16 The Canadian Champion, Wed., Jone 18, 1975 g. I. R ICHARDSON JOHNSON BROS. ARAGE CH EWOLDS g908 CHEVRO I~LET Ra PYAdy SAiTiS FURlR NORTH AMERICAS NUMBER v 4 0008 SEDAN 40069000 owhite 8,40 00899, 006009 080009 LoO90e $3695 1974 SATELITE SEBRING 2 DOOR HARDTOP 318, a4290108903 power steer g, 9pow0r disc 60860, -dia, 0081 3p0a6008,1080 4deff9ler, iyl roof, teel00 0340008 0irs 00300009cver 99fin6sed inblu and white 0009 90 26 90white op.909 3ne O V9 360. $3895 974 0006E DART CUSTOM AUTOM OBILE 441 i she ingree wih match ng gree inter o, 225 six 74 CH[V $3395 '2 TON PILOKUP 3,90000 101in 0,10 001-th î e0 O 1990 ad4blue in900,00 -P33 "r'y 0,0 h ,,, fà 0 n.î l , 000 ,0il0s0on 00,3 $4295 1973 FORD LCOUNTRY SQUIRE 9 PASS. WAGON 0.N% F0M0 3000 radi, 30.0 .0ndows o we390000 r00 1006 4391 a,0 fir s., wh-i1 1- 11 0 9909 300,0 9toop9 0,-1 s [c .11 6119 $4195 1973 PINTO RUNABIIT $2395 1973 V(3LKSVVJAGON B[[TL[ 11,11 1~~l III 39 1000 91.d Mh420 01 I3 d -i, ,,1 No. $2195 19/2 CHEV ýAPPvC F ESTAIF WAGON ,,OI $3295 1971 MONT[- CARI 1971 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 0008 SEDAN 30039,sl 00l n gee, gold infermo, standard equipmen Liîg o 1 3 10 e7l92020 $2195 1969 LHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 0008 SEDAN FÉnhdin turquoise, p900006086089600ow0390000100 1030130004r2dio , 40 ie ails, he o er $1175 1961 0006E POLARA 500 SEDAN 3,,hei biack Safety049s99908L3,3 9 DSL056 $495 818390020 303 6n4 0331 RIDE4t3and30on0 .1 9000 K n, and890 4301 or 3o9an Ir 1l,00900300GO 18,, SI 9y 133730000033970188 p n ~ T 295 Main St. MiltonIII or q loOOOOoin Public for 0, et 60 Ypa05N E 878-9942 Ray's ResidOflce [0W RATES 2910980 Ist and 2nd ......MORTIGAG ES S4-,043,90 A 9090.9 11 0 ~.0r9, S0201203 OS IMILTONJI'"I-o .3889 1CHRYSLER 1 648 M0oo,0 DODGE 960 0161 1969 0006E SWINGER SLRVICES 2 0008 HAROTOP$1 9 0 639 1043 (Evenîngs) or 90 490 8201000 088mti , 0ioIo,5274557 Hamilton 1037001,$169501013 (R aM. 5p M. 1974 DART 4 0008 SEDAN l900 bc. 30 900 012501 Oo,$2 9801Pl.890 390 50 1974 TOYOTA CELICA 0o51ý 2 0008 HAROTOP ý $3198 J 0,,. r 8952 Oll0.0 - l0 "'3-', , . 1.,6 7 1973 CORONET h .0 0 98l a1 t ,0 4 0008 CUSTOM$39 ,2009109.3 1970 IMPERIAL- LE BARON VIAL AO 01.094 A000 F00, 0aPe00 0003 1972 0000E PICK-UP 00 G $2895 3041 996190'0,000 iy 9 JACK RICHARDSON CHEV.OLDS LTD. 1970 1W STATION WAGON 00A l~G Hwy 25 S. at Derry Road LicD710 .$ 878-2962 878-5394 878-2393 878-3812 88 Ontario St. N., Milton 20, 29, VEHICLES FOR SALE 1 . 1968 CHRYSLER 300, 4 d--r hardtop. Ait power, air condi tioned. certified $800. 878 5809 after 610. IÏU VIEÏGA 61, GT a11.9e, automatic, 21,000 ýiles' pri vate, certified, $2,900 or best offer Call afte r 5 p - 878 4325ý 29ý8 5123 lgi3 _ BýNELLI rr, , nibike, 65 1 1.1 A 1 ( street le ga ), 290 rrile, Ait., 5 P-M C il (519) 856 4300 29m8 5038 1970 CORTINA f.ir rritier. as s, $175ý 67 A654 29,,,8 5042 1969 MON 1 e: - 0, à lyll'Idl", - tý - mi, PI.