Audi Al e-trons make all the right connections Metroland Media Carguide Magaanw Audi hat art% iieked the ~Wllll Oni 200 exianple-r i lthe ciecirt Al c-îriin. hnngtng the remnarkable 1 *Lc mpg pre- inium ritiluipacir, t ikn ihe utrcets Ilf munici a part III aIl CXtettriret pilt trial and data taplurc esx-reue The filet tial priet lta. heeti Inîti atcd by Audi, thc rtwe citmpany E. ON, the public utitty Nuadixiekr Xlunchen îSWM) and lechnische Uritvrrital Munchen {IUM). and hil help titerec tîoiaîîn îcoînsîldate thete thLnking,>rn the întcgrttntîec trtc pîwrr tutti day tç,-dat mniitirng. algt lcnîLf liv th Ilgt- i- t IN and SWM are ritspi-le ftor ctpanding and i alatnetig the charg- ing inîtrueitre trt tite Mitcie metx- pttlitan arca. and have aircady irLtaileci a tietnancd-4înenied charging nciwttrit th-uc - S\;i\ witîiin iltc Bavanan ctpi itys Iiittît An L ON ili iarîls trii iîuulyîng arcar Ali te eiitik 'fICteiug rlitlItt tier piiwer genr'rated %-î,î 10 ndi o Jp« Il1niph I th atr ruNlw u t w o MuD efin in g black ice Iratil rp n, )ien nrike mertttl if lâ kt i( drintg dit: toldi- weathe ituen ver\ dangeritbi But rOtai erat.Iiy 13Wtk irc IN a1 turtu oiring il icr thai 1tirnî 'Ill 1itadrirraid itiliCI iia- il iltt , 'trcl uit i ir îICC ig i-'iti:i irttîl Ilîtîrr -hu it i rig îî'e:îgîî.IIeîî NiCittîti Bea i l ic 1> i' tut. tue i, .tpar io hi the s1nie î0i0l' 'Il th sirtiati itatieitai ht-ittaith ilte tic rhtrefiire on a-sphai, niads. ihe: ice cati hc rtcarily tnrtrtýht- and hick I.ii iiti --tncit the ittîtît i lki ik ii ut: hai L, readth i- hit-,hkck icc ts vei- liard litee x îtfttith taki NCIi aii gertius fori ilt iiîl-t Dnvert, fiiuild ireai net h tikîuig ids ,%itht tauttut dtinug the -(Id Werather WIt.t ita> appt-ar Ioi li1 ae ts ititei bitii kite iiluht iiiitdîf iTC, 5Ke Spit(lt aur! accidcrits tutt tuteur if t d]rivr tIttot (rii Walàla ce A* mvy 1 âge - $139999 0 $Slw $28,99S eo$193 mrf $12.599 o $9 +MUI a US a*~m 4111 tu.tu a lm +My ~ e awm *im 0£19«WIIIIIII - U Le 04. cO wnR - - Managor's cholce! $23,999 o $25!ý $25999 $ 198 ~ 95n cj w $9999 $93 ~Mi +MS a Us *UM B tmu -i -cumt $11,999 o $93!AM $1,999o l 0 4.uàwLLUme +fl. 51 a ut TRAESME SCAL -9 4 -P, -rnS2 PLUS SI~ TH WALC *R-W A * £AT USED VEHICLES EXCHANGE POLICY Industry Ieading 30 days 0e INSPECTION 150+ points coverage MANUFACTrURER'S: WARRANTY ,3 mnonthsl5000 km: ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 24-hour amound the clock 801 Mai t. EatMlo IT a UC