Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 2011, p. 16

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Wakefield Professitinal ('entre 100 WAKIIIIi) RI) miI ,liL-N. ON tARl-it) l 218 OCTOBISR lb VISION AWARENESS MONrH -F.NJOY TUE UOI.ORS 0F1 OC'TOBER peohkeesîuami diiirio il hi ex cN iirtie Ni1s Aelieet Fie -c e ci, i ie ey u i n uii ni. ai nîîi ihiiiinf iesilurnriieii.ii t . .isp .1., cu iiusI> ci .up . ->i 1.l< ci ..4eiveil aois ig teiiiil h.. Cfleii î.iiii lsii and tiv Mihleeclieiiiîheîinay h-ison à çitiîîio'alhad4iihei lii. tkiuîil-, pal.eee -hici.uo lîi.-.11t-l hi-, unsirWiii.uhuiLiiuictudangem cMcke.n.. Iia%& mtiIilehctusir eif11iun ad eripon eiu- isclIpll-s ii.& O.Vi gedt atult is A pin- iii cgIiucc il, iiilu huî .. kîs ple-t iial hu., unemephn ginerientiedneieulsiiec NFin iiai - i.ipan.m isa> « heulith . Pssallcneducub .s.ite> t'sdermaedos n ciiedc.ces ilicce àad Wie iii pvvse thei. î.s.lui 1urne nsd.c. 1. peereui ir îideui..,c i oi-quee Samu.afusAn agri aie litendm iai periai Cilmie huima etaseelgiee Vi.... o lir. es d ei seen v-iesii ne. e,. tei ep tpesçserri. -alie' (bi euaumliqe id ygariemil ieueg. c l, hecîssec ieiieisd i.N.a yeui heuo lait "s ey. i. happten li ieià -al- ici syie tiii> iian.g erpil, ppsius.foe e>y. cn elle e iipseui it hie a ganta lite Siter emv aie i lfa Lu*leSr ninm Hulpium pou -a daliarly. Dr Rme.Siraan -lait N yemSvwmnQna i. 4 ~ - c fit t set Es Me hm-ami n7 i11111,1 Eapsus - Ask the Pstslmi Leokimg andi Feeling Voue Brai' ICt i iîsriieii and lacet tientrue lisi% Ilt laiestin1 suiteni -tise-Artiiecbnilisginltealtlt asdheaui>rtrraimrsis Wîsh 217 yers il rnptrienut in a ibed, ladti tins. liiresiîitosl hi t finit and lare keiseltugruhîr 'sali iris' peoile Is, leel heter about ihesiselses fI a-s ihîs ksiiwledgt and ex;secrieticett iai liaarde the t t i i>smetît asd t Ast:1ILiit i rstrtgiiiaîuti lilt ttltscici t aîrn t filirais, cerne leîîm acnîsst Canuata. anîd 'sigapo itir ic v treairnts r liue sli Wit a sul ii1iirtiin lil Isf and higis lrt-iîriei rqîîîpmrsi tIses ais ahle ici achîrse remarhIahle messl i irriunrii liait rieiîssal, iiserti s Nspnigieinsamiiui. si chamagr. as att1 us irai acnr- and Rs.a Pkiwrrlsl siegki asd suiulti.wustltcigtb esedital laser rarc ili teiilsi rielu wNes ieeatii ihrc usindi nisi glslhciI. lcsel hwrs mias ieu4uirc tînes îîîîrr trraimeîist %iii iimal rtsstis t)iuiils i îîr ai, i,,,nlil ii tniais alî,l ilir.iîigh mîc e%iiisu îsîî 'ii ansaîsi c e %.. iCrc abli l (Icii rnrt aisether Phiiiiire use rnaîîîîn nktii iesiirlains' tir I hercigu 'sis liglsitiitg sill'theiiiâic l r ite i ii skis Moi irinisuaovin iloockitiuitirrltheshcs he cas% lie lise thei age Wr saris a luit tîne lii l'sîîî i îlîîîrs us Mîtnerai MakiH lii N unisA' i iai Ilit aid ligastIici i m ast eil asîmai clA tsiitorti sos se' î sr liîerulS att [lie samples( lisiii aiiital andl ii n,-du us% loste il i îîsmcîîcs in stcnrn anîld si l Ja% lonrg Ltixir kii.clctlgiahliý %ralil lii ,,ai.aii ii iiti.