Wed. June 18, 1975 - R3 ___JOH NSODN RELOCATION CAR\ E< MORTGAGING REALTOR TOOTOUE 877 m4526 1 OOT N 453-2700 FOR YOUR CHOICE 0F HOMES 453-2700 IN*GEORGETOWN *BRAMACEA *BRAMPTON *MISSISSAUGA *ORANGEVILLE *REXOALE *WASAGA BEACH *COBOURG *COL LINGWOOD *WOODLAND BEACH1 COUNTRY SQUI RE o arvie o e8 l 8887678 yeOLLS' HOUSE AT $37,900.-2 2saledroctint7, homs8e by eybody' standard8. 4 684,87858 2 te qui et location backisqO o t08e resdit Ri- 26a8h88858 8e88)p trottin, ai) w886 glea85)89 v8r. This is a 889)87888 orne8 and ln excellent he,426884 f 8888. Ca)) 68,8)8 Clarke. 5874)8,85 888 8858he85888888o this 8sb8)) 82588 188 26,86 minimum868 maienan8e. Ce)) E)788 0899 to0482 877-5261 or 453-2700. MUST BE SEEN-Priced 8888)) et 08)7 $49,900. Thisthree68d008 soli brick and store bunga8 low on nicely)l )8dscaped lot 62)88 p864 drive. transportati08. Give me8 a ca)) Don Je72,e8677 5261 or 453 2700. 2218.88888 the full80687 88888)82 of002888s.7. om setting. 4 big 084887858, L8_ Dr., main8 8)888, 88858588888402848)87ay Cal) VI B8888vi778 877- 5261 or 453-2700. lamouvnguRw-PICTUR E 8hi8 delightt67 home5on88088acres high COUNTRY /2 ACRE 26785 a 85,8,1 684,322 on7a887498780877970Tow5hi77028878567598m7)853o bungalow6 817918884 885 8008, plu etr 8,188 50298875)48 8,02 the8 00k. F8882885 d be2 80222, 45651 9888arag, beaut78217 6808 home2, 802228, extra bath, C879t8al air conditioning9 and close 0002 te, GObs.A o Mro 8879 0775267 .1 22755 muchmor. 78'8 7028 op708827777 for a country 2700at a a5888 reasonale5 Pt777-628 107,000. Ca1 Bill Elis foi i79pectio,1 877 5261 or 453 2700 TERRA COTTA E200E'S NEST. T-7 9)087620 acr8s8nthe leeof the rourtainwith . really bi 5288022ho12e. F0486888888279792887747922288 eu,8 You ha- toi see it7 C, ys, the aceage qualfie 8 t7580685750858 Excellent are.,1loe80 I.2 pi2 c 78,582878 8879,0 Cali7 8777 EIii 1. ,p.87 this7't of0the ordinary"78278887 977 5261 or 153 2700. CALCINS ALC PROF ESSIONALS 00228088 50228797895 and4 72028 8)7 a 08 7798,10798 on, 3900 sq. fi. b8,26 879me07 r n'nie lot77 in to- S78s,8al 80282888nlud c9727 5,88 pool, central air a790 87,1728809887887)858 Th5e 580,57 78 70285, do 7328 Cs502577992278888an9Stuart877 5261i01 53 27Z NESTLED ON 128acres, Country lo8 77958428782) scni 87nofe7 ti 5870888,3832 b-nn, bngalo 785 268)60288 88022 278799 80222r 6,855,1, 742928r7 80222and288580222r Full leng9h ce848828063708 coking32826 7092 286pon.7998q93,000 Oeli le7, Glenn7 877 5261 or 453 ?700 BE AUT Y- EEANCE- PRISDE-Al 85888. ae8pre-lan in ts8889 st 29bugalow7inthe8pari ar884 Mature8 88858 888880e 772ing r,1,1T 78,58487868t Celi Li z for your 78267997)888688 ACTON 0h2,s5,i) Rd. New6 7932208 322,14878, 55,1708 of 07,188 and 876,18072887898 9? car g88 898, d)e8p lot, roughed in 84227)7 r,102 and tire place, F774878 0888898 0888ged 5,148, ho 8 setfo ',734588968 afle7977, Mry -888882888e For 877079822898587 cal Mrra St 87758261 or 453 WFLL CONSTRUCTES 4 82480,12 878,56 an4 857n bungalow9 Ailh 5,5 h spaiou i 34 i v1,588 Coin7 for only861,900. 