MILTON OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9 a.m - 4 p m. * CALI CENTRE HOURS: AD SURMISSION: By malo en mpeSOcat BurlngtocPost 5040Mainway, Uni 1 Burlcgten ON L7 705. DEADUNES: Mocday t1a.m. ter Tuesaa ________________ pulctoWcdresday t1t a.m fort Thunsday publicationc Spc a Feature deadlines map oary. PAYMENT: W cml an epe cash, creque, Inec, Visa MasteeCard, DA TAPASte ensane its accarate. The Caeaiae Champion miii mot be cesperruible tee arn errons appcaricg affler the linet dan of pablication, Il an lsied c e" : nyoan ad, coctact yeur Sales Consultant esothie 24 heurs et publication -titunseay publication errors muet be ccpeetcd betone 5:30 p.m. 905-878-5947 Gasfidc on 06 oirig Meeda. 0A DEBT Solution Moey for any nunnose OchI con- solidatien lst,2nd and 3nd ~,mentgages, credit uines & boans up te 90% LTV. Seli ,~eploycd, mtogage on tac a~ aeans. Oott Pay to' 1y ~ ngam 8 101 71 Ontario- emJid Fiaca oP. Cali O -88307-7799 lu ww.ecntario-widlelitatcial. S$SMONEYS5 cONSOLI- DATE Debis Mettgages te E9016 No mreBdcct S01 Better Option, Motgage #10969 180221169 ww.motgageoctac $$MONEY5$ -coreoIî- DATE Ochts Motgages te 90% Ne ircemne, Bad cr644t OK! Beîsen Option 100J121169 #10969 CrctOp portuaty! LEATIIER SOFA. leveseai, chair, $450 fon ail. Kitchen table, 6 chis5300. Cal 647-227-3554. CAre"nuh cn $nc Remr ffl athd$ serice 05 43 332 418-358-9430 TOWNHOME FOR Sale Freehold Townhtome. Ener gy Star cert. Open Con-ý Ettertaining. Corne Sert! MLS Robert Allaby, Sales- terser; Right ai Hame te- alty lrc., Btoherage. Office 905-565-9200 Direct 647-400-7883. $318.900. $318.900 647-400-7883 BEAUTIFUL PURERRED forbsat j Solldern Retre.ver' nope. Remrleci passng presenil ~,J Set checked, shot/ 2-BEDOoM AANT- ewormed. Farm raised. MENT S975/mo, also90-258. bachelor S750./mo Milton Caîl Suzanne 416-618-4495 [ýiýIFoiiiI ACTON 2-SEDROON. 5775/mo. Plot hydre FOUNO: PARROT, Jate waler. Avaîlable 305.1 cal 21 or 5th Lite betweer Tory 416-663-7756. Millt atd Georgetown. catil le identity MILTON: 1-BEDROOM plat dec, bisement apaet- ment Hesiep/ Beecte. Sep- sel aialable JeiAast 1 t 990 POND Stechite: 6,8' svsoro.74s 416o Raiebaws/ 4-1 ecowcc (min 100). Rarbece 8-1(- LZZD 51.50, 10-12»- $2.00, RMW Noudu 12-14*- $3.00 ecawts/ Specks oc50%. 161- Koeerders wie dmill ROOM/ APARTMENT S999.99. Otterbire pend carted. Mature. workicg, aeraieec/ foediaine, Trie- femaereecasr~t Mile~Blue petd-dye, Sactapute, ire for bacheien api., ere wwc.silvercreekponds.cem roemeeo 1-hedreem apt. in 1519e833-2559, Ecin, oct. th01 ere Mu cARPETS- 1 have several prelerably rn a heuse. Caîli 1000 yds. Of rew Staîr- Bety 416-327-3888 or master & 100% nylon car- 4 9-1847 pet. 1841 de livnrooeem & 41669147 all for $389. rncludcs carpet, pad & irstallation 12 adlSteve, 90563-8192 3-BEDAOOM HOUSE, DINING SET, bleached appliarces, A/C, garage, ok al,6carhth douhle drioeway, dech, mea table 6it chirhs. th Oilus o tîlîtîe. Fernardo o.b.o 905-8270466 647-828-2646. _ ______ HOT TUB lOPA) Covers 4 BE0R00M bungalow or Beor Price, cesI Qoalitp. 