Local man faces charges of driving while drunk A 52vriodMilton man wic. charged wilh dturik àrivtng caiv Nloncday inirriig alter heîing pîîlled trier dunig a RiDE b[pt t1itk on Miden Latte the' suspect fices charges o! osîl tio ail l1uu ar i-.îaçked Aixii $11i.000 ini îewclr. andu ,)rtîptiter equîtiei re it ie toic flotiî a LtNlg.til Roaiu trientce lai I hîîndiiy tiret1cI o-i* atlt m andi i 30 Velticle sinlen A ctisîoinîtzed sîlver i 'tQ Fort piE kup vat- titi aii $h)000Sji. ttis siolcti Iriom Mltîil 1traîs.nîîsIiîn tnt. titi stesAeîi 's omie- tinte betrecen Detcmber 6 an ric The licenie plaie ntnkilr Lst ït% IiL Deorations damaged t. uidoor nlal'Chln-i nil-lt u tn VAoLdtward Avenuec liIcaist Bnulce ird irnti tîMmrnial Stri cvernîght Iteenaher 5 andl Pl'îîî. ame îîveslîgainîg. Home broloen into A Playstaliton, iPad, akohol and lewellert wonh abolit $ 3.(X) rer Stt.ktI IrOnt aIlM on Cedar Hedge Rtuîf [lie lrali-tin txxtrrecl tîmehîtme bttwee-n 8) 20 a ii aind 5: 10 1 ni LIceidrnher ýi PolioeBlotter Vehicit targeted A Magellan GIIS unir. bînoculirs. iPtKî anc1 aî Naglîtc Ilashlight teere siolen fnom a vrhiclr parked on Moiinîaînview Drive Mie ithei liatppeiied scilmine over the wcerîcli Woman charged wuîb theft A 45 teaT-tild tronno womian teas t h.îr-ged wiih thé i tinder $5.000 and obsîruc [politc in tonriet on with an incident la-sî -thurbday ai aNout 7 p.m. ai Zellees on Oniano Strcet rhe womaun allegedly left the store wuthoui paVnrg for a v.îrit(il items- in two shopping tags, worth $6i10. * 9a3 MON TIfS *FREE MON! TURING NUS ADtiu oi etnaâèlI#Ji!tiilC Birkdale Place SENIORS COMMUNIT) * LARGEST SUITES IN THE REGION! SUITE PRICING FROM $3695 PER MONTH ESCARPMENT VIEWS! + Executive Chef Prepared MealsM * Complimentary café for you. family & friends + Safe and Secure - 7/24 Caring Staff & Controlled Acces. + Beautiful, Wel Appointed Lounges. Dining Room. Games Roolm. Theatre Chapel. Leisure Areas and Hair Salon + Fitness program and equipment. Personal Fitness Coaching + Full and stimulating Activity Prngram. van. many scrvice + Professional, Knowledgeable. and Devoted Care Available