- h,ýkr1 _IT ,teerilg, Cr1,lý1d, 1111 or best offer, Cali after 6 13113 505ûý 29m8 5130 l9Ï6 CHEV hard top. 8 yIiýder Ru r ning c0ýdIti0n, $75 878 6180 29ý8 5030 1964 GW C. t.w t-Ik 20 for 29 - B ""58 1966 CHEV Plk op with Cap. wi _ h, b.ilt i.st Yral, $2 , 500 283 motor, A 1 (OnditiOI; 1968 Pl y m oth St ti- wa9Oý, le-1 geod conditiori. 318 niofor, as is j O's B P "' , ' ', 111 1131 ý9_. ýj PLYM.'l TH F ,y 111, VIF a.t.,ati, .., - , , ert, fed, e xcellert condfion 878 2212 29ýB 5157 1964 PONTIAC d io, g..d , el ,IIIJ body, -eds exhaust Pýp, ,,, plates as s 4297 29-8 5155 1968 FORD h.If ý111 tIst ffer. 8 78 9360 29rn"97 4890 1971 MAZDA 18CO 1 ýYI1ýder, -1 spee% ra.dil 1,- P.xcelýelit cordit on $99, 00 L.dy', Ir a 77 2926 29,11IJ8 47t,2 '73 BUICK CepIýj( Y j d- P 1, el, 6 -dial t -dilio, $3ý9S 00 CI' ied 519) 856 4361 6276 1 1968 PICKUP, r ad2o,,ex ellr>111 8 78 01 aile' ' l' 2 2 62. DAY CARE l P,, .ARE 1CASH OR CHEQUE WITH I.DO NO FP1E F01.3309031.LO 0 NOT ESP0SSISLE FOR AC I PE193 LUISCH 000TH MAX 5108E AUCTION SALE FOR GEORGE VAN BEEK WLD. EVE. JUNE 25 AT 6 O'GLOCK I 1 Fi E030001LU01AI E DON 1HE SOUTH SI E O009103 N1. ,o.3_00 ROX1MIESIASTOCF TRAFALGAR RD 660 M13 , 3 MI ESTO113F R16 00901010PARKWAY, FU RITýJRE ANDO ANTIQUES 0100934490 086 piano6and 11000, 13,pI(4033oosu, consist0990f6 0904040000400380 000 .031 40,90000 010939 000601430double 004. 3 014 90 01., r, -tr, bufet, 2 ontinental bed, 60400090 094 .'010134096000100table000t904040000 2009old pright di41 le 09894,3,0bc, sonne wooden odd chairs;24 8000 030110NCS 3& 00103 Westinghose 3 020000 tri 013900 21 04i1001TV 0104000004444010910801090e; I~~~~ ~~~ V01-pair.110 I il 3119330 tube,,10 0 tracter tires '.Il t it0049903 165; EIeo000 radio4,,hifi, .the,900136001items ookmeo 64989,0 699en0ti 900n. Term ' are cash or3cheque00196 identification. bus, p ease reg9ste wilh c4shier 010900 083 106204 te other 008140090. 02990 or Auont,0r0net0re0999091690for a8cidents, AU CT 0 N EER CHRIS. A. SCHOUTEN 878-2576 111 S01 TA Il ID OIT1E 0 t 0,,9s0009608 00,01 0 p9r000 re 1 -,2 c9u80200 023large0839r0021b0 c304 804 110009lire 91169 a1000.00 q,89360 a899005340 p 00 6917 02204 100NT Traio,o. 30009, 80009 ,re rluded, 300. 87893603 MOTOR HOMES SALES-SERVICE & RENTALS NOW IS THE TIME TO 50E OUR COMPLETE STOCK FROM $9.995. MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 Main St. E. Milton Ont. Cali 878-2355 TOBE HEL D AT THE FARM LOTL4, CONC. 7 ON THE 7TH 1.1910 TPAFA01,.', 'R 9030 OF' RIN 3009 2 MILES 43ESTO1F FIN ' MILE NORTH OF 24 1iIGHWAYý OS SATURDAY JUNE21 AT12 6006 R'q,stered 0Charolais boli, 533090900090xHerefod heifers bo,9033 ,,1éIhove m0900100d hut19 