616 Lire. cerih oflo10h Ail chapes & Colours Sîderead. No pets nreý Avaîlable. Cal terrrd Sî.500/menth plus 1.8 66 -6 52 -6 83 7 uttiries. Call 905-337-9769. ww.thecoverguy.COM/ necopaper tZýý te TOUR un souci POIL C-ZZ Cam" caZZe OdyfZ MILTON TOWNHOUSE- 3 bedrooms, garage. auailable immediately. Fîrst/ last. Cail Saur 905-878-5444. MILTON, HEATHWOO-D- 4-brdroom towrhousc, cote area. Close t i amenrires. Fine olcAC latge lot. S1375/mo. plus utiltitîs. Avaîlablc Aug lst, 905-878-8806 ESCAPE TH4E City by go- îng te an Ontario Pesort, entrts of Oa30rno sotrt wn Oan$0 e- gîft ce ttilicate ut WW.teO teontario.nom OFFICE $PACE: Lou chete nof;sk rh.S. Oahuille tthyeicectreptioc, toi crl o meeting reems, spectacular hîtch- erqounge vil fineplace, frce notiee/inal hîgh sperd in- tenet and mote. 905-829-8748 **retrolandmedia lThe Burlinglon Pont itas an oponing for a TEMPORARY PART-TIME REPORTER Titis position reqaires an individoal to cover general news atories, in-depth profiles on local personalities, ast coetmunity teatures. Cempstmncloa/Slilla and Exporlonce: " Stiong writtes and verbal communication " Able toi write iean Crispi copy ltaI altracts and demanda lte readers'atfention " Be abile t0 wort witin a fast-paced, deadline-driven esvironmenl " Be a leava player in a news romr enviroeomeel " Mast ba prolicient in Microsot Word, aid bave a woring knowledge of Quarki Xpmess and tnDesign Gualitlcatlns:, *Joumalinm dirlma/degree *Knowfedge o te Boitington area an aseet Must itave a reliabie veiticle Please terreard youir renomse ne later filan Menday Juiy 4th, 2011, te: Don Ford, Managing Editer *WORKOPOLIS Tsnî ie f<. -î~ Litfr3 'a sfro l 2 FIELD0 SERVICE Represer- tatve- Reepnrsble for the successfvi installation, claton & costomer sup- port in operahior o! Biorrm Pollution centrol systeme. Position reqvi resa nvr si/cellege degree or equvaient rn mechani- caV/electical. Send resumne te: careers@hî or fax: 518-767-91900 Have YOD Graduated? Andt nsw. Lookin for Fuîtlimeý wobe YMCA Employmenî Services; Cen HeilI CalIlodai t0 regislei 9"581-1140 fsnded by Employment 0171 LICENSED AZ DRIVER teQ'd F/T in Missîssau- ga/TA area for Summîl d Service Dîsinibators. Octîveîces on assîgned toutes cîih lifting reqd.* Prooer record ef cenhîng cdth min. superoision. No bord et croosir g/ home enrry nîght. S cr4 resumes to: emPIoymetoreisummîîý AZ Drivers Required for our Dump Division. Variable days on/off. We require three years driving experience. We offer excellent viages, benefi and newer equipment. Please send resumne with current driver abstract attention Rob, via fax to 519-826-9473 or emnail I CLASS A DRIVER * To make deliveries intte GTA amea. Peufwa resames: LIRONOOXYTECHCAI P/T HELP NEEDED P/T Help needei to1 assîst, ose or two taysl week, Fn 's & Sal o, 6 itours day, w/ resîdenca proprty ainenane, fowe garensetc. No iteavy work. Attractive property near lApeyLice and Bsrnitamtorpe. Peritaps iteal fot stîdent seeking P/T employesent. Cuit 289-208-00l SENIOR BU VER CAPITAL AND REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE A l1arge Brampton Company is seeking a Senior Buyer. Reporting to the Purchasing Manager, the successful candidate will have a 'hands on' approach and be responsible to execute supply chain processes using best practices. You wiII evaluate vendor quotes and services ta determine the most desirable supplier. The