8 12 Thie Canadion Champion, Wed. AprIl 23, 1975 New agricultural museum : THE FIRST PHASE of the Ontario Agricultural MANAGER BOB CARBERT, right, shows some members of the Museum is almoat complete, and the main museum advisory board a large table saw during a tour last week. Mrs. oilding (see arrowt 'vousing an -xhibition hall, Irene Saunders of Hornby, second from right, is the locai representative reference library, information centre and on the egbl person board. facilities for artifact restoration will be opened to visitors Labor Day weekend. When the entire 92-acre site adjacent to Kelso Conservation Ares s complete, it will resemble an old farmstead as this chart portrays. MRS, MARY ZWOLMAN of Milton poses with a display telling the story of file drains and their importance te irrigation. She 10 the secretary te Use museum's general manager. Oî Roilions t As pr o is ceiebraioioo1 oarbong 1the Ifl rrvb socs ofiTme Prrnbyierîoo 'surcin 0Canada, Knox Presiopirrian Ciorcb n Milf toonlnba utiinoed a very ihorough and oeilreseorcbed boob detalolno1the iolorful 1 lilîloro ofithe bni-huorch In keeping iothe cemen 1 mal theme. the bookocontins enactly 100 pages Six ban dred copies have bren prîooed and lbey re efling ai faol obov o Colo$. Lberofi s sprio led va lb excellent pbotos cif1the chorccb pani ondf peseni. 1the bookooutoc.lý els 1the sdcc ci bow n Kon brgooîand gerail prîfs dealîlth8e rorly dayo n MloniDoald E Ken nedy, obo renrorciord and orole tbe book, roploons il wos necrsoryito dsoîribeothe liroand Limes of rarly Mion n ordere 10"sel18e stage"'for Oe story of Knox ('bech Tns istocv -Everyonr i poke t10oi piined obout 1the lao nier corded loalbsfoy- ne sood. 'I fr11 il nrcrssoory 10 tl]ifhon 18e tloin 000fornord and obo 1he church va needed,andi1ibougbtit would give Knol'becb more oeoooog 10Oel 1the nor of 18e on, 'oir Kroîîodî aid Former sperioirodeoi of O)ntario School for tbe lirai ion1the Ernest O' Dean Schooi i Mr.Kennedo 80as ieen a iracher ond edcitor mosi of bon lir .iercomerio Miloin 19f6210 loîîn"b iisfI and reirrdio yeors ago Aiibougb 8e iood e nillen a book briore, bc bail snepnblî',hîog rieccîroce aiithe i'iioicv ere brolecol rd a lacge aioant of tuloec Oc thescbiiol soooal ,eaCiok, 'Me coc r "île Koxsi ' iory bookbolowIons ai forcmat -Ilbhoigbii1bneo ohaliture peci ohm 1 oarird ' 80e oid wilb o grîo bol doîl' thc nork wasa O hue mocre cbl lrvgivg 100v c hou oo,'îcili, eopecird Foeiniaioiy brrcciie' oood ioioperaliono i puliîog the ioi',k logriber [le ,ippcol '-if hee igrrgalion fbrc lii i'oro, a'i'nd picue niirc cil c cbehl Ii, ,, tlii eesuiiiog oslaugbi ofi c focmation, Teomain oi'îc." o a bd', as a cle no cborch minute book' ,, pieericgbi bai, !oi 'c cbrcbo begioin o Su otly, sote of 08e -i1 sedirrioioiiiio oictt ýo loite iail oi l, .0 thdiscuiî,on ttt dopb thedi"loiooibci -iii pi. ol cborcb sesri c'etiig. Herafoo rrceiiiet;-igrra as sitnc rom coupies, iiof i Hoion Jbccal and Thc Campion hchcb , noceoloil (Milo i. rv c oto 'i,.rcb bo"",-r 'cci pubiioneoio the eaeiii'N.805 Goren lirke's Haio Page', f 1the Poo l tfic,irior maianod seienîennîal booklMsi,, cnd a i1o of theî chrccb rseF. Kb tsc Koxostnory book, aboune tihrd of wscbowre suppliîd hy he Champion, one-tird ioased by membres o ose congregotion, the blonce io islory books and chrcos records. Ton nsonh Oigisaiiy 18e sob on ade- signed to10 e abot 50pages hut li as sonsevidesi thece non ton munh mateial on the site was oppied toi 6pages IL finotiy ended uoq ai 92, pins covec and otrnduclnry Pa'Çhe hospenta o Ital ni eighi o 12 wemhs on the bnnk, Mr. Kennedy spead ibai och over ftle space o aer. UO .OOn5i he snob 10 thrmny membees andad- herns -ho, in the po88 120 yeams, have given Knox i hurch the opprnniy t0 serve Chruistaniyihinpart ni Gods Kindon. 