;e-;,om-MI)It SATISFACTION PRICE MECHANICAL LONG TERM GUARANTEED GUARANTEED GUARANTEE GUARANTEE 30 DAY I 2500 KM 7 DAY 30 DAY 100% 6 MONTN 110,000 KM EXCHANGE PRICE MECHANICAL POWERTRAIN POUCY PROTECTION WARRANTY WARRANTY Regional budget approved, By Chritna Commisso CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Halion resiti nLO wilI pay about $4mort for regiotu;l servlccs tiesi Seat. Yesierda, regional tountcil approved the 2012 budget and busi- ness plan thatiwill sec a 1 1 per centi mettait over lait year Wtth a $732.6 million operating budget anti $b89.9 million slateti for capital pnofects, Hahton's 2012 husi- niess plan secks to mainrain secec levels with a lew exceptions Five- new paramedics. a ncw anibulinLe and t*'o cn1crgers x -rîr_însc urtits %sîli lx- atlde fi EM.S depantment c to pe wmrh I laIton's growtng population saing of $4.9 million frntm pro. vintia uploadîng seul bc rrînvrsted in social serns e' pî-grai Aboiut $l 6 million wil! go toteard a new rrniai assistance pbograra, and .iddî- tional $1.8 million for new allordiable housing unîus and $400.000 for homeimesss preventon programs Ilhe budget included luandi for trme mure spctial wasae dnup-otf days and the expansion of Green Cir progranis t0 apariment and condo buildings The cat of water for tht avrage lxou!ehold wil go up about $27 dollars a yeae w-ih a 3 5 per cent When it caine ta> approvlng the budget. Ilurlingtin Counictlkir John laylor askled th at a scprate vote bt taken regatding thet wo pet cent wage inerase [tir the R.egionk non- unionized staff, includmng council. Information proîvided t0 the budi- gel commiliet shoLws the average wage adjusinuent for 95 oter munic- ipalcolective agteituuenmi 2.21 per cent. Accordîng to tht reportn tht Regio nhada long-standtng poli oi »0. SE on page 16 Inside Today's Champion DATELINE 21 PREAL SFMATE 25 ARTS 2 CLASSITIE 48 s~~~ ~~ 0Jtatdldt hnpmor