successful candidate will be responsible for purchasing and negotiating terms for equipment, capital, and spare parts from vendors. You will identîfy and locate suppliers and sources of supply, evaluate vendôr quote and services to determine the most desirable supplier. Review, re-order process on Microsoft Axapta. Ensure continuous improvement in the areas of goods, services quality, and cost and cycle time reduction. Qualifications e Past experience purchasing manufacturing equipment, parts and services in the protein industry. e University degree in Business Administration. *Supply Chain Management Professional SCMP (or working on completing). a Proven proficiency in ail aspects of Microsoft office is required. *Excellent organization skilîs. Please send your resume tai: .e l1 OPPORTUNITIES AT THE MIFIoN TOWN 0F MILTON & MILTON CENTRE FOR THE ARTS The Town of Miton Csmmunily Services Deparîment is csrrenly accepling applications for the lollowing part-lime positions: M&lon Centre for the Art - Cunlomner Service / Box Mfie Representatines IeWDL ilý *Fitness Instructors *Public Skating Patrollers & Cashiers * Lieguards / Swim Instructors If you are interesîed in titis position or would like more information please viait te Careers section of lte Towns wetisite ai ~LOMjoE IU1quality crackiers is looking to tilt ____lte lollowing positions lor ssr Georgetown lacily: WEEKEND SANITATION SUPERVISOR Tite rigit candidate wssît ite responoitile1 ffor lthe supervision of 20 sanitalion em- ployego; overail tffectivengss of the Cleanîng of the ptoceOOlTg eqoipment, veritying gttgctioeness of lthe Master Sani- talion Scitetsle, maintenance of lthe peal conîrol systes and take lthe leat on ail 3rd party foot safely audits for opera- lions. Vos must ite flexrible 10 engage staff on ail 4 sits. Prenious fotd ant supri sory esperience reqaimed. DOUGH MIXERS, PACKERS,- MATERIAL HANDLERS, SANITATION To NIi positions in sur packiaging and itaking teparments. Previsus esperience in lthe boit induslry sea asse. SHIPPER/ RECIEIVERS Dulies induite picking, siaging orters, gener- ai Aateitssse fonctions. Previos esperience an asse. Ail certificatioos must ite valut. If inleresei please sobet a RESUME toi: BFG Canada Ltd. 88 Todi Rosit Georgetown, Ontaio L7G 4117 Email: siobusat.igialmc,.ggm Fax: 905-873-8746 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE, NO COLO CALLS ,ý;ACHMONH. FARM OWNER ~requiresj Ipersonto take careî m- - lof ail lantscaping,~ Ihcrsesitousekeep-I ý1« ing/maintenance & 1011111111111* snow removal on a etilI doliver fu-lime basin. loto Star in CamptelMîlle area. Contact Ton y hiable vohicle. 416-398-3750 BONUSI i Mltnbaset paving ion form at I Machine I n Spectator IOpe-atoraî fou. I Esperience in 1asptat and concrete1 Ciii Marie or Eddie i Ol* a d 3 z z 'a z o As an Independent dîstributor, youi Tite Hamilton Speclator and tite Toro Burlington door-to-door Must have a Te ADDITIONAIL MONTHLY GUS For complete details, please caîl W.1 or simply fill out the online applicat and a Hamilto representative will contact *Prntetal vrces encie aid ramier et mautes To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 le Email: classif e Fax 905-632-8165 toit, "%7 1