6 lTe Canadian Champion, Wed. Aprîl 23, 1975 Qur readers write Letter for Education Week Dear Parens its tal lime of yevr agaix ubex yoîr vbîtd's eteoeslary svbool earber may S'y Ix prepore yos tor tlb r nst-your vbld is going u aiL t ttibis uhappeninge 10 cmi dxiii let il, or at rosit, conssîdrribe Islv ig belore yna do. Alfessdayuago paretiof a cluld Iait1 lidaprvrioss in ug!lîl îld nor Bol be vbld 'oigxîsglx[ai..Tis vtstd bs the bîfty tn br.uuv'esful andiif sbru solet.teiluisthe ieavber whistiea led- aleif lx penide teprogram sube nerard,[Do sou lfsk tbat iis cbld or voue loîîsg cbld iid i beselîl rsm repeatisgibhe saniesoc.ial slsdieu and scene uisiofssork Wll er sbersloy relearsisglbheposltlffie orerieisiglfour ilîmstrps ons tbe orestin ix sîter Didbhe lait pritiguanddifherepeatslus year, iii ebhaeto spesd 10 ne 15 minutes earbday repriitig he leteselearned last vear' Dîd hefia maihemaicu' %Vas 4e pau nailI of addiion, sxblruvlioi, muliplicationi ond dvisionsorie veperbopu jui lbhe aller lsofhssdosssll' WSSbrsbrepeais iilbh balloiîed togio o he nrsi grade lenel in addton and subiraviiox or mvust e reprol Ailfour aes My pooltparents.is tai ifye asveua ailing eild. chances are e did liol bu in ai 'ubîrci irras Ylvi m o- i ld mi wbai Milton Motor Sales lxdxf(prgram i oisg to be provided for lii lieis attaved tlofait. Faîfre isoften syoxvmxus witfi"cas'l rrnd welt esxugh- "This isasnfortooatefie- caus ith solution for a poor reader cetais- ly iso i repeatisg ifhe year Teachers are oel amare tfatnootmsechildren are alike or at theuame poit insteirtlearsisg. Whes yor chitd 'pases" ittooansem clos snSep ember. aing faited" in sxsîe ameas, his icher wilI delîse these rnas and ymir childoill be attowedta goxoxstm herefbe rift f If, for esample, yoi' efotd ioester- iog a rade lreevtlass andl for s readig at a beginnisg grade two levelthte teacher will cotneos rom tifere ssisg eelt be- readisg materiatsasd teaefiing areas. Ymi, agais, must mabe sure tis its dose Esery rhitd, esnry humas beîsg, has the rigt ix bessereusfot sareessfut accord- ing ta bs ablity. Doo't atom your vfiidt l be fared oite soiatstigmaxoffaitore. No cild faits.,ttey xly progremo ai ailler- et rates. A gxxd tbarber kuxirs ifat the grde sumber n ote door of the ctassroom baultte relation ta ssfat is beisg axgt is- ude. bul oly refers taxa group xi ebldree approxisialely thte same age Yxrs rsly A cocered formerrteacber. 0MB decision may allow retailer expansion Ontiarion 1,icipal Mr. Esrdy also coplass sor added te business5 as decîion ib av acai- drainage frorn tbe MilîýnoMo-inepn asnemplxy 0p tx 24 lino. oin oieý [sto loir Sales buiding cvs .ople and tep up auto e sn additioni lv ils re fodng oo is prnperty. bM. iailigrom 240 nsits perîýear ais bS sructiure was rnbiem bas bers ompaund- 10 400 aler a sbiirteariod ed sinceMiltonsMolor Sales 'Weeed more roxm,-bc jviringpesdîgithre liasugaieiedbhe adioiig cotiioed Me muot 100 of thetMilto building PearliSt.nite saîd. mremevais btwebhave i a gr rupansions lcet utte. appltion îlvvii1,ii m i l-Sirsuor of Milon Molor ic 0ptIe oi MîiSltoloi-'i ii '- ilî'od the boarid tbe cmm Mr. Siessor tld tbe board on,)t iuinssycair upn ha, boles of esuasdisg the compasyvwoud preferlou îî c ailte lasîîIl is pecreitiservceifacîlilîes add o