Readers Write Lnu .c>x.u tr t7V a W eÙ .ý;ý gTJU'(ù(iii fý.a . i i'r r, Yrr. Transit going through growing pains like any start-up business DEAR IEDITOR: \1ts naiîne is Manlaial Ilar anti i 'm th( chair ai the Mlitotn iaîssit C îtîîîîttte IThi' faiiosvtng cotinetnts aiceni t ICI b tttistrutd as dte isol- tevttf thc Muiliont Iransît (i.attîîttttet tit ilttoni Traisit. but dio repiresenit îny vttws tîf the importîance cit the cnitncd gcawih ofi transît 'niitîni Miltan Reicrence is qutte ofien made tisai ise cosi oi trantsit ini our itîsti s 'stifstanttally htghtrr tiais the average substdtts îsatd tri ýsupport ai transît in tter t ititînt muni'.ipalittits 1 ciî usý r't-i',iittr ont- îhîîg ru-alitransît1 has ottix huait alise tri Miîlite [riss than ftut' stars and w'ere gîîîng îhrîsugh. as any stait-up business% dis,s groiswng patins. and ihex iÀ5St itittite Ftml me a transit systein initer theser condtioens, stanîing uli tn a tasen tisai bas tcîpied Lis s;iree ielss itan 10 stars and ihen, I our subissds are suh- sîanîîaiiy itghee, WCe tani talli Iiack in 1997 a repart w&a% prepared by the Regian ai [ilton. and aeeepîed b>' the iwn cauncîl ai tht day indicat- sng a tremendous geiîwii 'nas comîng ti Milton tn population, lîtustimg uilîitsiii iii '\îrti ?itX)7, 10 028-07 'nos tstt'l,îîi tt:ti tht' pttpiîLtttitos groitai lis. ait .tddt iotual 41,400) resideni-s. ittttsttg hr 11.900l tinits anti jobs h; niait than 18.000 potsitiontsý aii tof itis to uctî is 2-021 ."uicorîiing to juan tif Miitn ltîmhecs [tir 20ût) C. n e ccii menis ai appci'txitnateis 85ý.000 mt'sidettts Husa dt WCe exptxt ta grciw tuu titan a'titiut tcansiti Looîk ati inmsinttiesýý ac'.titd us - \issîssasga. Oak-ille, tliingîtn 'hcs ah liasve fitis iiig ititis.parksý 11% 't pubiu tranisit ,stid %s til ili' ' 01ti td ai tas currint rate, asý butstness îw-ner, do v'tu wni ut bit> proper' lto park cars orc 'ull yîîu lacate in an acta tisas pro- vides a stable traiLtit aittulAtive [ttc yaur tmpiîtvees' Wc iueep un heanng albins the iowec taxes in Mîlton but, art tsese bîîssnesses pcpared it0 accepi igher taxes in rerisrc services, as is îndîcaîed b> theit devistîtt tai listait in thesbe aiea eismmuntttts? Fac no.w, tram*iin Miton isn't as ctîs( effective as is cas bc. agceed. but there have been steps taken in the pasi yeac iii tii1îîî 'tii iseail dliits ti sust ' iîcîg i stu h' k1lut. etigea.ile stismit' r"'isti lict tri i'\\ Iriisit . routtet'cistt asîsî tise tiitthttctttitii si u'. t sers'ires as the SehitI 'tttctiai Mt1t1011 s1 gitttg ri guis: îlots a gîs't'n. andt We tisse iii lie tuisý ,tirî iti io catit stari atîisiciso jstigmatîîs atîid hi situtessfiil If !slittttiiisnti planî us titst tratii svîs.tiisers. in highr irvels' - provtîictai atîc rtgîitttal - isu tit tL aii seîsd us a1 bill i (ais asiniimsi gtiacaie ssiil bc wii' sstiuis serviec 1 icii alc sa ouitu iilli' ttise, car tuai i ive iîîutsd inter- stiîg, Net rtdership htittai isiaîdings iess irans.fersi 2010. 48,354 passengers. 2011 86,Q31 patitgtts iransiers tusuaill ais indiation (il transit usage w-uisin glie tawni 2010' IsOS. 2011 1 .772 W:e stîli have sisme wîsrk t dit. but tîtr transit sytstetsi atid aur iisa'et so onu>' be sttcce-siui ti 'ne carry a pitis'e attîtîtte If gnitwtis and conîtinue lto aticaci 'neli quaiiec residens tii sert' ste Ittisileýs etîmmunt>' MARSHAUL NORMER MILTON Highway shouldn't be on Provincial radar roan ICUDOS on page AS t bey woitidn'i bave us answer ta tist wha quîestionî 'nus a bighwa>. cuiis tstugis a quaini ctsînmunîîî; îiestrîtsîng iarnsiand aling the wa Ai a tînte witrie îittiu ste wot Id acre seeiisg a shîli [rote cars ici trains, anti dîînng a period tii ceneaed initecesi, in