ïbe &uuî-biau MILTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 Elîampijou 3, 1975 40OPages -t15Cents MILTON IREFIGHTERS battis the flumes in a vacant bosse on John St. eshicis mas damaged by ire Thaesduy eeessg. t wus the thîrti vacant bosse in toms 10 Se desîrsysti by ire essîin a meenSand Itis Ostario Pre Musbal's office s nestgatlsg. Outright grants to seniors to help pay property taxes Mlon Couocet Monday eght appeoveti a plan spas- sored Sp lauseltor DoGr- do taprovidr cetaiuso r cteens mib sutreght gans ta help peey iheir prapeeey The amountof thegranti s la e sel 5y the admini- stain commttre and appeaurd ta a tairedate Sp comece, but the figure is ropecird tlobe $115 aeeuaily. Ta qualîty foe the grant, senior çtcessmust e655 years ut age Sp MarcS 31, 1975, Sereceiving the Cuaranterd Income Supplement. ome and occupy te praperif ce questioneand have ers cous tanlty assessed asltheamser aI resdeticai reai prpeprry in the Toawn otMel etono for st tenu ihao le veurars, emmedatrly prrcedeng March i.1, 975ý . Nosebsisiies Severeu Otarioea ii palctiers ecludesg Torono and ifahulie, ave a ila plan, lisrceenmuslebrner brithe geerraflupaper as n poývunceat suhnedieeuare avaiahie ta support et. Nu anekboos bow anay seoraeceleoesseay Se clgile. Voîtigsinfa or ai the plan alosgueet ouncettor Gordon we t ayor MacArthur and Caceeteilr RrSDay. Art Meanson, Mararie Pomys and Brad Clements In braîrd oppmsiio eso tauccilossHus Pamadiuh, Jear Watson, Jem Ker and Gored ra nia Any seniorcitien. aleeady can appy for a grant of 50 per crnt1ofai Ssor ber ases aiS a raii m o $150pr ear. But tis umasey must e pai Sackle usd00 ierest arbe the prapertchanges bandu, and Sas a regetered ltersas the propeety. SesMiltone resedenlu particepair ce il. Plt epaid Tbe dittererce wmîlhe 15e plus peapmsed Sp Coueelise Grdonis liai the $t00 or, aratevernsomngrastedti t eacb qualeterd senior ctzen aould et ave ta e repaid, Comneilloe Peîaadiuk callei Inside today's Champion losede the Reat Estair Marbeplare tbloid section, Dune Pn dos a pico.uudyon the -wheels of ndustre"in Northe laitue Alsa ce Iday's feaiure.pacbed issue: Clssfeds, 8 ta i4. Sprts, 151t017, nctudeog a frature sePierre Plote. Fameily page, Bt. Edtrials, lettres, B3. Mltono Cbnunetrs and deeclr Judy Hunier, B5. Rber Badmin Sebuat's oalicai apenieg. B8 and B9. Sert summary day, BIS. Agricalthaal neceauueceaned Knox Chervh isiry, B2. the plan "regeesseve" and 'Vrry ustace", sayeng ibut "bereeaearehelpengtbemel t-d cbnmeomers and noi thome mSs bave ers reters of homes a nd apnrimeots ail liser ears, and arba have pued tbeer taues tbrough retu." Counecllur Watson arned tet "if me eep gvng aaay launavers' moner eti bhave liens se eveepser's peo- perty."- Ste said uly s es emdeeta serre parictullng le the exisleug plan ecause af a lueS af publicity. aed urgeti cet to inhave the plan adrrtmsed. See it as lies Cuancettors Day aned Goredon argurd ibal eno ctiesarmSsare prpeprey awnsers dont mut lu partiec paee i15te reieng plan becamse "they regaed a lien as a morîgage an the bouse mien clus paed for" sce the ti5a mari Se e paed. "t goes against thearay they ere Sesugbl up." remarbeti Cousitise Day. Fiee swept through a v'a- cant house ai 92 John St.i a Miton Thursday evening around I pm, guting the1 leame house belore firefigh- tees could bisg the flamnesh ander control. It as the thord emptyf home in Milton andi district to be cossmed Sp tire inceve days. A week carlier, two a-o cant tarmhouses south and west of tome hali hees des troyed in separate tires and prn investigator rom the De- taris Fiee