb & Brush Robert Newman Shoes Motn. - Wed. 9-6, Thurs. & lt-i.99 , at 96 Rffl 878-9877 1fl ALL ALE NOEXCSNG FINAL 18 Main St. MiIlatoREFUNOS WINNER 1 Dianne Barrow- 2 Mary Dobbie - 3 Elsie Antonucci - 4 Beryl Gaeton- 5 P. Humphries- 6 Barb Smelko- 7 Pat Kennedy 8 Marg CPamieron-