ootbe eislisuc-s lii poîîPrîi i- tiiiludc a body rcparnbhopture rtber lbOOri oosirocI a Slîîiîî Sa, irol(clîcc nîîiecomor serricisg and seobuildiog io aooberuareo nlvite eai,f e - a irs iiiiproning sbop Me. es- oflthe loi. fud a iedinbh Police deny plaza anpeiil liecv'- rowvdyism " problem Eesev i ltlîoih, Il- ao li foruaoe, onievcial uid îvg brderinigioresîdesiiai iv b o ave a Oi tolt bolier ,ooneuiba 10lfontiyiantiîg sip 1The presevt i ltoinvMo- for Saies tmlîuîîlg stand-s abotivin eel leîîsî 1he 'uvdî prliperil iî1 lie l'l"] Si fec he e orvignlgarage alo the consructiion of lhii buildvg.- ic Punis îiid thi one wovan loaci TheMiltoîn Sînlor Sales buiinîg hliianii unsîgbil orerew -110 u paîoîed. hi- b-heev and boere l i is o o orc; pan ing siep lalion Police Tesday de- î,ed charges ibal the Milton laza parking loi is overrun cveryonigb by roodyiyutbs making noîse -Ycu gel the usuai bds il- îîg aroud inuadozeovcars, andthe odd lune one oflbhem jerksis car on theoay sut,'* said o spabesman nr Mlton peecevri. "bol il etil îiii uîifnbasd. Sceoly had a hall-do- zen îvymlaîis sînce il ýceci d n lC - ovi dfercnt foia ny i vieelow - be sud Mayorc Anne NacArîbor rocîoniil Noday ngbl a cal probbir" exsss be- îîiiîîof'"theîîîsc.î.. iL' goii, o nil 2 2,30 re3 -C îil-kim eiiîg Career days at MDHS Forum Forum peclglaillisiv ci'gvcdof iliallvv Rcgîînal Police vill 1 uo n uvrîduc lb,'he liiilentsio v lbc rc it'eurdacv un 101h iii jnbs he pssibili .i i Iof îîîcioc .wiîih ie poliie fnrce. r SpcakcrsîIlbclcvmithe giiu(aiyGlWlsKightlsiîf - ou.b s -, "l a ' ' ii f ii- in-- 'i'ii lse u 1 to. hi 4,' v,î-d Forccsc1obclte ' ligiviio iiing'Inac v1.,, giicvi 'lMîîvao NoMay si 'lîiivecrialiaii ela o i oeeru iine legal .,c1l Boil iulaii 'l Ip,,,k ic îill 'J is-- scd hLi on;*,-'taton Cae ini l,,i' Mii ac,rlue a la,,ier ovih .vpIild l I 1" !ii'iid of adC arter,'O ic siock 1 th abclra phii1bi iîî 6invtelralccîî, flv oiv depacîmeoincîes,.- Mar i a.code ooî gcel Hfospital - un, i Ilil,-wU i Rois c Ni, loue ciof anvioe Seiria-iai fuhbvcal Sevces.cnNedical c eecrs o-Il blie lafý-I il -îv s i lpl ln Wedvsda, mcuiviiilli savubivcg te tp"c for ['ear (;ce of 'lMilonv(i iaa u' lieong Instiiliile il SanpnverC iîlicliilii iienn'70rto1 ihn ie gorê virn Serdan o lllegc o il il cuvv I wovigcib-bth iii thiei enta'fieuld iisilbtebe'pii allernuonilFciaî Mai 9 uîib Afic Quaty Footwear -221 mi rn "" n r7 -fIlpi0,'0iT'1,7 U Li v)LU ùLiXLiRLA STEEL 10E * BROWN * BLACK Sbesaîdibhe resîdents nf lte senior ciiars aparîmeni buildig onOntarioxSt.are opsei by the noise and ose of bhei r repreenutalîves met oîIb bererer in tbe day 10 complains The mayrc ,aidube is nitr plaoa ovser Johs Tomai lu "eifrce coirl onobis pei * oIe propeeiy. Depuic Clerb Campbiell l'iompsxv saîd ibai srieh pruoperin is prinale, police ce- lue the ow1er or bisrepre sentative tnbcpresent beiore bhel assîstbim, C7osovilior Rîcit Day pron posed tbal 14e Crovv Attor- ncy be uuked foe aduice on the matter, and Couxcillar ilox Hiacris secided lte motion Agree to maintain Town Line M iton (oanv il Mxiiday nighî aprp ved an agreemeul uib 14e TowusnifHolosHîlis ner te jloist maintenance oi theTonvsLne ruusîngsnortb- suoIb betoesIbhe twocoin Milton s nov respansbie for theîTonLine fromi17 Sideîoad "ouih tlu Pîve bide- road Halioo