Marshat's office stili bad the first tans tires un- der investigation mhen the third rail came in. Athoagh ihere are steong suspicions aitract one oi the tmo rural homes mas drui heeatety set on tire, onves- lgaise John McKenzie o the FMO Torooo.said hemasn'l yef sare' aboutelthesnSI. tie.e--tlmay havereesevan- daism." Se tbld The Chamt pion, "ansd t dosi koom i there is any correctiosnaith the fieat tara tires or o. The coresegalor totd She seaspaper theree e mi- arilles hearero the erer tires, hesedea the fart racle a as as empty home and the tires ait starrd a i agb eie tiesappeared tl avae lared aros d the ba se ai the sni s trading ta a second stores ia ai ofthe fies Se espt.îe're Fe'fightersc erercaird ai It u2 p.m Tlersday wee uameooroaiticed fames i the Jobs St. house, amnet Sp ssers Roeemary andWendy Demets oai11960 berer sAe. bu ee 1etes as oel under- may ythrn andtheebrigade uas unabte ta rng i ander castrat emmrdatrty, lire iiie A. E Cemet saed. The iieroraof 1he homerw rined and 1he ire gati 010 tbe alts and roof and 15e chief suspected iletsuld etere MitioPolire are atuain restegaleng the encient.o tospeceaor McKenuieraîi Se' frets the trri lice. a br hourran DeruttRd. jatae oi Milttan Hospitalaas "de fioete'tyarceet" 13ieeis a ire ohierS ppears t lec starrd ai tSe hase ai the rlaies, Se rarpectus ee uas a secodtireselstrrarein the bouse about the Srame tie.Tbat cati war rited AMONG 'IHE GIFTS presenfcd ha the nrcw Robert Baldwin Hatsn Elemnentary Teachers Ascation. Students Sunan School, Wilson Dr. at auf week'n official sprning und dedicafise Yoshidis and Grrg NrwelS uccepîrd thr gifts on behaif of thr cerenînees wrr a portrait ot The Quers given by the local tudent body. Fur more cuvelage of the Baldwin opcrdng, sec IODE chapler and a painting of sud and happy faces, gives by pageas5B8 and B9. Campgro-und owners taking town to court Scotch BlueS Parbs Sc, erd ai an unspeceficet date deuropersof a proposet in efusremem Courlul campgrounetincethe former Osgoutie Ha, Tornto. Nassagaaneya, s luieg the He nerteth 1e compasy bas Tawns oMiian lu court tis etisetisiitor Jasck Wir frre the muicipatity 10 anti cattet i m the "amest issusa buiing prmit fur the Snetigeabte municipal project. solicitur senlihe pruvne." Town Cîeis Jack Caunecit appruneul a mutiun MeGeachie tutu! coueit by Couciluor Rana Pswasliuk, Musslap nigit tan s neiamre secoueuesi Sp CaneilerGoued serveil an tie trans te at Kessts, lu autiserlue tise wers, asdthie casee aiD Se imes silcitorse te egage a amoere lu igbi the case arbo su "cxpertinceplsaneing aed zoning matres" On Fise Sideroant The pesposeti rampgrount, absub as becsinte ians ice t973, anantti e cutteti MitoneCrazy HresCamp- L ondseancsi e tusateil un ve Sisieruasiosearlise Temis Lise, us the former Balpis Aderson farm. Aes earesietes agacnthie plan aur charget it maulti tertutie et uety a camping sector St also a mniature golf curss asti a mitimay. Mapor Anse MacArthur totti coancilthibt Ration Begios fficiatu ssieien tises ure "sery teflitetp en suSses!" ln tiseceursescase Se- caase il concerne Secess te regineat reusi "The regise s preparedt 1 ac,-'she said, notieg tSatshe menlt e uppeareng fodav i Wrdneoduy t beforer15e regeusnal adminstnration commctisse ta urge a cniesel front on the issue. I(sedeels uppuslet F'our residens wharsietd Se attecleti bp the propaneti eampgroand appeuret beoses caunenlt is support the tome's ftgSt agant t, anti .. tee'ni ee. l . o t5e iefigters ai c.27 Sud dffcatty atnbuteega am.Apeil 10.cause. Tbe second ire, a bouse on Heu investigatinecotieues. Bell Sebsut Lier