OUTDOOB WIRINAG cired gaoondad connectieo. DOldoor wiring shootd ibe Wbaenea ryo are sing gel- Qur readers write safly grounded, sapo tIre door aqipment reqoiring Industril Accident Prenen- etectricat crieg, laka prie lion Association. TIre otdoor in .coiniig od osing il outlels shoot ha e etbea- popaaty and lt'I serve pou N ab pa rk er, m iss sp e ede rs prooleand equipped cith thae cf.yati. i Country Corner COUNTRY RETREAl' Lcaed om he escarpmant nea mestscen csettng, hs ioaelpcustom bilt home, tatoaing. crabesliirng rom m ith Opnstone irapiece, large diing rorm. coloiai itahes oth bilt inoen and stooeand temly rSnmcilh stoeetrrplace. 8 prcrant tioencisg. Askiag $,00.00. AN AI ROF THE PASi' Throghot thisguait2storeyrcolonial stonehouse, caresly rstord and fatring, etre hell pie, opn ireplaes in lving rmom, dining roo. taam yrerr anar irdrooas. Ths maiestia home ogethr cith a piclrosque bnkbbarnaauitebielfor horses)isaoestiedeamosgnative trees adtilowerisg bashes ooarlooingpndron 10 rrlliisg acres in th Cemphllvile rea. Arly racre rpprrlaity. Askisg $211.000.00 HORSE LOVERS Alrararer, soid brrckcstam bu!Ilrancher wifh operaltore lîrpaiesad pai loorr,Ircafndrsonvrrsciericacres on Blue SprngsRorad, rsiy rinatersrra arr os bghras intersction. Akrsg oni $Y2,500.00,) For lrîhar informaton or Iheso propartres pleasa saliloge Wslher 8aa 7040 or 878 5131. [.W. STONE, REALTOR 61 Labeahore Rrad West, Oakoille, Ont. 6a5 ~BEST REALIY AND MINSURANCE LTD. Trafalgar Square 310 Main St. Mlton NEW CONSTRUCTION Nccionplared 3 bedraom, brck sei E>cra large lof Roacqhrd is raplace i tres ar ly rîlo 01Kîfhe d.icrdroithfthe iin minrd (maexor smoal ), atached grage fourcooce of rodiorocoiori o coofractor'a sa-pe, o$1sic00000 cwo 0qualified nrcrrs $51,900,000 COUNTRY EXCELLENCE Sca xtos a4cli, Sbrick, flore and aluminicum ide slat Ocai ic ýi arcoo1001 clS sf000 lireplaa rsbd ac roo S'iba rcori,qcuaîf Sacab mîrin hicOSoc Tarfclly decorafed. Kdrer shaprd igroard pool arA raabcqcc cacre conr otlO3 minutcis fronitaorîslcor, FOUR BEOROOM. TWO STOREY IAI conditfonr Four large badroos onsescrdîIloe, Large rcerforshaillving room and d in inrcroi ood kitcber and ocer s ioltMesafcrrrccinrllocatio.Ooodcvalueal $74,900 000 Letsfsprereof oor oaler. NEW COUNTRY HOME Three bedîra ida plîl Walb out patio dora rom dimirO ciiFaîrîilacer railS irpioca Thn ithîlino ciI[ le se fhe rosi crifîcal pucrhaer.This is eaîrîx stycufstohare bcl by onrof cilMlfon's bst corraciors Lof ire 100x250 Osai coccd vlue cai $1900 000 STOREY AND A HALE fiAiarco icobtain a omiecs Socoa oisiohrcharles Ir Mtopl s anlxt rca largc lottai 151 ,îlbac v rcaaesoric COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Tis dsrabirfle o s or a qood locatîin ard as a lofai of Ilacoar f Caxaroscar Forlldar 3 raiorntiroiro 62 VEARS' CONTi NUOU S ERICOiE MarrarsofrIre Tnoroo, OraIlcarO OrarýPof ACREAGE 10 ACRES et cature Maplao. Prioale horreo nbe Permit eoeileble $50000. 312 ACRES goed rontege. eaoftidecbuiding lot, partly treed.PBuding prmit coaliebla crlh a minimum et 1,000 s . i. $360900. 25 ACRES gardon soif. Gord inostmer In reao cloura deoalrpmest. $5,000pr acre. 21, 3 ACRES Corner ravin lot, arma rees, great home site. Abîs $34,900. Wiloaeba hck iat mort- gage at 5 per cn. 76 ACRE ESTAJE ar Acres aoakabie arel land the baa cfrar w afroams acrodra rith groaf rld fines. 