Here "s a 11111e Christmas advice... free of charge 'ç At my rapidly advancînig age Ive heem tardfu! hcajuse evervhody remembers and Nohxiy'r. really dreaming (if a whube Ithmtagh a fre Chnistmases Evcn ai ttty rap- talles abousa abose parties for years. Lea anime- ChLsuna uniras ihey lise outian ahe country tdly advaneing age l've karncd tl canrai- inaev tie gel drunidend put a lanspshadxe on somewhere and travel hy snowmeshite. A lointi beed a îhrng or as, em Ia-ire sonar Chnstias thetr ht-ad us have ara drive soanciheai chat day and arc eobservaiorts DoLt givt- kis cliahes for presents Mhais O h drairtg o! warmn aeather and'a grenai Doinl drnnk ai the companyhs trsntas a gfth far ahe-ir parci% tut e Christmas Fpanty lithUe oine lime you should he naost Ask an adaîli shai îhey seant foirChnm OOSCj - t have ths argumrrent everv year about petatiphîte pic. wlitl I detesit Yoei dttta hve I pies loc dessen. do you? No, you dont, 5P TO SE A and therct. a 4e0 peu a-ni chante (I xc dotc * Dont stress oui set much. Big deaI. suft- I * ONL I sekbf uni D c. L.studtesflhatbr1y l qup. "Ail I att for maaely att raut a day anti wel fuse another *ak anadtoa MlHillfeld Sathallan Collegej eA 4~swst Mt Em.l.ance If ria l Scy oftc WCq sfl 46