setbe es- Anysse baieg aey itose caepimest, aras repsred an mation on aey af tbe ibre houe and a balltire. But il fie es cas con tact Cheef Cie- aras vrtually demotisebet b ment or cspector MeKenzie ire and tbe EMO nrestegatur io onfidece. Wants town washroomn on "pay-as-you-go" Accaedeog 10 Mlon Mayor Anne MacArthur.,eaow wasraueams shoud bappratrdoa "payasyauga"hases " Tbe guy woa rît thea ta us rîft cs a polem,"ushe tld coilarbrn the cauocelcansedeed te budget atlomiegaovre $4000 for 1he upkeep asti maineneance i the public waauroomos oMacs St Tbeaasheomarer ultai te eestoftelatelP L Roblersoarotft money tatheltoara 10have lier building bilt extîloralt n bal Mayeor MacArbur frîtth1e laletu uhautd Se puy toleta. .ccoeding ta tacelteer Manager Larry Acher 1thearay ce ,eerseaareis, îiey 7, s aepay latee. Parents to protest Dick School delay to Board on Thursday ar2 pianeng a large drîrgatean fa Thursday erreng's mer- tng ai the Halo Board ai Edacation. ta proest delapu in imprveoens tuthe W. t IioS Public Scorfesai are serves the nostherowaaed ai She taon Mes. GaiCurri oeKng- stegleCt.arfeaarcll peah on bhlaf of tec ton. parent, ai Thosda's board meeting, sad thBoard baspromised ae gymnaseum and genreai puepose eoar aiSe added lu She DcS Scicasi fut the noactis aitecapîs ta ohtic c upaceseas fends ftnt short ai the mach andot fapprars the teck provîrctwoil have ta Se tietayeti Vs c fecri i sfoldfer a peia- 1cy tm, W 1tDfer s the eoiv publico scieuiin Halfon occhýoue.acgymecand apropre ibrarresoeece centre,"she Itîrai pa rents Ir, e ae Brownce acit Hydro increase tecrersad rates for hydea service arealmost certain for MloneIispeur. Miltton Hydra Manager fis Hadies said he had no dea hom muebi theeinceasemoudle and s rtured a gurîs thal lice iecease mauldn't cosser Selore August. He espicîd mari ai the Mlon Cammssonsex penses are atteibueletu t bupeng powr r rm Ontario Hydro and rate inceases tram <Ontarioa tîreahave fa Se reflectet i consme parnts 'ehoe chideýies Seneg huu'ticcnasratfv. t. fierS The Mlton detegaticn is cheduird teebcSe Srd regle ai the apeneng oaItSe board meetng, aîel.5p.m.andor- gasiaerr arr hopcsg ait other coaceenetilMilton parents.Î] The board otire is at 2050 Guleph Lne. Suelicglon. n milae otfe ai Highwas5. Il[ i lç136 O)NE t AS'1 LOOK. Megon Thatrher lakes a1 qnick look lhrough the boks shes about bo drop tc the University Worn's Clsb book in ut the plaza. The orgaîîizaleons urUs the dunafcd bhokts for tond raining purposes and mould cpprrtafte dnnations ot amp booeks. $730,276 recreation budget "'le sefooeraule uly antiel oil teeeliardt f0iceiahere lu clice Yu odn't neeetanY tes- sonsin ira echng 'Taoe ~ er ecormienis oft %iapoSAne IM a c rthur aller nier ast inemberof Milton locenel upent mr lieue hre e trserscn lier î'aehsanti ecteon Dcpa tarrvf's $730,176 copera- teonai fudget.'The budtget r11 ecîs anie ccerase ai $25,891 r 3.35 per cent. Thr budiget proîrcîs revenue ai $29776leavg a net colt oi $450,500. Recreateon Drector Bob Smalal ant i Drecisol tf acite- tees Larry Arbir. saed they oannid cacel. 