3 bedrrrm side splif, 20 ea rir dhomea cr6 asarting ismatura reas. Tcr amaîl brnssaise drg bernais cith lceosea. Beal fui co untrerrata. FIRSI HOM Jcaffthe hoasa tor a yr Scerormenf assis tan0crf ecrooms,li g rrrra.diri brf kichen ousOroarSs h. TWO APARI i'arfserrdroom and on Tor .s home cor ira farchosE pyeax r 8cof o sdor cii, o or gccd tra"s Morfhly pa 50 per mosnhOo'f for, Caîllfor defa ils5 FOR LIST NOS -neR FROM COASI FOR FRIENOLY AND REAL ES D[NZIL LAWRED OAKVILLE 845 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH CaomarcalStreet, MIton PraItr.DJ..AOrmsrong Suoday, Jane 22, 1975 ras4501Scoder Schrol sud OBJIýalo taAdrIfa Signal for A clîo- 100 ea m Sermonr"The Bible Ter chi"iig or Crpîial Wednesdae 7.30 pra -Meatiro for Prayer ced Berle StctIy Ccran d ba igacf riendor ST. DAVIDI'S and NASSAGAWEYA PR ESBYT ER IAN CHU RCH ES Rer Ooait rr Sondror Jîrre 107 Sa.cra m of a ar0l'or.,mrci Il fhe SgS coal ofairxelOrOr normons ustaorpiorcox froc, Nassorcoero Sacuso r rame , coosicdreibis praoeeryLea 000e oifile, 2 1000 ara Shrsip Servcse Ocarro00 aportentrcr anxidrentftheolcher Tc cii i e ad CShhSC hmoi cirrecaidaf thacirusx'riceacyocr moofhireoxorfs SI. Davidr Cr11tal icalior R e col nended 3f $09,00000 il.20 cc-Wraahrp Service ard Chuch Sahool CUSTOM BILI.STPAL QUALITY COUNTRY HOMES OF Ah cIf0' O :1, THF UNITIFD SIxradioorrou, rri a rdaI's amples. Faom $900 c x ,naS., Scproîsîng Mnrefter Orgarrsf aed Choir Leader: Best Realty & Insurance Ltd, . Mrs. Harold Magee Tafalgar Square, 310 Main Streer, Milîo Snday, Jrne 22, 1975 878-4118 lden ermn oeaJc -o TORONTO LIN E 826 4915b Man of od' Socral hoar foi Afr ors cal Noeroery Facilitias Aciable. Jura Oaady 871606OOMrbeLedcrth e87o-a873 Beo vCasrdy 878 200 Donfla Mrray 878 r74a Ros Csoon 8eîo 255 Art Pacooo o7e 64a7 Mtch Leesse 878 5867 Dan White 878-3001 Marg Kearns 878 200 MEMBE RSOIF THÉ OAK VILLE REAL ESTATE B0680 86-m- E OWNERS ,uig coupla f0 cashin or fresfhome ownrahip. Tra iag room andrnewountrry arrn compiataiy rarocated. TMENT HOME h' nebdror ,anarfrmnr ad with a raesrrabi doccr ig to lobe bock Ord raorgaae ,,ymertas oc id ba as lora as ANSFERS-SALES T TO COAST ,INFORMAT ION STATE SERVICE ICE 878-9543 4267 368-4121 Shrc et 1 admit police ara a god llieg 10 hase aond but1 as amazadilast ceahloasec tire Mileen Police (Ma. Smith te ha exact)i pot a ticket on r caranad charge the onear cr16 sel beeg clora enough la 1the crs Esee iheugh tllrecawerea e a icfoutra rhers in the saeaposiion, oeiy oeacar wsrs ac gad. 1sn1tihat rdd? Theateenagers ar aang up andi doras Main Si. and Milon Piaza but tha police ara evesitieg aitheapiaza,eridereig aestihng abouat il. But lai arme middla agad or rider parson go 3 insaad of 30 milas an iouranad îiey areasoppd and gîeaicket. 