i '~7~~iSchwarz Minor soccer Weiss ATOM b s LinsCubs.,K ibride0b Mihe Chudieigh attled inlee crhorte Lo 1,ih Blase MeIntyre ami Mîke Berry fini s Ohe angkvormiagi Kismen2e, OptieistuO0 Mihe Browno booled home ohoal s for the kso squssd, Miltni cwazWes 'el& W7, Braeeier.eoseilers0sccrsnirOe - Mile Orien oas a foue Ore seorer wosslBrneren ew sssners river avlle Sundap netOng Ihee ta lies alleroooo on hese E.C. MOSQUITO iseoey ehool field tlptieists5,BrssseiesIBiSSteesii ahillecaimed 42 ansd5-i JohnsMcGiray and RsckyVaseotto bothhiCed in a pair sîcloresocve the locals in dopiscoesowish BrandyCrewusoflnettioOa singlegsoal. rariser coslrotations iis DatI cri , K libide ileao JohnsAselton, Cameron Ceopper, Stlvee i5udier andJlri Miiton ecoeed listes arly iii Shieds shared Osîleini goals. the lisn hall ohon Peser Caadiae Mere Woiues 0 Mach se Shptiieds1 iogaesselied a lonîg drive. Pal Roheets hsehed ho1h Woives' omis white Nei l ssd bh a ililie camne haeh 10 lie seiled the United score. ihe came tlainsethe hall. STANDINGS WVs I tPi Mlon 0005ahead msdoay Aisont tiogh the secodhall whes LoCion O i 8i 5 iasriosee Radsavejevie Knmmen:til 1 57 icedpithebhalanddheh A&W 1 i1 2 4 ein lonesu score. OBagaes lipimîisss 2 1 :1 ssedbtrs seod goal othe Eihide iri0 -2 gaioeshen ieheaded a ceose Brance eeuliei ( s rip Rdisaveevcie Guslee 1 ioder reuaed olt the Mosquioisrieg oh he ook a pas Camadsas Meler 3 s1i7 fr iuncan Ramsuay and Opimos 5 12 i n . soed theb lll soothe lowse rosies omres2 115 crnr tioliecos Ageegares 2 1 1 5 the saso ilayed eaiiy cmene(eucoach HCClU 1 1 iLindeesaltr ethecamne. "Oue Lmesiose111) s l 2 orisniupeeig and Klrsde222teinoe neetdOk Machine hop:t 1 1 vlewl ielsa mre Legion wins twice in A-bail activity Legise 22, MeCua3ig Iesurane 2' John Turne and David Galieger psched the Legios sin ih Mîhe Corbeli hallsog nutaa orner and a singe and Roh Hchs cuhisg a tirple and asingle John Turner peuededa double and a single wibh Darrne Capulo bisse ga double. Jeff DeFreias and Bandy Crewonebahlhis bsn sngles eauh Jurs Raab allnd a tirple lac MeCoase ohile Kecul Verulrene doulnd. Rsch MacLeais. Garry Jonsloo, Joe Tielemnsuand Michael Paupul psched. Cleneste Palnt 6 Roo Sîmpuo hehd a tilefor ie Cedîl iUnion osslh Bruce Lsh, Alas Marpall. Keuse Hughes. mlif Wight and os Wrght aiisg singles Dassy Sinsu Orce Cieenes and Ron irnens pichnd fo he CredirUione osslh Maeh Teandel aed Tees Sas leel haedlisg burliog ehoren foe Paies and Walpaprcew Optlrnlsts u. Credit Unidon10 Mihe Os iiled tbeWauY foe the Opirisin batiseg Inn bamees, a tilen ud a double ohle rias WarrnoO added t1otrilesnad a singeOBilue sesplcd and sginld losce. Caig NMacltisisl5bled undt ssegied loice silb ODavid Kembail baisg a double. hiephas Dugua cisure irene singles oilb Esel Mauco Blair Macineend Roer Tapp coleeing tro las ach. Mîhe Briten, Davi Kemnbal and Craig Macle, lyre psched the viii. Jap Frosch d the Cedit Unies aliers osslh a pair nf tilesnwohteFPend Reishi tapped a douhlenand a triple aa dBeuce Lish duledan bu rto sies.gcuDaoey irnons and Chesu Philliipn bonh ssindroicesil OBrnce Clments andRBonSimpson euroiOg use ut apicce. CheisuPhllîpu.' Dan Sîmono and Bruce Clernolpslebed. CInmets Paint 6 Abhornercueanda tliipe trn the a o Mîhe Corbest led he Legiossairesu n osi Roh Hchs coeeecieg fora pair oatiles. David Galisegeand Jon Turne holh hbua paie si sngeus hle Eddy Wrsgglns- oorlh, WareneSmith, Jesf DePreeas sod Brandy Win at Walkertor A eam rn lnrMilten cipaioed hp Ras Shannon i i-i placine A- pi--. oi K.i , Warenee larlîsso. lrisisRigo, KensShannon. WaynMason andiBoRaShaenon hooied garne scores o 127, 1616 asd 1600 (totli40471 tos akhe i firsi