00 riait, fa nekelthe eicseos on arber ta cut fier budtget. Me.Aebec sai seafuil uti tnd liceer selvorsin an amiemrd position if thes cul budgets and them a ratepayer leaOîtgo toa acoup- cllor. Arbes sai ceaasali Seis point Cat coaicilaors coule bacS anti as h sy the culs ocre' mcde. lier bucdgettecîntdes $44.023S ifaltan ilecccsery flouse. a Id ted de tonelcaionnmiand recouerepbause foi, cale alcohatecsncci laitoce egias. cute cocle ils faas at anaundeuctoued Mlton locatio nu eNov .e towas aoned Monday. Ifer od Lewisufelton.cdicemn ofa :30-persn sieetng committeea'Sc bas heenaerganseg the proesinceilase falit toidt a nearcnferenelhe siteofitheleoutse titi tee selenîrd cf('eilcbic meertigtee taS. Tierbalancewonulctiae tram cancre- butions oteceird across therergion Speecetl fonds ftmthe Federal Centrai Mrîgage and Huustng t'arpoeatesn are avalahî fr tse iecapetlincvesimentin voturd in purcbasing a bouse uuteegSf ne building one, Sut isueceat arrangements lave e os eSerainatesedt 10date. Near bospital 'Me basse is S e alfliltîd ath Milton Dirict Hospitlt mbtrbmatie the initai suggestion for aerecsnery bouse lu Se segunietet, aed the dirertors ufthte recsner bouse esulti ticidti u uettia speciai Sbouse nersi 10the Sospitat ruiber Ibas buy a bouse The target pupulatioe iii Se Haton eesiets knoom o h ave ae atroosir is presented 1fo: 'non rerre atîcîaltfane utIericA r bccni'tspoee ic tfo a eae'e ofolu hell ancd celfere aiteti tees ticectin relaird lv lie rcra ion pi' otrams 'The budget rerltirntesie usniadinisteoratontex tneleC-- %47 150$1.291, Tvalenerase is dtior 1ec fiteethreiepaeciecectsheei fl.,'t la tiloceal eroploee andto lhefc tnt bc th, (lep a rimîente ocrketi for sel 'rat coovfhs Selua rIait sasaplrare'nilasinreer The departoîret tnder 'pentitciabudget Sp 00rIbhon $100,00011 ast yeac anti Mt Snati noien batis de tla lier tact 1he bodgeitllas ps talecccithecar. Sec.utre'(4 tSal many cfitSe' proetes' nold naficeypceereddth 'The depact'-e'ne fudgcte't $72,226 foi, parhs tc u 7' pelle $42,704S avd is ldeticg $141,929 ibisstaie letteprît grclos. fhe' depui-rerebitc gcîti $r9,297 cni 1974 >pe $45,72ad othis :ear the ccc get sho- ant u1eependtren et pcietecvthe esiecît Sac t :î ltects hi faiuscieal cnet act e laleoceshipts pesoies alte otalnteri lot te s'a iilebSabehtottueitlithe htuefr tfiee e e six manibs, firerrant lie'. tvilt tley cns tera aicetee fancticenleorniinte ee. "te ail e getredt tathe eserts otthe ndreduaf so itailvues vert nietch: seul l'rggy Palmner, ticecleir of Bal10lon egeit aientre o Adrictin fReseaerch eeîîtcdtîor 'otfli,,peteecetu ut bjolt dl la c lnc', nocedleave dnriegte5lhduy to woeeand ISCo rliaai ise 'clocb as part of thi re habilation, lier nearu rccerence cas lti buin sceacase lee arulti Se reqcieeefIi puy bordaif passutbtp$25 aeebly fn hrlp puy foe ils speratiene Palmer suti thalli ter moment iiere rs no place in Haton foe atcaienics 10 ler careti for, anti ageces must oeod persos.ta cetres ce Toronto anti Hamilton. She saisiborme membors nf Alcobolecs Ateusepîseans do tubte proSlem utcahoteeý cnos ir homes aultimes, Sut thereis n arde-scalr plae. sthee a ncdtfor such afurety? "Y'en. inderd" aras the eepty mben the commttes ICuoetntivion Paeu14tu andivene-m....eeeunit t s espenîtteil Ieeosl file)7,0. Icig h i 141, lett Corilecof Ml ii ette , l'aon eoeSit tee lcot'l fe'eg t fi)clleoltee<t ,(r1 I eIns Asurn (il'et 1St 25., t'. ieng peeeeedetoled ,okhop, cait argard thae theeleees pennel ei lfe .e tetoîetincete ceake bel aine frtahe telro et ocl iniWaton01 gesîrd ast' tf Sraekve'e HaOel Shoecd île lecetecd lie ,I netnittat i.c bighletutee lOrn, ,ih t , b t te 51,u t tt etalnec Ilt te n t talCtn iti Selr Noaoo telalite 11,1 ttiettýI 'terce l li seita tee tîcîb tionSe f e inotec titie Net andlo'ttic Ste ihýoal eh"litttlIcfl, iI l i 1firot teStick y, Coliiite"c rft.lnhî-a'lt tee ltee.elaotcbrf'elS prsked elvolir cape' tcor ,ile IeIisActeen t e e ne Sre ndftcngaespalhedfte threcilce Ca' me bctep ifte sitibe arifie poulet oa Mildoncngthepaelsg peotear SiailS ane a aooes alar caarre h.eic ng aebie soessered )i sticnpaen