1sec ccaas gieg lik airl anrlthe repsrerllci en the crffaa sIrop, art boiharing ai al. Wlraaie 1he justicae npickieg o n andriihaot!ierahoaedoing wrngoo'l Kin Korner The Disricc 8 1975 cenrai club, juniorsinmembecsbip conen rre field on Je aie. carîriead in the last 12 14 lalithe Royal York pearirabahaedriiiheribarrstle Hatl, Toronto. Rapreseela- pabliarra aird rdricate 1he lices froc the 64 Ontrioapublic aI large as tu the Disrict e Kinscen clubs existrenceofiiCoflic Fîbeosis, aitended the ihaec day ils causes, allortaard the rie h business and social conen- ciflira Kmirirrr associaion. * tire cbieh mas hosied by the -Public Relaionrs Arsard, * Mer North York Kînscen preaeaird 10 the club con- * club. siderediribhave ben e arrsl * Nine mambeas anA rbeir uccassll1inbheari cnd District club aI 16e arndacbrrcrrortsofxthe convention. Hîghiîgbis of tbe association andteli a lb lirai day reclode lie awaar- -Kîrrte elr% ricr Axai.I ding ofcaaiousaacbiesecaentpaesanied la the cloS cor- acardslfrthe curresl year. ideredlrb ave rrocedibhe The MA.D. club contingent mostioriginal adxrthbcrile ai t0e Royal i ork ,ervliri,, ae ý. prceadings cas daiigbled af cornrlniy 'ria on o i bring bonoaed by the Distict l KînetclduS ei acrîd tii b y ornnîrg trocr cved arard foe ira corortk it arisrds. The acards wcaca senior cilirrî s ibte disrict, Kinamar Cysîra Pîbroara lxii par cent1 Krarlicai- Pubiea EdacalîrnAwSard tedanes u rtpi snAdf Junir preoeied Io the toeclb che g10pe 24 piano students pass recent exams llia foiioarng i la nis i cl lie", [11leAiffle, (liel i,,lili,, rîtccacsfllcandirdat-,iin 1urri Markoch hou c'animatbons fbeld rdeii ,îili Xi or I 5theR iîoyal Consrv rii tiiiof Li, M'il iiiiii 'usacaorfToronto lainillirri ";licir Si . i Theriannear ace.rrc.,,Ic i cin iiirelii K('Iî l'il,, 1irflrufent. i'rîî,amcb 'ili i S Grade IX l'iano lirrîrîris, iiur limetteliefraper1r s, \iGriraîilrvS\ l'Iairlta ia SAilrssaedllii,id ii 1 ibala i i allll o ii, set1cr i r IX 11 10 l Its 1975 traies istaeia. illii (.l; .li T.xarin1Acicîlar 1a 1ri llriii im, h1on, 1rouir s -, i ill inrvarr. inreorxge alliîcik tmir til t L 13i i ril andi the i, il l I iii. l îîîîîîr lae omeii i1cuesrg arr s ilt lii rV Dliiii I i Il m i ai i..II,ýit I l Il M oS i il li la , u p Il îîrî r Ï71C~ BOSTON AND THE OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCHES IN CANADA Mniafea IKNOX CHURCH ra WR Lis,.A,B.O MILTON 87a-4428 Re, Paie' OBarrw Sanday, Jane 22, 1975 rferîr. Mdeatar Holy Cormunion r871252 BOSTON Ogaoîaf and (Clior eader 01U0a- CraroîcîîoîSoi Mes L Vlablora ,,ce Sxoday, June 22, 1975 OMAGO i. xx r c dcc Treaxe 11l00 xîm.Corienocrion SeriraLeis of0f 'iedownri cI icx Pcîcafolra jlý 10001 cira Cbuchc ?100.100 rpm Hghland crool NSa...c r ie Siaairerr Scrai n osOrton 9 or a .,10e Ch.rci ChranS grounda FreeAdifOSCSool nris1nýAliAS, elcomoe Yoc Are Weicorn o 10 , rr Su lacfIKeon Prs Waeshîr W,îli Us Syloruar C' aS. Mlton llli i le ai Ander HIGHWAY GOSPEL Therîîo Canar CHURCH luxe Char c.cr local assarahiriof Ali Are selcomn Thc PenfacosfialAssemlires - of Canada CHURCH OFCHRIST Wakefield Rd. and H0cr 2S Milrs l xi 142cciaîl ,r Rd. hast Toi 8706460101000iyt TSe Lrrd's Oar sol8c6 Scndap, Jonc 22, 1975 Scnday, Jure 22, 1975 9cri oo-Scodai SSool 1000 a m 3xblbSchool ciaa 1100.a0m MorninyWcrcrup ses for ail axes 600 0Pm Famile royar I1100001 Sriaoq orîg shirî 'i00 p in fcerîog Ecor andfthe. orLýScppar xci.ci',a hr-che. . Oxcrîr oochiog of the 8.00rP.