hothoooo oHereford Hflorod ol 0009050 108 390013093 & IMPLEMFNTS ohn 0,0Ooooo510 Diesel bot09003 P H. 000lWhite cutivator9',03 PH.;6New94895 940,9 ido o4010John Deeooe 24T ba6e900bal8estocke9,00et0 ha rros.0103600399Il 4,90 drill;6N00 1408 82900 typesow00 01020 3 P 9 l e09, new;00,330369039930 platedouble d4190 00130131 A2500111S Gra41940900 16'00,90 100900 9810910 I11 , w1eelbarrw; carry a[ for 9rator, set o sle9ghs909 cadar ancho r posts3;7500949906f0090000 ce3009gal .8698tank 10 gal1 7s3t 94,6 000040 60090e 9x1'"00606k601000 and P100t3. g-d- 00013a81909300,3300410609808900,feed box. FE3E1) 200901,0tof - d gra'0 Rodney & Herta,209baies0o 132~JRE &ASTIQUES Large p'90 9Lait 643001390080 pl, ce 9 nerî drp 010,90table: 2 010,06010 0.449h'irs;3 999 In La 30 L 090 5':3 003ton0r0cker1(oncors);90round20top Fîog , g9. O , china,01 et09 I*c0,0312409 9 00039090 90 _, , al ffinner plates, 914 lue 01 owe10ed00r309 Sc530090 îo'oi_ 110i ci Hat0&0,0 010109101000040.000 N. MLIiLAD&C.9 , ooo lt9999,19 809409000p319 19 68 CAMPING EQUIPMENT 6& CAMP EQUIPME AUCTION SALE FOR MRS. CHARLOTTE MURRAY (to settle the estate) SATURDAY, JUNE 2lst ai 12 NMON AT RESIDENCE,44 HOLYROOD AVE., OAK- VILLE Nea ak ,e. h496of PERDUE 610H SCHOOL-or fromo QUEEN ELIZAtBETH SOUTH on KERR ST, 9080 WEST cri Lokeshore Rd. appro' imoately 5 blocks; 0219 SOUTHI on HOLYROOD AVE." which 06ns SOUTH 0019 01109 LAKESHORE RD. WAT0CH FOR SALE SI1565 Alarge seI8OionoO9001ry hgh quailt and in excellet condition -ooostîy 8s1d4 nohoqany, 0081049 899îque 9400,9010 wih onne 08pne and 108918, plus o06601antiques8and items0o PREVIEW 1030a.00. ,u9il SaleTîooo ANTIQUES AND FURNITURE-Wi1d Walnu090081drop leaf dnn oîo 0suite 190 006 6chairs, one carv00 and 00896ing leoge SoVet; 4pc. mah09809 b0400090suite8 10h round head boar'd, large06089 6of4,800009, o80i90 4dresser0019h 0000001 and large toatchlOg 09600 dresser' 16o9h select suites); reedepoit back n seat walnut id chair;,tapestry up holstered armed 8140 chair; 1 pc.008609490 bedoonn suite9 1918940made) 0019601669 table; 0081029, 900904 Iffled, 4,800 e'n4,libo'ao'y 6table;9960984 081969 1068900oiwh 4 8001008, side ches of drawers; 1280114 0100e400 8helved book cases;5 py06o flatbck mah0980981ide desk;5 drawer0d side chet; 1 ih 9back needle pointhall chair;4 s01d walnut sid chairs; o041 0081009Jacobean 8,40 table; gentleman's w0019 stand; s0l1ci walnut hgh and low boy glss 0000404010i ends;,a8000 4a0989rocker; set93004hogany 9099199 9ab9es, teepon dek ith chair; solid m6aogany loor ap00ith shelf, 6igh 6806 dining 00600 chair v0019610896019089. BRASS-000099090 6,888 910091800 items 0it9 60ss 62060, 6088800004 basket, 60889 908o4 rai, yrio- 00, tire scree and tireplaceset; 2 pr. So204lh brass ulip cadi l00140 pr.' 60888 figurine 089410 holdoot, 61488 