îis il apprêitatu Sec un on Emnail tas aI ccdaser< Web Site: eccluacusca à 905-640000L Vms... i Rui 6941 D"n- Road. Sute 203, Millet 905-875-3345 e Q i hi m ha uemui Iuwkq.i w0slit him difhesshv lisueedin l ehill sumu t hasel tanuai eh, ire CTNtt Aufitees Pesesuug xwdseirKAPO' Weha1 à il aluait s"is lae s. if fige sire.i gagn iiiiiiic 'hl1. i iiiîu, 1 i lîî ea bc n In. b 'ilbî cii ,l, in clit icgi.n li'i i- li.'itii i.i T'jlýdt g i it.iii1 i i rit, l ir-, ie4 i nii litu , i ht isfii .iii i. liel In c, îîî 0 lic iiii14cchiitsci.sand 1oiic. ci iiîi so cii i lI c ' i c, i i.ilo i 'i ,ài i du i ti ....1 ". l l mu o-l *uý ile st 1, bi lAiuLtclini iillic'n s.ur, litîc toi Anlsr nccple 'id .iiei orlliaioliie--' tite pînîru Ilu hae .e. litstsusnsersecs lantes iliiiîiic *nDriOUiiiiild iiiinit. t viîiilcin i ieiiituli.iiîii 1t- ulTil * A eý ser li cdi sah rdin. tutug wliing iir ihe scilt' Lsaxuae thilbulleaw ruastogelt *Aremctstn hast lin s'uI cht iii(tl) [besr an wcil as bier behavgots. mu> be gs i. as audots' pessaeissnihiî fail amai iee itiite s lianit iih fiîmîal c-ig lis ani Aiidilips l peua han" fiambe qureelom oir tlitst rispitiug Ait) cuit the HeerhSpeec le Hea.flg Centee te speali te osent oftise ElyeTanner & Assoclates nc. Um M. Tum BÂ,B&&W.,MS3W, R.S.W DIP OC. 8DM. MCounslieling & Psychotherapy Millon (M)5 &%-Ml0 di * e.olsoluhasom Il ns Thanhugtingnj -a lime ti fte stock Wlle have hali a number ,,a sigclicasl deasthu in tise lait issirhi tia haie impuctei ui conntry. aur cîîînmunity andi aur continent. It was the 10I pear asniveraev if 9/Il. It is mental healts awareness wteh asdithle statintic tisai suicide tNe 2d leaing cause oil deatN lot people agit 1Wtîî 2tyvrs (iflage and now i a gtrigcincemr for. seniors. Things car, sem prti grirri. I lhane spolies cn the puni ahnnt tise proisesses of grieving unit ut1 annîerp andi deprennion, Ail aI tiset tapicu are relatetlait ask. "Wtit is tise înîeaoing îof fle?" anin tittes ofi ieupair there appears lu Ne ano asier But there is an animer, Tie meuning (of fle is heîng consected tui aliers unit ta pour esoirnment. We have iii Ne ubie ici pri>ci oiuselces inu. tise future sien hat soc have uimethinig look huithieard tri, s>mething ti, cure about, a puersan, a plassion or pet thut me cure fat and tisat seens os in theie liCe. 'Ae neei t i recegifeie tise gifla tistait une have aeond us aI ail limes. Il von car sec to reud Ibis. lisen non bave the gîlt ofi nighl. Ifm>u cai anderstaod il, pou hanve flie gi if a gonni init. tlpîîu iiiiearu5uns aront pou. ble.nedioith the ahîlît> tg) heur taugister and souent. of jas. This Thanlisginint taile a moment to recusanize pouil ilts Tise ciédren are bâatru scisool hecutuse we unve in a cocuntry tisati values educution for bath girls and boys. We recentaill ent ta tise pnlls hecause lign liw in a fret and demecralie counstrp misere batha, sien andi seoien hatve 1h.. peistiege aI ahi.. lo taile tise night ta vote tue grantad. As Une weatier caotus and tise huaves change olsums ille tise heaut> sand lise tisanlis tisaI mei do sot lae sn leur nf dnsugist noir famine sor terresrtial itormi. la pou.. limes oI sgnels, unaety andi gief stop lac a moment andi recggnuse andi actnescledge the gifla pou hune hemn giene und tatie a moment to gin.. tisunki. I saish pou ail a Tisankagiving af peace und happinesa 'HE L PI8NG YVOSJ H EL P YVitJSE LIeF Q: At a Cainadiart, vaat i. my exposuire ta U.S. estatte ta«? A Filtale Laî is baseul on a grsitsait rate system iroie 18%6 to 35% titi a