- Prayar and Bble aiaraa Siadur Booal aII p. 8.0m BIl ce Stcdr i. or' lire ,l h allir' -liii CI'i MChcr al HALL îîIUOCH 30Onfario Sf. N. e78-2022 R00.10e Christians gaîhered in th.e Oea Oucrar Wllace rameof the Ooaorst: L rd JesussChrist RoerF. Argeli Sueday. Jone22, 1973 1030 ara RBraaing Bread ScîrdajyJane 22, 1975 12.f0 p.r SunadepSohoor To r y IV 700 pra -Gospel Serice 8O00a ni -unr Communiîon Wdsesdap 0,30001 SerirChurch 800 p.ra -frayer and Bible ScSool Reading 1030 r ra MatOns Ail AeWe6lcome to 10 30o a m Junior Churrah Thesa Sambaics bhorIý ThursaaxJarre 196 Moieaa mn the Lord JesIls 10 00 ara -Cammunrorn fer Chisfadtho hlt b arevice ed YoAr iAlays Welcome Acîs 1631 et Geoca Chnrah Heavy. . li 1 i.r havex' 011011 i 1 outS i irî alir, It10111 a I olll i si , f.iii' 2r'ilia 1i 1 loentre locîplîa îl 10tnb il' .111 , i, lo r ,îiccîi gls cle, univfli ah ci bo i l p l l'i lo l Illi1 illlIl '1, ,i ,rk i il sche "iii vasc, i ls . 11 l 'il c cg ulu ýii mte ric o ' r k i n o ' iIiTi'o r The ri oni liirro.1 i ii i il. cio a i e.ir0 si, ici th Unio Sta i shoeîîservi arc-a prtiiiî a I o t ' j ( l l a i il brr 'nra , riiio 'irriic Iî adaTrst on Priday a ornai! car ras a Iras sialeniiromithe crrb, boltfn0 ose ioilbrred cr16 il. 1ifeel iesteadrof thepolircegoiac croirid cr h a tape mearurea, bey shoriri gel ris a lb alrpping Iids breabîng beer bailles al îrer theaplaceard sirppreg thacrasin ad screacing grieg os in publie. Aiso lhey sbriîid pu1 a sop 10 smaca l ririnosric ibrys, hrsgig otine atoceathaï,basdlir lrayoad ofher srcbnmagazieirs, 1lbîr baesa risgs ara more important ilirr .or rying abrraiîncarhiig outla bitfirorn Sie cirrbap a side sîrear ý'loors Iroir, Edilh Sarpe' ceno iýiircabp aiendarrcr .11 grîrral imeetings. 'lire Mt 011 Kiririeliad furt 100 xi larer111ent icirla iac ii gbis Aithe lDisrcitciOoncentionr the rIleri irirfrsaovrnira1976 ar Ki cc i 111,1 fromt the Stlertrailla clbinaîg cclad into officriricthecorrig yer Nari garieal min.ig xiii Sae barld arr Jun 27aSaithb Boyne CannnrrocîîîHalil.'iis mreeting rail ic .a joint Kis- ,mnanA Krieîbusnes and socraI sîgbiT rhein- ccisg presidaris andîbheir execti romil li tled intooffce' 11 thba irpair GCc i nocc 'I t Ji Nia'onary ofxlMîsi sauga, Clair Acacds ciii alsoliea rîrada on the sai rîfht - 1 1 Receive four awards A 1 86 RFAL EST 1 86 REAL EST 13% OFF ALL IN STOCK MODELS 0F LAWN MOWERS & ROTO- TILLERS, & RIDER MOWERS 10Att BRAND NAMES i~r LIKE ý.IWAMIMWIL ................... 1 .......... The Canadiao Champion, Wed , June 18, 1975 19 rhi c areirriiclocal The pool ai Roary Park schoc! ae for i om- pen and il aputugo rare tiîrFrrday aritAC.brie on capîbgc i lm reyt g pr pie on us theweoenad.Keiro poli s aisoopenrforathre (h strees Utiar Real Estate SalesTraining Course Applications are inu ted t0O jon thîs dyrramic Sales Training Course. Applicants must have the foliowing qualifiications: " Must hae desire te earn abore average inceme " Must omoa car " Mu t be anadian residantstfor past 12 menths " Must be 18yeatseld and over Successful applicants ciii ennoy an rxclient career opportunity af Brethour. Beoctits include: *60-/.Commission .Listing reteris *Or, lebtraining *Modern ottices *Mrtgage assistance *Fulnanagerai assistance Piease contact Las Bunker (Manager) Mlton 878-4121 Ton. 270-9991 Ail applirations miilhp.telalatin the strtest confidence. 1. CANADI