20 The Canadian Champion, Wed.,Jane 18, 1975 Girls'bhal St. Clair on top Bus Liners strong In the Squirt division of the Pounded Milton Girls Sofîhaîl Lions pounded Milons Lame Asociation SI. Clair Paint Service 23-17 cn Banl.am play and oalîpaper ouldistnce s Monay evening mîl rival Peggy'n 17-13. Si. Clair Calhy Chsehmach belîing holds fient place in the imo home rocs for the Lions. youcgeuî group mîlhoul a Cindy Marshal lapped a Ios round ripper for Lawn Mbilont Aiea Radio Cluh Service. came throughmwihal11-4mio hrdysgm ewe osver Benu Sgma Pht, for Mi rdl ' ae eme their firt in o the seasnî Mifon Bus Lices and Lina Kauha a ndi Janet Trafalgar Ford ended ilh Rererirh rame up mlîlh the BuLcers curling home doubles 10 hrlp the MARC's a deisîve 335 in. Big hil- othr lee ee rltily tees for the Bas Riders ere out.Joe Benettwilh Imo FnuîthPe edgd hythe Kînumen - ree oubles, a Fl7lfoched e g th ola un igle and amwalTherrna 17B6unehar Vs ec lîofae Gies elled a humer, a triple, home rue, For 1hc Kiouiîeo imo doubles, acoîher pair of girls Patuy Litltle, Kaifîy sngles and sathed once. Trecto and Nancy Mel The publiec s îcviied 10 ail raith al srored ailS homero Mltont Girls Scthaîl League mhit e atsy addrd a trpe ioweehonghsai Martin Si.and hene ro th J. MI Decyrs srhmls A, B winners at flag football 'l'n raîlollrstlvaa uh andfM Ford supplyiog good impo'id'l'eai A iOh 22 uhîte hfutoulthrou 10 Badhbreaks Tram B Itatteord Traîr Cin ost lA the game. Mhe'vil cor eatiooal P'tag Nlitie Kecdrîchn paced the Footal last weih fBtram freon qîarlerbarh C quaitccliaek Suzuiahi ih ptcpoit pasotcg for tmo master-iiiodcit a poîrerlul maors lo Ken Keshila mîlh ofeose ijth iR T aylor is ottier scores comicg rom favoritriaigr t Ta>luî cored Lagridgr and Bob Sargent. 18 poîîi, ,itclKen Ferd Rmss hetped the Et Thumpsio ,îîîd 'iN lo e transîbhroiogto L. Meechan scorrd týocpoint colits adB clu o TswihC iih fant Thopsonao andîlhomslOcknlOaeairmof fHugli GodîrY ritontn or b Tomaers hcîga ar Teasi ' fuiS ttillîard The football eagite may paya d in gaie a îfrntaaatttar team to play quatehak tili Grit- ulatbgroup from abvîlle. Lions instail 75-6 executive MltonontscClat i ottatîrd Lions bare samed Fred ils oro oficeris for 197576 Versrarle aod Peter Me- lhsuwerh.oMienlîaitDistrict Cuaig lo be their repre- fioliecior faon Ilcalton of senlatices os the Mlon Brampton îvîstrîl thr club Santa Clous Parade rom- ladies' ighî Mlonday mutter. The club bau pur- rsroîng. ItrosR iootro s the chaurd a oem piano for the oew preîsit taiioer Lions Memorial Halatthe the reins lom Joho trnsen sem arena. Recent donations approord inccuded $100 10 te The seilce clatiba s Society for the Deai for focd recrotvaîdrd three neun toc studeols ic the Toronto members iin Camre, PrIer dOr alkîathon, $200 lu the McCuaig andîtBill Scarrou 2od Mlon Cuh Pack, $815 ta Tbyiiere onductrd lit spnsor a girls' sofîbaîl tram. Depaly liîstcîîtIlviecoor and $50 10 the Halloo Dan Rchmonîd ut Streets- Chîdrens Aid Society. ville. Pansarebeg made for the annual CroRama dance Miltontion les lii a large aod dram ut the nem reno dteodaoce ai the itsict tturday, Sept. 13. Local Conventionî in ttam 1 ton in orchestras Jacki Reeves and May. ioctuinîg ise 50110f JC and the Squres havehbeec delegates Joîhn Jensen, Peter hoobrd 10 play the dance. Sîrger. Ibris Schuten. Sues Seceral local Lions offîrers Nadlîn aîîd llcoîis Rouwtey. 