6894904 00106, candle and a8h 9ay hold4r;,l1t990, 990900 pr.brass plooqol' rel1ase c089400h0014,03 60888 cake plate; brass curtain roxi CHINAWARE, OTHER ANTIQUES 6N0 COLLEC TIBLES-9fre690000 806000080 91888 40089900 00,90p9409904 scenes wanute b ooe8009d, o8604o9816o9941000ll stick; cookie tins; 9689tity of o14 009s981 goblets. sonne 6894 p8199041 3 old fooed cornpartes; 6003001008se;1large0109010 cake plate; 3 Mex1can mixing 090019 2 silver meat trays 9100 308010010000183 000980009094dem0tss0009 it sace;3 409688, pr. 6894 9ai0904 080410 0004009;1large029 91899 vase; irons9090 pot; several o960r old s910411 129and 9,906,09, ppier mache ca80494090 22811010000rs;8',x 10 3000660 049. I 59 9h000604d4n0 009.3 odd 908994 9009,49 0698. 30089001060019060899000499 s.Qo8o9î9 of excellent old garden items, etc CLOCKS 2010069 6one Oqoo 10800989900190 9410004front, solid wood cased early E991130;b090lin0excellent010940,09 Hme is bei1 990d, eroytihooMUST be sold o stle This is an excellentfquality estate sale, 14409 4and gentlemen - mo099of the furnitur, etc 108019 0991,33 9and1i ODE" AUCTIONEERING M ;LION. ONTARIO, PHONE 878 2945 ALAN OOLNBACH- AUCIIONEER AUCTION SALE FOR GEORGE BINNIE ESIATE SALE PROPERTY-,CONTENTS 1060160 RECEIVEO INSTRUCTIONS 39000TH9E EXECUTOR OF THE LAIE LILLIE ROSE 439100 30 SFLL 63 PUBLIC A60T190NAT 110E RESIDENLE, 143 MAIN6 STRE ET HALTON HILLS 1031061 SATURDAY, .106E 28TH1 IPM. ?A inch0 989 89600, Klinatoo 900490. O79pic00chromeO 901000 suite. wringer washin0 machine, .9000drop lea %tble, 6ôcal c4iningchair, hall bench with mirrorand umbrella stand, ol 60901000cabin,909, 9090 91896836 32966404.orner0990323098 hall 9000, 5390 30990, 29090 6189609 00990ý, 9908410 31000i0 machnedaveor,483900.3900100390091014 90210601081tables, dresser, c010039f 6ra4,4, 00, 0430and,04Mo.0000 00,0600 chair, 6ro0king chairs, ,04910004900machine,909281090990 90392009080003.080410440 1001492 wagon and 1009g , oi 141098 radio, old milk bottes, croc, 5 pc00890083010n9s9. 9998 9899 894nd d003 992plus893n1 items ton92um10o023te mention. Mi,buggy,9set9single9horse3h0409033be0119 0003e 400 sdiog, 3pc. bath,9o11 68900009,989004904 30Lot46, Plan 2270 9000a 18 699epth 65 99 100109 on 90099093 900 9er cent day of sale0balanc0on or00i90,9304893. PROPERTY OPEN FOR îNo9o01TIOP4iJ'OSE 1 PM.O90 TERMS ON CHATTLES CASH 0433 OF SALE. N03 RESPONSIRLE FOR ACCIDENTS, C H.TUFFIN Ward Bownridge AU... di .OALL 53 5/ b/) Every T203489 I.30 910 6000 suites, it00en suite4 bedding, s900008, 0000900099 For uCopete sets, bunk beds, recî,0008 8and Auction Servce BAILLAUCTIONS Chris A. Sehouten 615 Speedvalo Ave. E., AUCTIONEER Guelph, Ontario. S3413of9.11 types Phone: 821 3621. .nduted am300480 1e0 (Budget Plan Tel. 878-2576 AvaiaDole)l R j4 iltn,10 Ont 1 78. AUCTION l 78. AUCTI