Hulsis 5 10 iain the Town Lîne lrom 10 Sîde- od oeiiiivu Sideioad lialn Hllncoîscîilpeu- posedthe planat anAprîi7 vneelivg, aod public oeis oupcrîicoedensu rnm loIS ton aIr vveedolt the DÀYLIGHT SAVING TIME returns lx Milton Pink a previxwofu his ioice-o-year ime- and district thosweekend and if you think setting changing routine ercher this week, s0 The your dlocks and oatches ahead on how' Saturday Champion could publish a picforial reminder rnght is o chore, think of tehat the local jeoreller that next Sooday, April 27 ut 2 a.m. s -'docks has to go through. Ross Brancier of Brancier fîimwacd' lime ounce more. Jewellery, Mis St., gave photogropher Dove Police beat Stolen car recovered by Waterloo police Police searebed a ronte St aparosesi receolly axd t dcàcerd sonme plantliîbrI maerial intebhome Tenoc- cupat bas bee cbarged un-m derbhe Narcotirs Cotrl Act aud admlled tobeîev a regs- lac ser of marijuana. Tbe plaxi lîbe substance bas been sentlavay for asalysîs. Police d used asearcbowarrasntoen- tee teapariment. Watiîlas palicerbave ce t insered a carestiex rîî,t] Iilsosu ndustial Auctios- crMarbet St A Ktchener i mnwsarresled incoosec- tios ib Ibhe Iefuand admit-l led 10 uiealiiig bolb theca and sonne licesce plates, also l frosi sebîcles beiosgîog lu S Wisou's Aciosers.Tbe f mnwsapprredd lasi îseeb Tere wrrralso brcabîovs in Milon last week. j Someone pried a lorb olt a u door os a costruction raîler ai te corser o Wilson Dr. and Mais St. and tole a measuisg tape and a cas of fluorescet paini. Tbe items siolen ocre naised t $800 Coins gore Tbeives orsitbrougb tle îîlocedvîsndo ota Pcool Sibhome lastweeb andmrade offiit oîsomne conmPolicc seiord tbe vois jar 10 gel 1e culpil's inger pints. The coobuitook 10 ilver dollars, egt 5centlpieces and $4Oto S i ose change, Au parîmesi resîdeol fidv' iid anotbîxg mîssîog aller dscoscring bis bomer lsd becs brobes inols veeb. A puter in thebicbeiir 10ev vrnby tceoould bc Drapes avd a cilie table lobe taeonia sicici homve vu balîe vi-icuCre lat eb Thco occcva ie ai $300 Conne.. Big a Àle- I A R hose sdiln q for the IASE rarere beaoiy of i I Iee *N oeeOu pîtisu '0wr PTRRICES ON LAUMINIiM FîfUutie a Aijrninurn Doors I 0OSTIeCombnation Windows jOOLOe Car Ports e Aluminum Awnngs FEDERAL INDUSTRIES O F CANADAI Fotof Fo,ytehS5 .s, l. 845-0318 I OUI OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS I PHONE COLLECT Too gos statios ere lie- tni fa ' quivb citange art- isl' lastvreb .Atlone oftbe statiostbe mas boogbl Si .îlî oorib ofigax bai lef h i n cashb He and tbe ottendant passed money bacb and foiil vIle te quicb cbaiige art isl' bepl asbîsg for cbaninic AifleresI deiioiîxons 5e lie r ibis ifror ibe man puiled thecsaivi- tick ai axolser sta tionanvo tiouiime made off sithb$9 Tbe mani, vboho wa lcîîîîî Bufflalo, Ne.s Yoîrk,%vs ar resird by police belon' bcîias able 10 reave Miltlon. F isbîsg eqipmevilias sic- ]en irom a lncber in a Bconlo Si opariocv i liding. The fisbixg tlote wvi0calucil ol f 150ý A5 bicý riecoas. iabev b -ia M1an St.bome lavioebovan poice bave a issexîle sospect .