0111 br tteodiog the District In tîe diitoa i paradr the tichout ut todotrinton t Los(nýrdthe lm, ti,irIs Oabitîr oighl ýWrd- Pipe Banîd, a Stitai Eca esday) fIlot oi of-y;rioli gos lions Sani FucilleandOBen tractor oîrid hy Lion Doug van [De Spyher represecîrd Corrne. the clubs eheetchair the club ut a cofereoce hetd van donated lu laton Manor. hc the North RatIon aod alacgeoiarcbiogmuit of Association for theMenlally o'a Lon.The 'uvntion Raded, ai0 Horny an sex er o inQuehec O u eeh. Something missing A pholngraph pulished on ltse ymlth page of laut eeks tChampimn shnmed thrme caooe Ituduof Milton District igh Sebonl studectu paddling lîhe voyageurs ar rosthe milI pond. The mrhml mwas part of their ooldmor educahuen progrues.r The photo prompled a cualu The Champion cesrooma by a cmncerned mother esho ashed simply, mwhere mre the Mjachelu?' A gond paint. M Iton's. a:opoed1 isourcotto tha ithSte cO atîoc ol Mitons loog- develorpment uof th Noth brrotded indusîrial park absille cummoniîy as pro- nortb of Iltghmuy 401, ped . hatlmin ct uel camse provincial authur- vcue is ac extemsion of the Stes beieve future develop- casl uhao spraml radiutiog men huld occur easluof oo1 ard frues Metro roroolo. Torooto rallier thon 0051, ic "Afier traveeliing 0rough order 10 balance the otacy miles of comceotrotedppultatioos io future. ichan drvelopmeot, a .00 eMllorpr-ulcs' fmit Parh ay corridor o i Ficisltoreo rtcg. s a elc hrdlyle otîceabete uo a tisesumetinsa.gth eeore c sidecl or vîsîlor 10510f n tîolosmndîi"d5 eretres- lhcmugh the area." ietacad i lvstes wihc jobilton erpoits caose ai AT ONTARIO PLACE Milton Dstrirt High aceas cou designaîrd as bad na ffrtotoctoy tl N o o nf Scbooî concert baud presenîrd un hour-Iong l',irhmdai faelufoutr tu.the assJ sm**' concert ou Wcdnesdav of laul week. Tbe band is "%%,oat t ae aue b ce but to b~eein [laiton Region Solicitor lSmnutiMssîssauga. vbown bere penformiog in the 2,000 seal Forum cidotteres amelg ýyulilty ccd ueicg mmticg Noelales discfused Mucday MStesaîs aid lic pas iii onder bbc direction of Laurie Walker o-ho accrîdo r asîo" hrough ddcmso. . m thatlihe bus resigced in finish op 'ioml ttîîvîork [coches the lmosicRorogram aI the school. The afîulctOes" "Mloodussot propose to rîlg frum hiomut. dueîcg the svamtr inoinih',z Nerd industrirs hecome a hrdroom rom He bas accepter, aîio ttasentltoolItlm chools ja and rocko group, Scarlel Feayer also BoI te U l anadoînt o 0 br f amleglcosellolhejudiciui solicitor foc thc post ira r, prformed during the program. A liomber of She Torono Ceclred Regîo Otro." il coccludes. inuiry clii allegesi corrup- parents f rom Milfon ai bocded the ceont. Ebenezer Mrs. Roc Melean ld Ehenezer war, fullfor the biennial crmetery mmra sevc.Former resîdeotu of the arra enjoyed viittng together, ovrr lunch, aller the service, A handsome tecterns ddcated to the memory of the latr helord Laura Early. *rw aolher chldreno Margaret biacMock and Do Early made the pre.eotaioo N,loýnst cingRge , lli",l lir, Li ,':es' TID gs stP..nsbur's sH iTf ibL s N E W cHOTEL HI 11LTON k22% .*. $239,.. 7 FULL IIF S. Ind.A, F.,.,7 Ngi 7*FLL INNE R550 itel. Att Ehieno., RON ucTRIPeAIR FARE £51 #2 a UAîî srs I0880O8S8OM 14 raîî D"Nu'NrasbOTMiOFOldPI.188 DA ooscR £B0MI0F8Ut 7 NîIGHTS OCuEMIFOS IN ROOM FORT LAUDERDALE Ail inc.sne. hefido ath F ROM $249 -P -YOIJRCOICE- qu q4rfO elI4 lU. BKSOf RON TRIP108W 1d F11118 0 ROUND TRIP AIR *4 D0IIFRE GOLF 0*7 NIG8TS CO *4 DOYS FRE EIS 0t 4 DAYS FREE GW 0 180811888$ 0 *4DAYS ffl TENIS 0 TRANS8W EFFECTIVE DATES: Jane 29 - Augut 24 Aug. 31 - Noo. 2 (Alil Prions Redaned $10,00) Foivhrnfoemotcen andegerion caff ACTON 853-1553 MILTON 8783519 TORONTO 364-1034 -i