.Hearing for ULte News for January 2012 Active living is a way of lifel Up iini - int BîrRUale Place %RKItI l' lIN 1 lit. t0il lIV' FM NR'%IN55S%% * aaar hfPreparr-l MaS'ii *Saie nd Sa.%ura 7/4 (oàflag Suril * i.îiriui ri Aprar airIi lg * lUiraii wawnim wraîraprrrI l'raaaa lne' C<asnîî * artarte in.ragriaa Stier of the Yenr 2012 Nomninationt OeedIine. Frda, Fbuauy 3 by 4:30 pin Thre Town of Mtltor is honounng onei senior who bas madte an admirable contribution ta ttre communrty Thre amard recipient must ho 65 yoars ot age or odcr a cuiront rosident of (sillon for a rrînîmum o! ome year and must rave made a sigr! ka,. contIrîouhon lo rotM l cornmunity For information on SUbflhtlfg a nomination, vîsît tram mîtton tca or cati 90"-78-7252. ext. 2753 Jarmay WoclShop.i (Advence aign Up la requiradj * What You Need to lCnow About Alzheimeres Wodaosday. January i1t 1-00 -2:00 pm * liany Newe Faces off Miltors Wedifosday, January 25 1 Oû Mawin 12î0ûPM * Reducing Vour Riaka off Alzheirner's Wodnosday. January 25 1230 -l130pm ttnwWlntsr Programsi Bgln Early Jamuaryl tenwyear off nght by regttenng for one of the unique programs running at jthe ICentre thîs wînter. spanrring a vwrety of iriterosts, (rom Tai Chi ta t-awaîrian Dancingj Thank ycj Io Rogers Vide tuc ils gonemos support oi thte Contre's Thursday monoe progrars TIswsdays, 1:30 penk January 5 Mr Popper's Ponguins January 19 Littlo Fockers O January 12 The Change-Up January 26 The Tounst f Frlday evnhg movées have been canctld due to low attendanc. r Ai Denture Servceai t> < AMa anir available qK ý . - fonday go Fr1 day. *Nii.i Dýtnu Stieuherd & Feeris' Fîtrador& Of lace Or dimegei leuE *Refrae ernd maies .455 ytnr us &ereged *Sait aeBhaaenhra lM fore @&0i gana *M Ctoa,it lain a"rd eaahala 9% 90 5 8 78 8 210 Av"t4?, ~4ka~~y 36 yori of«ome Touj> FE EU r àuauau sis ,CURTNMALEyAIENS îHearleaad preetpea i ottt 'me R F ti AEs RFSLilENaf WuSTDI SUTE AREMdOpuf IE HAE iVD AVAILALE CW DaOk Air Yourr 7b«r Taiug. I ChpUca* Mondwa, 9:15 atm- 12:00 pin CeaWatt Thumays. 2:00 - 4:00 pi Moesdays 110 - 2:30 pin Dounslzu WelghtLaM Club Tuosdays, 11:00am -12:00 Pm Siarde Monday - Ttndày, 9.00 amn - 9:.00 pa Fuiday, M1 am -4OW pin Tuusdoy, 1:00 -3:00 prn Evmgn Singe We*meedays.Ire. - 9:00 pot Evenlnq Sid tuobra uWn àm-Cyr-n Tuseay at 7:30 pin (V50% Cmpabb uni Na Aimys St 7.30 Pmt 03.00> TO ADVERTUSE ON THIS PAGE, CALL CLEM SCHOLZ i (905> 878-2341 ext. 214 or émail- cschotmiltocanadanchampon.coin McICaKesie-I<odier runen« H omn <6' 14M aiSitmitlr 905-878-4452 Tise senm pnrat hi Mdiler-ioC.lr [usinai flm rpresat tise éct ti" as"i ceeU pftwie. Wfth dleum ses' ire t G)53 Mu taf hmu tise "fh Mdé omapalo as se&t as lis visin at deslre ta Sems as" maet aul c mte eaftectatlt. Dmap Radier Cuisine tlScier PAdrtew Kacher Fuer" Deeta Funieru Directe Flers Direct l lot. »12