îederîinestigaion. The urso it vilorci aScii ioiiia vieli ,11,a gi- T o allrs lic toe ind hicde ofi ith c v ro iiithe Iii o o ligli idls iciom a parbedcar11 and rnoorcYle hlmetlast Polce rrstcd tlviii en liýsand charger! Ibem ithl Thv:. ail àoiissîngicycle Th iin u ipyl il ou0 ofi iai c Ia i bared i iiniapartI ruen c-ie loI n h d l ica ý, i c l in d lo)ll - la ile ai ol iî >i llu v'- COUNTRY FAIR FRUITMARKET & GARDEN CENTRE 525 0,1aro St.MI 051 878-3844 171 //ÀýV1(Iý/ý POMMTES & CELERY TORONTO - by Bus! Low Fares - Good Any Day One Way$ 2.0O5 Re turn $3.9O Buy '10-Tnip Tickets" and Save Money MILTON -TORONTO 10 RIDES $1/. 45 Tickets have no e p rydate ad a- SPRING TIME TABLE Effective April 27th Bu uses rus Shrough Midn via4 lornbî Side Road, Ontario S,.,Main St.and Maetin St. Complete Service ta Toronto 7ý05 a.m.-exc. Sat. Sun. & Hol, 8.15 ar..Saturdayu 1 0.15 a.m.-esc. Sat. Suns & Hol. .4. 20 p.m.-esc. Sat. & Sun. 4.35 p.m.-daily from Arroni Truck toSlp 6.30 p.m.- Fri.- Express 0.35 p.m.-Sundays- Express ,Via Milton Bus Lises teuHWy. 401 nterchange-Arrow Truck Stop Fonrr Cxoete Service Toronto MlttiGticîlpb 1<-i hinc 7c, senooAirpor! Eopr c-,-,Ser.. Rus from Isliiogto Ssbway Statios. Tickets and snformaltion ai ~ MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 MARTES ST. Mle. inCoson Agent GryCoa h Tefe lione 878-2886 AiîManiihiios insiulced in a figlil ia arsarnwsa- ciseliftllccbehiI a pilice of- fiîcruovoosieîogto break op theliîgli Pic viiivîde tbrrr or i mlv lasi uci'bfoe liuuor Campground... sp= sas Patrick traw former Nassaga oeya Couscit sadiiyare wiuttîsg 10 retais ohîrh gave approvat in tfeir ors soicitor and igiti prioripte. aoe if ecesso ry LtolMay 6, Miton Couscil tIis notrtlear wha theecase passedl a by-taxi amesdiog may meas 10 Mton tas- the zonsîg by-las of the payeru if i is totAlthough former tovwnship 10 Sas toms officiaIs met wilS auriSer rampgrnunds or sotictors Monday tx diocus parbu in the towns st-ategy, evuocil mats ot tbldIOfficiais of ucotco Blork what te onss cbances are. 'orks, tor thes xarnrd Ihry i5K'd in prinofpie wuld serS a oeil nf The questios as bers ic xuxdaiuforcng couscil o fore Milton Cooicl sscrlalst!soroaprt,anod conseil Sprsg, and it Sadl bees cnssîdrred the subjeil au conssdered eariier hy the îevrolttY os Fr4 2 IIMAGWHEELI o ý Last yea r s wheels ta clear î at cost ta make î way for new stock. 0 Chey, Ford, Datsun from $29 't *'Volvo mags $22 îkEURGPA woAKSLT0 j 20 MAIN ST. W. MILTON GIANT FURNITURE CLEARANCE SALE MODERN 4 pic. LIVING ROOM GROUP The Light Dust ,,. Contemporary ýLook Ail 4 Pieces No payment tili June '75 $288950 No money clown on extended Credit Plan HWY. NO. 25 JUST NORTH 0F HWY. 401 MILTON 878-2373 9,,. 12 5usa, 10-6 M,, F- 109 878-2374 CONFSED BOUTCELSIUS, LITRES, KILOMETRES? the H ETRIC SEMINARj $ollered 47 the ballon board of Educalior Milton High Schools Monday, April 28, 1975- - - 7:30-9:0pm Seminar lo bc covducled for three wc'eks (longer ifl ulerest lasts). ADL'LT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. GETA WHÉEL .MORSE, 0F COURSE pè WHJEEL HORSE Slawn & garden tractors Complete line of Lawn & Garden Equipment 2 Accesseries. Make your selection and SALES SERVICE RENTA LS ' ~ vu n RENT OR BUY *CIL Fertilizer *Plans e ShOb " Seed * Fertiluir, " Evrythiîg in Lawn & Gardes Supplies [i Huii i 2J SOUTiIRR ILTON '878-8121 I An Board buld a sent NI butofo Frida5 by laws livadilc pedt Mitlon baebsoc M P PearlS oeebs a ,l ii s b u t 1 p v T p ti ly ri Ir