111val dedciredtOn the preneni con- gregaloon, and especialîn 10 the chidren and Young peopi nhose hands therfu one inflence of Knox in his conoy andin the larger comoniy of the Christian ('urcbisiied" Knon actulay celebrairs il', 12080 onsvesary iis yer Mions frsi chrch, Chnrchca me in 1895. The Rn-' man Cthoio Missionnos 8e- gos n Milo9on insd fle oiinalbodng s nonhe Siceinochers Union Hall on Pone St. Koo's filct church edîfîce non ohal s non the iJAW l'entre on MactinSt., holti n 1856ualer 0the ioogregiuiioi ioroedoin855 s a"Presby- teria Free Cuech Those oho iormed Kn on 1855 ocre lord n ill Boston PresbyleroOn Chroh, the churcb nrrvong lion "Scotch Block reo of Esqoesing Townsnhip." The "oother chrb" Boson begon n 120 bul is rorly yerr ee londrd oiih dissension and nrporoiîonnn Ai ose point iliere ore four bronches of the Preobyteroos Chocch n lion ScotchBlofck, sing iree scpaiaic louildings, ail on flic Third Lise and clone 10' getier. Theree os an Etobfished Ciircb ni Sont- fond, on Aniburgher Cbocch, L"AIC E L' 'CMI twonitsed Peeshyteias grups, nd aFeCharhnof Sctland. Started M4d Bostn, the onty ose tonsoc- vive, nso nsized in 184 andsnasedt"Bostons Peshy- terion Chnch". 15e present stone chucch building hon ns f8680cunersione bt the firsi service visns oi hctd unti f070 il ecome part ni The Preshyterlas Chocch in Cas ado in 1875, the yeac ni union. Bostos adhecests oho lied inMlon foed ihej on congcegotionnin 1855 and the naine Knox Peeshytecuas Cbrcoh 005 adopted in 1M. Knox members boilt the firsi rhurch (non the UAW Ces- tre) in1857 and that chocch andBosonsoece lished os a dual charge unti 1887 oses they sepacted. Sepocatins nos fou nernoory as Kox oemhecs wnted hoth mors- vo asd evenisg services, nbhioneempssihleeointe sharing o oinistec oith Bon- V~BflN N 1Y UUbUl ~ b. DON KENNEDY Auoibos Knoxs istory Mapie Leaf $ 7 ýa tAdes.bte COOKE D HAM 1Ib9 knorason"Th8e fd Kirk" - 54 Mon S EF.The Eo- m building wslaiert o oved tonB E 146, Mill Si fi conarud tO For FreezerOnil ibiofed 159 o, nox rr (ao',ers scionner FRONT -------3e lb lt a church in1952 and the S - - - - 3 b bgicnbich bofpresentiSt. Paulo LUtdNNOA ('bInrch a bul in1890.An - -- -- - 9 . Ib .12or 1 5 o a pa r - bbchll and he sonGrace mi e-I ect ric stdrt' Io r ,ros.îater' 'i . i. ,i. i Il, i i "i il, 1, .1 i , 0 i ~\ Sýuuri k4-o'uo,'à r 1 Iavelit VOU (lotie wih(>ut r i>IN) long enough? Boyne Garage FOR COUPLETE SALES à SERVICE 'Men n frger chrcoh bc- caneeessry andi 189 the cosgcegtions prchaseui the present site ons Main Si. The ckornh , colo ata o st of $14,074, nos opesed and dedi' Don Kennedy wvrites book Knox history recorded in detail ion to bonne the chncch schoni nos added is t894 15 minutes Ille hisiocy hooh gons on to detiifthe grnwth ni the church over the yeors and descruhes the chacch orgas- ntons, the six mnanss and the 15 ministers who have served Koxs. There is more, n grenier detail thon the ioregning, but ceaders wiut have 10 obtais the hook and rend t tor theoselves. Mr. Kennedy salid the hook oas dose maisly for the in- tecent oniKKoxsmeohers andt adhecents. But copiesar ovoutohie thcnugh the chrcnh and insnnme local stores for others interested sn adding Iis fine histncy to their socat hisoiry ceionso. That keeps right on going for you At yoor AMO Dealer the bg news loi f975 is you canstnat off sainf. .di ePil saving ... even more n. Tieron a great choice of AMC models-Ihe fun Gremlin-tho Hornet Hachbac-tbe ~ Sportabout, the only stylish North American compact wagon thai comon in a4 door-and Ihoý n effecf--if anylhing gon orone and lfs AMC'o faiilf, if nul bf repalbed or replaced aI cost tQ classy-Iooking Matador, Al o thern compefîtively oI'-g5;,s."Adlmnmre pnicod 10 suit mot budgets. For just $11900 inclusive o applicable And notbiing belps a budget libe obains behind Prvnca Sales TaS, 0010 can extend tbf Bayer eeery AMO car The AMC Boyer Protection Plan, Protection Plan coverage 10 24 montho or 24,000 miles, Nofine pint to ol PO. m ComeonGOin and hace your AMC Dealer tell you the full story about The AMO Bayer Protection Plan Ouarantee o osmple and bonest tbe AMO Buyer Protection Plan and the great new '75 AMC cars. The onnecessany words have been trimmed away Ir* a À lO Two econuoy storios you'Ill feof to bear abouit. We back them betterbecause we build them better. Cone test drive these exciting new cars CLEMENTS MOTORS 9--pq ff0F MILTON t"P * Aise home of '15 Jeep Ohrokee BIRONTE ST. "JUST NORTH 0F HOSPITAL" 818-2328 come... Far Bring a VOLKSWAGEN Friend PORCHE & AUDI NEW iM USED co- to Baz Motors Ltd. 199 G-Iph St , G 877-5287 of C7C,1313 SEE PAGE 3 1 1