Quiet welcm ome fo tw loca ReaersWrite soldiers; no reoepli Tishe Cupilus' or gein of iatfste etruceed fmru Pau ui latm of &u Ccuuuluu 0ui cUr pablmtîm ù, eide te Powl" a armndoa juta MI[k POiL Eqvbuary cmi- meult la soenetfuer provkd to -x ie slo- Decsuboe 1917 SU- Major Pied Taylor imd Pie. Pied Drmnt, woundd p hun e w Mdcc lau Fnday ewening but cher, na neý utim. The b tys émudm d nuii cm, and seLnt n ode Mf char cming Thiey »i ce duer boume -m and dmr wdoe was hum thtupWand em tàe ofdîde frm. SU. M4oe Ta>qo cxilssa be m arm te m luth the stend ccsingm. Pte, Dumn, tougli s bMcc bc% cashed lt the wtt, at Calgs fleUr bam amna rm demi ef llgbing mcd have butn waundrd Se M4oe Ts>i lis lien -sd du r-9ý r h 0 Ms ani unar Mf uraned raidies Pie. Duman, abone wound as in hm [rain, wi] lx drachard as i ns Wck. Tt ccr cho a MIuÀ Httus itfl balai dfe Chrinma canuri. union govertnrcttaim trcoiy.'Eapc ti Qec. arur only dit Utafle n i <frettai, ail t MontreS mid nom Mf ducs Fienci, mcd hi Nona Seao&. abere figues wem 8wi 6 i be of the Oppoaan.4 du Unio Gvmunc sep Cma m tlma Moodàya elecia. Tt finW Gvenmnu uajett b flguoed as abou 00, Dr. Andtenn vos lalq hide Habcc Peont. Oui Monday evensg, drite vaflg tetrm iaiba tiei hues ail tnp a k-- of due Hilon poflhmg subdviaim milt mhan e hanai dmc Cu"é led smied br liano mid auna due Un"o Gwoert s congambcoîy meetin -u "l t du comrr bail, arbii a -â Uindh bycheaý- , 1 wiib s PIVO bn esamled wn naq Sacs Hanap, Uber-USonwunnd ita die cliar.I h it opermg adea ha quais et due fr-uadrin ctas Mf Cuda" un ta due auempc wo nul. bu a étire inar meuragn due Alkes pniry md patta- lady mthe duenmple sac AutaI, wite a mas perrmqe Il.o sgt banaes. la dots w thed urne Mf laern. S. Hantp and Peter Haculeyofdr neiglbctriod. bav Delco plan. WH. R$4& -n ho adg- m iter éxmt 12 ed o kambin] emitt. lIt regg- ntilon il mâter cOetm ojaay 1, He hm bcut cumtà bua s $hlhirn Senti vou bttes tD stttimnnaandchanpron an o Top-tier indoor soccer facIity,3. more useful than velodrome DEAN EDITOR: Cenitre in Mînnunnauga, the Pinegrove[aie Fier ni ail. herrs the tpl-Irr sticer parnr oin C>kîi.the rwî.'n hUhhie, in Btrrigiuon dinclaîmier On balance. i alan have a very nicc anti the conveTrrec Accon arma in Haion 1ilN carbon rcrad bicycle As an aqde. ihere dotssnemi ru lx an unierent-N Tir prnposred vein(-dcxne han cerrainly cm?- mng rrelation hciwecn %ii,:ensitti nditer ated cormrnicy brin, mu of i ias chan traris and ionis with toip-ti-r intin nuxccrj eomplimencaey. 1er a hut worncd about chus fclte projet for trer reasnri If every other munici- Wth more chan 3,000 uihn in tius iuwn pality han biekeci away from <lia faculrty then plavtng the game. pcrhaps the rua-n countil- why are w .c j umping ar fc? Ccruid itcl chat tir lor- nhouid look au building a factluty tcrat han. retu oninvstrciet dxsn' seni o b threa ready clienicie înntead ni renriný6g nesci-al cihir [rom a poliucal capital or comnrriuny million rom tire t orent budget ad spentlingI Speakung ni ceruen on ine-steent. tht taraluuy crtdiru 1îuerî ng cornes ico tir second potint %W ail knnw ihat l'ni sitce ctitipn rtiew. the rectum niti th-mn-N unit nu mach muoncw lo go around inentrneni troim a pirlitîcal anti tommilmity \1ilion u;g. wn anti ne, Wt ha.ve adulet1 tige, 1-munt oîf i nie u, i tier hir a -teacr rien- pool. ice pads and attendant inrmanas ti rt1 1ar1 rt 1, li t Vt-lttlrrm- cure, brai Milton nirli dtrennt have a tnp-rite DONALD KNOWLES ineluibr .k-cer faeuliîy Threk rire Hershey MILTON baSc te üMilc 8M i probsfly mng dm 2.0W Caruou wbo hmv put iuhd a cir tek Hie ne -m at r dibd Candis casahipan d ha busc ont flehg but, t h 9 duio er buumxt kW à yeu am mmAn mm S"é" Pesai N"t Co, Led. lii pmmenu&dm ha is ce sec as mut n &CS.a W. tanwunMx inbylé muobm S d ltnve th imdmad lm #x M A Cnýt dng a coune ur &u s Titi MOu lci auclesi s Mrmtif tht" WO Mb..Y lloecu 3hlm DNa4 Who - be 1ri OI.t du msy t cmfll THIS CHRISTMAS CIVE THE GIET 0F GREAT COFFEF m oNaaem is mm W tx Wm. ik An&-mm ex a mumilimE mSpuim Z Emoxém the eop- fk bWn wiffi ZO Imm là apponm, Mr. iýýî1W Stem, RW0tm&-1ý- r". hââ ý&. -#.t 1. %VI