locai farming. îî surprises and disappliitt nie tisai îiss isigbwiss' s evets tit the' Prtss'nciai radar. Uinftsrtuitattb, itsç lui Jîîs tht. tint htghsAas ibats heeni thetîaik (il îegîînal ttuniset uiatthet' A btgisa isîaeîiîng Hiaion i ls and Branîptocn and osne i înîîecîtîsg Niagara Regitt ii Iiîîrlîtsgîît bave aisut matici tutu sarîîîîî the age'nda iltJistg i i thecoridorc and stantdintg ul) fi iti' eîtnsmute ilies a iîtci liie t st-e tlec'ails c uIt noci New regulations passed regarding provisions and facilities at hotels 'rmw etps an'q.cs ('/ infle rht' (has anal ohee puiiflm tn icit e pnn talc a windc'te luxa .ilton 's flaNw Liîtananon' (onment Li titc menss ;rvieled ta place rte situa- (tc tite i june 1917 Nese ceguisîmans lac standard htîîtls requin' the keeping ai pienty ai coid 'natte lac the use ai gutats. a candie in each bedrooto a aciisate thse escape ai the aocsupansts in case ai fi'e and liîgiting syssens being put oui of arder. 'starin win- dows lac bedroans aue farbidden and fiee escape topes must kc fus' tened Iron the sies ai wmndow ai lest îwa leet irons the sill. A resolution 'nas passed by Cttunty Counil Mcr l-lvrds nsaved, scîindedI iy Mtr. Nicho)lsoLn. 'tiai whereas dit situation ai thse battie front Ls mmasicnus and demand the canesi ami immediasa considecanon of the public ai the Dominion, we, îhrough aur Parliamens, hiving gîven aur brave Canadian boys, fîghLssng at the lirons, a piedge tint drey wauld bc supported by freas restsfoceettsnts front ime ta Urne and 'nierutas voiuntary enlistssent havmng ceusai, the mat power af aur country must be krout out, thla council nases wiîh satdactian tiss the Prime Haufsser ai Canada lias itreeduced a cassacatuia bill which ibis cauntcil coalad1eu 6fr nd tea- sortable in every paesscsulair. Titis cosicil wauld place on recaord ua hearty appnvai ai the canacripdon bill, as itraduced, ansd trusts that the saine will ke passai ani put ino opecuattan ai once, so0 tisneiy andi iniediate support 'nul k gts'en ta our Canadian boys nnw batthing so hraveiy for isur Empire, and tint the Cierk bc isereby instruct ta farwani ibis cesolutian ta the Prime Minister. leader oi the Opposition, Sic Wililnd t1auner and aur membr for Halton, Hon () I'Ietdersan." Hilton eu E. H. Cleavr 'nas named Lustral candidate for Ilaluan for the. ULeisiature ai Ontanio. He is a pronsi- tient lawyec. gransison ai ont ai the ariginal terriers un Halion lus grand- ilicer having camne frans Pecnaylvania as thetsirne ai the arrivai ai tise LIE Lasihsss avec arr hundred ycars aga. E.iH. Cleaver ls a graduait ai Osgodt Hall Taranto. lie locased ai Burliîsgîst lis 1890ý Tise execusîve ai the laitîtr (.inservaltve Assoiscation mner in Milsais on t'uesay ht 'nas det.sded that no convention kc calied ta select eandidaces for titiser the Local ai Domiin Flouses, as they thaugsi that nosbing shousi k donc ta aine paciy feeling during the crini- cal irisas theougit wbich wr art naw paaaing, as shey considerei tiai tise whale energ ai the Canadiais people shauls bc ettertes iun the wlnnuing ai tise nar firns and ti it wasald ki rant enoag ta bring oui a canidsate when Parliarnens wausi kc dislved. As llsday eveningls mtesin ai the tan council the pîimc4wi bui- ness was adaption ai a reualsatian making a grant for the 'putchas ai the 16 goid wase}tes <10 ta n'tucntd saliîers, 4 ta soidiecÇ wida'ns andi 2 ta mensisers ai [amuses ai unmarid soidiers 'nio have dted). is yeae the Ontana Legisiatuce paased the third ai iLi acts ta legalit grats in conneetios 'nth ne. (hos matenraits itivmrablédim betalf 01, gter Ml/olli.îHitorical 3ou at«Y 4î /tm DiUs, se/o caa ut' eeac/ued theough lie societ>' ai(905) 875-41.56.