Secret family recipe now available on store shelves Mdtonk Rosy Soobrauc upfor grand piize in Recipe Wo Riches reality series f Sly katiy Yandsus CANADIAN CHAMPiON STAFF Rasy Sonitratre is a srIf-eonfsed Fonid Netwcrk junkie. In tacr, whien site amrved on set as a contes- rani in te network'% ccmpleiive irality senes Recipe ta Riches, site seas aseestruelr whien site loclced eyes siit cite cf the cetebnity jodges. 'I seas Lasta Caldter who daes rencit Fond ai Home,- gnins te Milton menm ai ihe renillectîn hrum ansong ihoosands cf recipes subosîr- ted, Suubnrtiek Crramy iColfi, inspied by lier Esse Indran tins. eas selected and site itesame one cf 21 Finaliste for rte inaugural sitow -li ex ter bjectve eras ru corivince Calder, advenrisrng guru Tcny Citapman arnd culînary direiaorafjanes Fanily Fonids. Tiena Mcaule>; tit iter stcret lattaIl recîpeý deer o h li dexeclopecld mut r l (ede-t hie tïs.)tii and srioxked ont LitLa s tei sitelves in Iamily foc generations, lthe recîpe pasird dom ity liter grandiarther wito makes and selis its ommr swrets in Indra. recetird deteerable ccsnmenis [rom rte judges Sthen rteL panel itad rct bce convînird the frozen desseri ctîtld lie mass;-prtsdriced and nmarket- cdi Firned civer ire dtays rte expentence mas excrring and sorreal ai rte sanie rimre, sai] Sobarre, whio mas up agaînsi tt> oter conicsianis WkXý li no rime t) tink aritui rl a ail I tri] pnieutonra ai rthe imie lite tree îf ois isere ers'ttg rte rime (tut lti rire endi, oohýlrite was prese-nred surîti $25,t'IKIs and thic ct>seiei envelope-:-Ie gîlden ritlser rtiirlrg site hai] tmade i tci rte lirî. t lxe,.rrei] %veine-sd.i, Dec t14 at Yi i',rirti t ~.tî. rr.lesuIrchol t ti ti K]arnmta 1- xxx icrini] cid %iti cl Irtlliw -rt . rester Ilaxtrur and prsiat lir nurý. Ls noi il select Lobhs tnres semss rthe ccrniry inebud- ing No FrItis and Resu Canadian Supersîn-re in Milton, lor 33.49. Sncitrattiee note faces off agarnar the sein- nets of rte oeter srx eritegories for te grand prize of $250.000. Vieseers wili have rthe citance ro have rteir say by srcrong orirne itreen 12 QI a m romarrow andt il,59 p.m, Fniday r a2nada gels ta vaie Il% Iie rthe canadran iti for ti-c, sie larrghed Gret aller dimer trrait Alitoirgi marketed in a downînun 'lomonîn ltsiaitr serith mniri biangnai disicers an] rte Iod and pmnxraneed" onds cf rte doitl. S liaerdesenites. lier reelpe as a deeaet airer dinner tirai for anyrîne. 'Its for soie- bocdy Irke me, a workîng parent whci likes ru go out for drnner* lThe leeditaek ai rthe marketing cirent mas arrlsetiessik, site sai] lThe itonour afil ns hiuge, its an assesomne opponnuy, sard Scinirarreren Iro as citeeked t liter produet rn rte grocer store reitit 8-seat-nIld djugitrr Srers Eten if Sîiraîrce docsni walk aa suit rte quarrer tif a million dollar pnize, as a cati- tert suivor sites-ý alcaty a erînner. *ihiere s a grearer purpose ru durng rtrs t mimtd io reaili nv daugitr ilai ytîu tait frgit trtugit tic.ti-e ings, .1 sari] otinte, relerrrng ti hier tLirrgntxirý e1 s;tinsAri tcamter whcliier drurgirr mas a year cli] t<arhv laturs <an lxre uaeted ai kyanelirs@ rnilitrectrnadiancramrpirt.îtm. My business neede a marketing plan. Qulck. _ _ Introducing a wtiole new suitie cd marketing services for business owr is kyou. ybe, hr< l -,- . a,4iiqs -~p. ai Cý C *f Abt i Ms. is6 i. Ir-si.iet s99, moesý 0i . ii.. seta4slhaé. FI Prie Ced i trIc Adivenîuing CLredit q ,w bfej. n h opn . jjhoe.Anere. Mifton Urban Yard Waste Collection Ending for 2011 The. last colectiom days of Yard Waste in 2011 are: Anea 3: Decetuber 5 Anea 4: December 14 Arma 5: December 14 Urban Yard Waste collection will re-start in Aprîl 2012. Acceptable Yard Waste Materlals * Lewvs * Sticks & twîgs * Tree tnimmings * Decorative comstalks *i Pirmpkins * Falten fruit frors trees * Yard and garden trimmings " Weeds Yard Watt lips %Unacceptable Yard Waste Materials * Grass clippirrgs * Tree stomps * Sod, soit, and rocks * Clay * Plastic shopping or garbage bags * Plastic ftower/phanî pots * Flowerilant mariers and tags * Use paper yard waste bags or reusable, rîgid containers (no lid). * Yard waste in cardboard botes, BIue Boxes, GreenCaits, plastic bags, compostable bags or biodegradabte bags wilt nat be cotlected. * To order a yard seaste label at no charge, vsit, or call Halton Region. Place yard waste labels an your reusable container. * Containers most be no heurter titan 23 kg and muy have a cupuciiy Up ta 125 1. * Brushmust be tedin bndles nolargerithan 1.imxO.6min(4 ftx2 ft> wide, with branches a maximum cf 7.5 cm (3 in) in diameter. t: Ohaiavîrecycler @» hlorirecyeterecu