unîlied credît ai $13.000 egmovalerit ta a value ai $60.000 Foi non-US5 citizeris aiilp US5. sitos assets Asis di geai estate tangible property siusated in tise USý, stoch certliciates ai U Sl corporations aie incîsted on tise grass estate, tise CanadaU S. tant tteaiy allats lot a $ 1, 7 30,800 cre-dit allardel ru U S. citîzess, argxt ,hased os gros> O S. assers tai pour ratal arît vidle asseis The. treaty allies for a martial credît tirere piaperl translers ta pour sposse Otiser trr pianisions inay applp Far deatis acrrisg ol 2010, tise 'no estdte tac rIe' wi-j oiy2D ly il tise esecotor malies a sonnaI elecrion and files an irlormatar reisîn IRS lorm 8939 Thse rop gradualeit rate apli revei la b5% (2012) with a plraaet snilied iredit of only $345.800. Il legislarian s not enacred. p.anning shsaIt be consîtdered tien tsoisgb the pro-aINe ul-oued and marital tireirs inay currentip bo sullicient tistre ont spocu is a3 l S citizen, planning avd iht irlciderce of lise Ido sý More aompîria VIsai pentio ai ownersrnp and anriciparet valse ai te tint ai death is tîlp i'n delevrniing t1whe gn owriersbip aetii.l Vos may canisider madifs'ing four present awnersbip, keepirig in mmid bot I, anadiari ard U Si incomne tan legislarion, Li S. îift and land transier raxes, Note Relereqce la iiollis iiti U S i.urievy Yen ;hPiniaî cosiît wsih pion professconal ateisat, on aIl re4ater) matne i4 -9813 - u oleg«lscac AHawkins Animal Hospitlal Drame Hlawkinss BS..., DVMI Docte.. o( Veterlmary Mede 550 Ontario irait Souilh, Magm.. (Pizza Bei Pizxai *. ewa Pihone <904> WP87--6R8S Fax. <0 ý 878-60531 ALLERGIES IN DOGS AND CATS thriiaph oisu tint yia- I deal usîti itcis diîgs and cals tisai hase allergiesý tir varios tiîgs. îishen, sn tise indtsar or îîuiîlînîr enivîrîîeinac car ta ceriain tutul itlemsi l-lissmver, Aupust Ihioug tilt thse itîribanrd trus-t in (kiîihetr is. Ny fat, tise baus ie. in a' practice. fisr tisis prîsIseen. Itapsuce prtiiuces a pollen tisai. ilbts telialet. cas cause seincr dnîntîîî allergît respo)nse With peuple. Ibis is retiermi ili as ha> <cve- Geseraîlly. tise sympttîms% heisg itis>. thon> cyts.. cougis. seece aad nasal coogestiis When diigs Land cals inhale ihis pîolles. visse cas hase ait .iltergic re pýiîs mîîcis intasîlesis isel ilisrîsgh use skis. Tiey .lsii caci suIfer fions respiratîgryni snpîîms. isut sote (,tiens art îîiieiîse ilit prediiriates Tise itch s, ,siictinics ni intense tai ma.îî acluaill> sdI niaiaeilîcîr 'Lin t ish igsiIse sc r.iîchîsg. tickicg and dliscuos t)ienca a' resais. tht> end up tits a secindary isactial skia laflecinn calted pidc'nitsa. tlecaujc stîsiscr tise cîsuoteCr' iîedies sucis as lteiî.idrp I. tard>y mîsill lit reliese tise iliteilse lc h. il s atsahttjll lii seek iriedicat intervenion, IPîen, syslielrî ciittisiic .and atîiliiiîics art needed ii hetp tise Ker uisnosph (ii trîînîg mîise. As La tutl. il pîrsi Kii shci%%s sach s>tu oral tis pa, lises tl vid cuntisu O t liti sus peaLr alters:eir torts>% lirisiicc. I .îulise ail clitai that issu allcrgy selleris' pets ail, sce metîcat icicrvenutistiseb minute the icis liegini. berc'.cliissisatiog tise îx)sisbilil> t pyistenca iticli silistil> tes icrlesI

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