0a7792899 788ke8 877526168r453 TWOSTOREY four bedroom 50228 groun7d floo lot 5852,799 ente1 mature p79es, 8,000 807587799 tirs5t22688ga80a8870788r5798 28678089 900 Cal7 Mu288 386Bker 877 5261 0849372700, S0070 BRICK BUNGALOW 85888 bed280,12 88798. Ail85,s i88excellent 93r per0cent mor gag9ng. Fo8 0022p78848817 884795857 adisetoeCai 877 5261 or 453 2700. $44,900 35402 bed,26 brick hm.Ltx10,8lO, paoe6 gage588877790 for $260 a 220985 Cali Murray7 Bake0fo more 22,178s 8878077 5261 2r 45332700ý GEORGETOWN-4 684887858, 2 888870, tari1 large8lot Celi Fis 9288685,1 877-5261 or 4,3 2700 NEW-Country h2om7 on huge 390x1)0 lot, et i oors, plus rec rSm, den, 0548h766779 5Earl possession. As,,sg 86,00. Cali 7785 Spit ze 877 5261 or845332700ý A Mý,UST TO 878E tiSs ful)7 d8882584 bungalow6 0722020f8)lo28 t 2 car2garage in love81788852 48794 Wss,'d yo.u 757,82v $8,500 and try 82,000 d8227 C8eIl V7, Bonneville8 to0447 875261 or 453 3 20001, 029,9007588 81111 978898ona, depth 392 l858, ,de)i 7,1868888 26th 87885, po0545)88 fe87580 sdes, has een approved for sing8l877) 879788ome Sos thisot with Mu7rray87 Smit. 87785261 or 453 PEAK 0F PERFECTION-no088779t do but52 77,227 7 ght .78,1 85,6 4 582,022 home7 22,85 a c8428 405k or in 8,8,8080222 26,85 a wa;kou2 t den. For 27826789 call L,. 877 5?21 2r852778 PICK TOUR 0355 it ic, Close088t, Georgetown 75,85 brick bur94 2 1 Acre with 2 yer od dar bac8k sit aking U23, 000. 1 100 Ac re farm w78h river, arri a d CIhou U09,000. Cali Reg Cooper 877 5261 or9 45302700. SCEN WILLIAM2S 5,122826,8i,888e s ...C of the ri.,sh7ng waters of the Cr882, Cute 3 68485085 home on79165 7lot Nicely landscape4d ndf)7l 455700.684 el889, 788 756 S E R V F178898 Matheson 877 4572 Marion7 Carney 877 5764 Fin H P2186 18792088 (Mnaer -7.586. IC Cooperr 8 Mi5 I6 e: 92,5588 08,987 877 67712 Murray7 S22,85 (Actoss 853 0315 78,5b Spit8888 (Ass,8887 8795 9288687 5 2618 S E R V IC E Berar Clrk 877 4637 018 o9877 4807 Bill 81178 .77-7528 62,1 Glenn7 (19) 633 2465V Bnv il (88218 519) 18339112 87)87 Stuart 77 70 62)58 P0skisda 877 2345 R ss h,12,s 877-29 MB8rBLEE gl 28 Parker 877 9 80 ons J472ie 877 1707 JU57 LISTEO-S0888 468e 758d p)88 68828)82177y iessdssepZ 188. 18, th88 8587 8)8,1 den,8.8888882777she 8)8888 885,85,88100881852 mer sitting on he large dek or sw imming in 70880268 pool. Phone8 me8 for more8 sf088 on8, one. 82888 F88688 d53 2700 or 877 5261.