prize.next 0highesi cr oas 4507 y a lnarn leos Walertoo. MNICOCIE TYPES The humus hodp casiais bwostypes ai moscle, acmer- jet ta 81 John Amulance These are the outarp muai ,ies fond it he limbu. il( had and the nel and til oaiollsthenleiiS Thy ar cosîroied hy the lrais anc cause ail moeicols ol i body and linhs. Creasnsial lîppe i sîsnser' single. John Turner. Eddy N Wrigglecsorh sud Jil dubsfCe n ent h1 Take a Break The iood (>14liasere libe yessdidn er 1sueilnr bal il oas ail pasd flac il the i oU hadl ineeded foi, us In lise in a peeminuisi soeN, mosuid't ihe Tesl (oîiesi'andmelitsuhase hbel's tie 'Ieri Sugestionss -Epinplye to n aiher r Ieurtbno n bat as is- le besutlc.butsuii re huais sbatîl es humlie pol imi te nase 5 i-ou i, inn sses aeîl the -n'tsîihe ri. Vo naselwais tei-il ien a cnouple n s ihtiue hes donîs cccii alhitoeach mnericduisi thsceaiiissseesiiisn Kiss luil îanesii .('Maine Operti(limer, uis Iusdr -asit[tDr (lessisi, au SMase i.. Mlisa. Visîsil illTt s appeeciale sue lîb-e. cleaise jobs. + + i otaleey tickets huis Issjn iePI-sr rsîssdcd a dousblle iMark hSsisdernaand .Michael Sebautnice hh bi Singles MrkeTiass ndsssToni sai FIscs ptisil i me-ntîs. The Canadias Champion, Wed.,June 18, r978 s Camnpbellville tops juvenile bail league thinoousd . rCarnpbnliill Teivesatile Roheets, who normaily caches hat cao plasposheren. aiiooedsi eues inje inoieguonesese hits. and roe oalhs, ohle he stuechoat loue baisers lDan anlotson io nssof re-c lief gave ap tloo ues oonue Roheroornhuuoseeled the Cuosphelil le fec ossib ihee sngles, ohite Laeey Wiguod, Ties Robiets, and Dan Thornsuoneach sing led loice, Carles Curie had a double aidsngle, Seuil TOURNAMENT COMPETITOR Lynne Barringlon takes a praclice swing before teeing off on the lenlhh ole of the Misissauga Distsrict Golf lournamneni ut the Trflgar Golf Club Mooday. Mes. Barrington golfs regularly t itornby Touer golf courue. SUPER FUNNY-CAR SHOW Saturday, June 2lst The f irst big show of the year Gates open 5.30 p.m -showtumel7.30 p.m PRO-COMP SHOW 2 8IG DA YS JuIy 4th and 5th FRIDAY and SATURDAY JET CAR SHOW Saturday, JuIy l9th WE ALSO CARRY 9 iiCOPORT AIRE" AIR CONOITIONERS *CHRYSLER AIR TEMP e*AND MANV MORE HOME COMFORT SYSTEMS 878-4U21 Builey Fuels 878-4821 -eatini & Aie CoediioiegInlstallationelà Seruîueg Bruce Bell R.R.3, Mltos 24 Hr. Service hli sngles PaulsI i-liais hom ce o-s. b, his hhi, rimpliellvi le asîce1ihr s17a OniosnMdget iliiinliiriu and this casnepllas iiiasseu lhalisisaito isiui sisels Georetownsanad iiiiipsis The Jua essiis al, lst 13-6îis lan'iiihileiiniissg 1()i4 andl. 1 aeains liraiept,ý f 'loisdaccs g,rse isis You've earned it If's boBo a hard yoar aI sehool. Oui now il's over. And tir-ne 1 rewadd ourboît with a summer full of fun. On a Bombardier0 Puch5, moped. Il's fot a motorcsrcle and îles a lot more Ihan a bîke. You drive il and have fun. And you gef Up 10 174 miles per gallon. Puch is for cale now ai any of the fine dealers listed belowi Cornein and gel your reward. F- 4ùqp ip 10 TO 5O% STOREWIDE 10% Hush Puppies* Kod ' k * Belair Boulet-Western * armun * Grel LIMITED UINES TO 50% MENS SiZES 6-12 FROM $495 Pý ig QUALITY FOOTWEAR Oy Daubis FORMERLY TOM DEARS Fnest in Quality Footwear 221 Main St. 878-6902 THUR. & FR1. TILL 9 P.M. A FISHING DERBY wiII be held by HALTON REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Br'Na tr A Bun' Nture Area Saturday, June 21, 1975 9:O00am. -300p .rin * ;rond stocled vwîd 8"24" raiii 5550rout *rerby open t10aili '5e irouts e prizes \wilI se awjrierlon rthe Iasioh age & hist Catch oblinir *ad rîsssiors s 1F HCE, erynîri r-& hI los lsli la aviiilaisie f orfU r hrlîî iiorrîaimr jll8841 31 1 it -