Dragon Taekwondo, shows strongly at Brampton meet ; tdiltîn's [ragton laeksctndo Acadedms liitnaruettni Chamtptons ntng dlean nwccp, ta their divsionrs. ta wich shc tiad ol tight a gis-i-ut h aibti à' euttoyed a ht-tu hartivri tuttif ai the retent AIl 25 participants delàsered ai kuant tint Amnrg îkmn was, team captain Shînîme toot îîîp spot (inf boiard beeakinig. pertorrntnga st'tîh atunti Bramptona ttlvatpc luit n(i t 1lithru. ilacîîg on tht dayi wiîh a tir car- Harindaran. a 14 stcar-nid fient degrer hiackt cantelcl ktick t lilltiied I-w a toilait kîici 'tîr provinctil squad [cii A E ino at m s em e t 2 d p ace 'lht -.cctrî d gîttî in ail ice ut hi-r cvits;. selt% p-itutus Ar-iai L htitititt atnd Z lwo ntore %wtns nr the pasi w-eic have handfil tif playc'rs est rouie to, dowttittg Ileti Up t:tL d plate in tri t utcHam5on (>nsngcwiic 51 ivision [foe the addittonal cnre mintir atoiM [nu-mi talied iwbce and added an assist. Wtnînerhawks while Jutsh Dcl fanultoti, Vincet Nith %v-s tame hy tour golal' d 0 Dobat andi Josh kolph caitl con- the latter ni whsch was securdi ti inhumi a goal and an asst, 1lamboWrougit Saturda> - wttett Ethan tvanty picked up îwmi Owen (Jatdet powecd Mtlton to heipers a t,-2 vetors wtth a niellai fise The Winîcrhawksrectriit surge polins tig. 4a) peefoniatice sias intrented at Milton Sporns The Wtirhawk-s operLed thinigs Centre sutnday with a 7-2 lu-ci at up wiih thece golals in tht second thi hanid- ni Centre Weltmngton Penod, twro b- [sertit limiter. wtto t-uti thtrd-peno-ud goals agaînst put aikird a Itmid-KtxuIo assist t'rt tatuitkt.1tilt tht gainm i ifi rach, Canrer lainscrn hai a gi,;il andl an asstst. ,,-tinng tor the nse 17-6-2Wntraks sihite: [vier t'otîtt .11k totîttî dit. a ot tue siere tsicr Cutnrngmarn and Daniici Masoti as cttd one tif the Dragons' Vîiuflgct represeni- 1k h youingstrr retgnect stiprenir tn tihe nght - atnd-undtîr whitt -vc-Illtw ilt tanks, These swvecpsý btxok-cndaltl ant îtprcssive showtng lor titi locaýl :luh. îvhtch kîonststrtiy placed top thrce îhroîtghoutt the îornpetîttOn Recently prornted to vellow i ki. 1l -year- nid Juimana Comissti led the Dragons to a fin.i place in pattems and sccond in spamnng. toh itti- ls ie stox (t ci the t:Icuiptisit hitng ii iuitle a lOi r-ît ecîttd decgrec ic hikblaitt [six, ticcatt-t îhcre etce lii Liurîs in f titi aine attu li i0ve-tci red ii ot iak heu t riti :it the 11 -and- 1 2-vst-sudI h)y-sI ieti ti laatit el aîîk. SatU wrîtr aIl tirer utf lis fighîs cîinitngy t P R»bOk qW