The Citizens' Priorities - Halton Region's 2011-2014 Action Plan Iby Regional Chair Gary Carr Halton Region impacts su inany areas of your daily life. From emergency nriedîcal services to children and seniors' services tu affordable housing tu Regional roads to wvaste Managemnt to providing cItail (Il iniikng wîurir tilion Regîoni's services hielp inipi ive thle lives of t talionreini On June 22, Halton Regional Couincil approved The Citizens' Priorities - Halton Regionfs 20t t-2014 Action Plan which sets ou[ CLoiîîicilsb wui k plaît anîd agendia foi I lle iiext four vears. lncluded in the Action Plani are 25 priority areas ranging from fiscal responsîhiliiv. planning susiaîtiable communîties, protectîng public liealih and public engagerrent, as well as meisitrahie key iitiatives mnd key actions. The Actioni Plan serves as a framiework for decisions on fiscal, policy and operational matters and lorins the Éotiîndation to effectively align tlle priorities establislied wîthîn the Region's budget and buîsinîess plan. 'l'le Action Plan has been developed 10 lie a living, respoiîsive document thai wîll lie revîewed .înnuîai.lly to reflect ils progress. Regional Council will also use thins animaI review lîîritd lui refleci aniv changes in the Regionis econoic ouîlook or changes iii Federal or Provincial governett policv direction. Il is also fiindamentally different froîn any strategic plan we have eveî developed ai ilie Region becauise we worked closely wiîlî the community at îhe beginiiing of the process and listened in what the cominuitiy told us was importanît. .l'hie Action Plan wîll noi only guide the work that fialton does on a daîly basîs, it wîll also provide a wav to mneasure boîh Regional Councîl's and staff's performance auîd achievemenis ni a way IlIali s c= =- - clear and easy to understand. hl contaîns measurable priorîties and actions that aci like a report card, su thiat each year residenis wîll be able to clearlv see whaî we have achîeved for the taxpayers of 1llaitonî. 1 would like to îhank everyoîte for ilieir participation in îhîis very important process. Togethler we are eiîsuring that Haltoît Region remaîrîs a great place Io lîve. work, raîse a fainily aind relire. To read a copy of the Actioti Plait visil, IIow wiII Haton Region keep the community informed? To keep ySauifmd on hm Hiton Region is delivering on the nontes outlined in the Action Plan, ewîry yearwrie wM pmcivie a report cad fhut will hi~l~ the progress alchieved i n dte M"nte% initiatives anti actions In theActo PLan. lhis report cati wlN dow resàdents to dlearly see whatwve have achieved for *me taitpayof Hilto anti weheCouncil andi staff have met the publôc's expectatons. The flts iqiepot card wlN b. lssînd in early 2012. wfth another one follovrng each year uritil 2015 when a new Action MmaniiU b. develape. Citizen input into the Action Plan Working with the communit y in new and innovative ways helped the Region develop priorities, initiatives and actions that reflect whal residents like about living and working in FHalton and what to focus on t0 make il even better. Some of the wavs the community shared iheir îhotîghts incliided: " a phone survey and locus grotîps with Ipsos Reid " an online survey through lialton's websîte " inpuit fronm Cotincillors oin the top fîve Regional i.ssues t hey heard from constiIiwioîs whien t hev were on the campaigîl trail " the firsi ever Halton Region Cîtizens' Relerence Panel " a public rouxîdiable mieeting The Citizens'Refereîîce Panel was a group of 36 randomnly selecied resîdents from Bîîrlington, Halton His, Milton and Oakville who, over the course of four Saitirdays in January and Febrîîarv. 20111. learned about Haiton Region's programns and services and helped identify priorities for lialton Region' four year Action Plan. j-î lois page ha% W~n donated by ttris newspaper Io commuusate #nWrlant novt iori tu laiton reydents at rio lotu taxpayero