SPORTS SPORT EDITOR: STEVE LBLANC e-muail*niltonadanchmpl.on g Milton s% Hadfied! lier i windja vu of North Halton chanîpionship *y Sense ioUlan- CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF lb 1wi i,- !llii1 iLnf-- ad i - 1 >î i ta 1 i e rs i -i Ai n~linai ihaitpiîithip. and îiiirareti hcaii-u fori an ea'î Sait-tp titi-tL-itigi-r ie rutit or tiiîigleM gai watt an aniinitatf- saud ichu Hawýkc- co-tachi ai F Ct. ttr-îry ti gh S-bitai fhursday nîghî. rThe assuasimnt prtrvd qutu ac-cu- raie. as tht- Stîngurs -- who*t (alun ta Iadfîuld tri tht- North Hailtn finîals a aiet-k eaulit-r - tifkrui inuth gît-att-i ru-;stant n tht- pmtinl cat. and [cd lyà in tha lsîî iýv ti) tecaris gîtîrg finheatun in Icagne plan tiis seart thc Htawsa si-itl esnîttialîn ril>i tit- a 25-20 ittî tnittmph. hui nit ht-fate sursts-ing onc last -urgu bas thuir neighbuunng ns-ais But Hadfiitd tuas hardis ai arranger iii cii- ganes, tits lauL iîang plat-d rnp etghît a: Lait iint1is proistnialts at-J titi-ted ViS O- Ln an cpit )s Halton boys volleyball titlesj Hawthonw Village grounds Eagles NET GA1IS: Clii HdtiS Vipasr ,R;veèndi Z a deirvees a htt againsr Ntîk bpenicer ai Stewattwrr 31-29 gamne-ane ufinilur thai htgitligittcd a lieu-se-t iemîifinaî sweep, suid en-citait Afyssa Meinu. -1 bat was deintreîy aur mosi nerve- wr-at-ing game.c but buese guys donti get rautled. Wben we tell hetind rn gat sataanaSeianir tao(ganjii wasnt -ttrpnsing tit tht-v fit-d tf tl-grilbr - A toiupie (i laite hias tn gauu se hici-i aiptait \iyasiian Ratut-tîdrad-as ptt ib iitpuirnsfsp away foi the- (laseRs, sehasse nase appeard in the [ast thire regianal finals - hansrng tiiliait yt-ar attir winnîng their f(tnt Hiaian pt-nnamt in 2009 tii-t aptaîn 1iii a I ±'useitî stand tait tuîkusiseis. ttrniîgh mueth i ttu dru di stt w iniih lttlliiaed ait îîncharactt-nst:i ttne--,tded aufaur htn-en the- North t aaitr paier- houit-s 'tcwantataim dîdnî gui esen tais canseeutwt- points Ln t he fii i st- K.tran Uippal and Max f Icaitsonr prtrsrtded srne ig sunusý nr the fitials white rnipnnui h dAîni fruit-r estrn liase w-tru nuedud fin surv-tut theu npentng set ni bhe semrihnals - hy lari tht itetisent tttghiigbîi (if ttc rtight f taweitanuie Vlakgus' gi tit adu tir the- Tier I semitfinals, sihure big -w£rinng cfd tem in aigainsi cuit- tuai -barinptan Sîliur t-sruck ni Georgetowen lite 25-12, 23)-12 semîfînai tuas a reitaiit i tht- Northt I talton final, alsa won by tht- Storri. halt'ii lt-Il i-t 'bort ti the sNorth Iialien l ier 2 clrrrptntlibtp. but ienictin b-. up fir krabs tiîf stinging frOiti J 1 h 13 îItbtkiiig I1--- ai 11 fian-la (if liget jet-t tingh itnc wcek earîter, the- H-111ktîîrint i.l tivi 1; t, Dnri Hîgh Sý htiil - railsig liiti i gaitu-mui ut liai to tikc ili lien tiltitasniirhu ir t-roti tht-ru, the- tatle %vitt--uit ilitnili-thlrtiait ir t;v wtrn Viie- tentînuing tn exhihit grcat ntut )tnlitlîitt antd ctlrnip1urc - piîlled fi a 2i-22. 25- 13 sait-up oi t a Flu astitu I-agles .Aittr Litirt g so it iiilite Noîrtht ilaiton fina.s, wî- knesi v-e tltît(i brai them t fgui lt-et sirgh) . nttned ituiti- Iitead Lah Pht ftLFraiîc)-eFlc gi t11 reilnt. tegethuer ais a tuant. fEkspitu ru aiggranaing a iîhutîîb miny in th smîifînais. Iaihnirne Villaiguf (;rade Sant htir R-fiec Blut fIe îhultsed siu fItitdaib iu iîîtg îhrnîîgh the- i iaimpinnshîp showe- dciwn. whii bý WiS rttrkeîf sutth 'tintei HANDS UP Hawtthiane Vîllaqesý Rylee But-hie qises uta tut a fîtaut fis hulit fui5an aui t -îtg -tiitiî ai tlii -t-tsu uini: -iixtit grafr r-irtiN-iattt -,In- Ironti liai ';p-t it i t -tî- ri-eliîtg tilt six at-e -servest h bup van A1e a gi- tuain tualiv sss urls.strtg Onc f ItL: niai ri.> In girls pla. tht- thris Haifieii i ùaski î ,ami' tithin a mai, h ti t faili îrîg t aitîtn 1ier 2 siprumnity [ ietii ruaiheul tit ina huaii jt Wir irsiv a lina Mlitin ruaIt asurIgittg ýieit Niiti litaltîn hunai o suith ai 2-i' 21-17 1%î11 titVi-i1 Dt k - but tul 2 h-I iÎ 25i21 t [hi' Ii.faski nîinuiteî al spinteti tichai k in gaittai ait. but fiirct-s [tt-ii-titti -tzacidantage etuî [fit. gait. -%n a ltif rt-r -ilci7l- i-il raille- andl -tottù gi-at it11iti plas -IClarke% GoU