Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jun 2011, p. 20

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-ob -aeripP in Georgetown & Milton Guaranteed Houri, Competitive Pay, Traintng Provided AppIy ondine at or in person at 2741 Plymouth Drive Oakvitle, Ontario, L6H 5R5 905-829-2040. aMust be 21 years of age AZ Drivers Ruquired for aur Dump Division. Variable dinys on/oÎff. We requiro three peurs driving exporionco. Wo offer excellent miages, benefits and neer oquipesent. Pieuse send reoume wite curront driver abstract attention Rob, via fax ta 519-826-9473 or emaii HIRIPIO: F/T detiuery Aria- LICENSED AZ DRVsER un i G Licence) nnd F/T de- muA' F/Ti a Mîssîssnu- fiîvuny nursua. beplîanîe Pn/GTA aren Ion Sammîi deioery -Iitaay lifting nu- Faud Service Distributors. quimd. Muuîng unnenînnce Guliienies us aasiued and fnminr euh usine pue- routes uîth lifting ruî'd. un iuui e require d. Proaun recard ai enre-inu Oed rusurne lu: euth mie. aupervision. Nu bard er crassieg ohme __________________ euury nîgt. Su nd resumes ru: umpiuymuerOsummi- UtCENSEO AZ Drier ruqd lsadsramn F/T in Miaaîaaau aT airen Ior Summit Fond Sur- vict Oîstibunar Detivenius gRstunrmW un assigatd rautns eri lift 11RI iIII îee ruq d. Provun rerord aI woane eith mie. supervi- SERVER CATERING Cori- ain. Na border crsine! pny nul o a nou Courin home curry niebl. Oed ne- senkisu serines. Immudi- i umett5 : empisymu- nie siant, eontrîeere nul eeesary. Muai bu reliabit nd nuudnabin. Piensu nd maintes lu Tain Wood ni: ICLAUSFIED MILI ,w"woe@"idercm fl »um e [ýý__:7ý ý i orh- F/T and Casual On-Cali Split Shift Passenger Assistants The Casadîn Red Cross is tuukisg for reliable, patient and cumpasuissute Pasuenger Assiutants us a fulltlime splil sbift baulu and un a canat, us-cai aplit sbift basiu lu wurk Munday lu Friday eucuetisg and auuiotisg up lu 12 peuple lu surisus destinatios yvithis .a... Region. Candidates must base esperiesce workîng wilb peuple mitb physical and cognitive cballenges. Eucellent communicatin skîllu nie required and tbe ability 10 speak maltiple languages is us auset. Reaumes ahouiti be aubmitted by June 21, 2011 to Judith Dobbs by fax ta: 905-845-5649 or by emnail 10: HEAVY EQUIPUENT Mn- ciianic. Tri-City Equîpmeni is aukine for n seOf manivai ed i ndividua t luin aur un- panding mechanîca leam. 2yrs nxeinne an assur. A vaid G licurse is nu saîui. Wiatts rulevni lu exnnurine, branlais ahuer 6 mots. umail- Oticiynutnnl cam urifax 519-8371 i 61 ADMINISTRATIVE AS- SISTANT- Cusiar Luada LiA, is iuaiung lut self sauni un coumeiat îunin rEx- cel and Gue B sns Vision. Gara ordur nir basic acrunîr and oed cammuaicaion se-is a ru- quiremn. Suai rusumu lu: î If you are interestedi please cail Yu 905-878-59471 As an todependont dîstrîbutor, you settl deliver. Tbf Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star tn Burt ngtoo door-ta door. Must bave a retiable vebîcte. ADDiTrIONAJ. MONTrHLY GAS BoNUSI. For complote detaila, please cati 905-526-3377 or simply f111 ouf the online application tom at and a Hamilton Spectator representative seili contact you. potivtenti enfles un smoe anu number ni moutes, 7 leys a week. fobeyr 4> JOIN OUR SOBEYS MILTON TEAN Part-Timo $16.3glhour -Friday & Sanday nightn 10:30pin fo 6:30am Heavy tifting (uisc 65 Ibs) rnquirnd Sobeys Milton Ilofail Support Centre 2701 HilIl Point Or., Milton ON L9T 5G5 P liane apply W emtail to:, or hy fux: 905-876-1260 FARM OWNER ' requires Tan Ipernon totake carnl loft ltandacapîng,j LICENSED hurons, huakeep- MECHANIC îng/ maintenance & REQUIRED anow remnt on a Min. 5 eara noper. foît-tîme bauîn. wottung On oideuaid Campbefnltn area. nom& vhicles. Contat CTo Sonseaaaoembly chrisOlegendary IIIOPDAY AT 5PM 'ut mednisa W05-878-4813 ESAY ATn~ WEDNES YAT 5P#à cC OPERATORS Inr Fidav. 2Sourcu Manulacing lac. Pieuse cal nos-o3-444-e rauires Latin Sel np Op- "-id d haaen uenearh' erauurs, Openatrsa nd Mii fan: 905-632-8165 ire nil euth 5 yuata weekend shifts NE AE GROWING! COMEI JOIN THE TEAId Emnil rusume. iane cogswe îtruers.cui r WeanIun fore cotne & fo perence accraely dntrib utuof mesgess Dualityin pluan prdumenor Houro Mnda luà Thnrduy Sin aato .n Miiuast bu 5:3pu peuse o-mail rusmamenaien: Weallkndforligomtnhy&uxrndcu Il yuraejy ditiutpe onsses,n1 punaiton psbolaInt aour. ttycr prode and viudes prgamufi , Ri* Course os andp Heth&Sluiy. e denti raa de rne: u dieniarou Canad lnWnaic onre plyn fa Item 90&iMuaibu19 ne fuîtu lime telephone aeseti position opru dsi ute aor wi a ge e lo e lent brasein ande mloc merain tbe inrastructue l guafh&Sft eda vta i rangee soceu Fnoe mpoin iforatohIis position, ailf sterd h Aasmantuelyeen ann an5-61-507 Experiencod Roulier Wanfed Must be umbîtious, witb eucellent communication/ segsliubeng skiuts & market keswiedge. Espeeses paid, quaitied leudu, uddîtîseul training & liatiripu provideit. Emai: Admin@ f ix drippy faces Outside Advertising Sales Metrntnnd Digital Mearulandia Digital Media gnuup is ianking Inn iih-uene Snior Accues Censulianns wdbt n minimum uts5-1o vears ratait ondine sales unprnencu su support and driue suies en on Digital Autumusuve Divisin. As a suasueed Accoani Consultanti, yuu wuuld bu respanaiblu Ian nunustasong anA aulin onine servicea in rotait nuatomura mOitin n Ausîunnted geonrnhîca airus (4ut corridor, Bramptoan tu Ounebihl The iduai candidnte bas arnenfcha vupuinecm nruaîde solutin onnunid sains pruaueiaioas anA bas tbe nbiliy ru usabiab unique aed iong-aitns parnersbip vi îte bis/ber ciiien THE JOB IN A NUTEHELE *Aciely prospect and duutlnp nues businsesubîthn n spucilic suuunnpbîcnily menr0 *Maienaîn and gone enisting business nelasionahpa *Acisiese movebly sales targets *ArSietAl consut esdte clients n enffie and ininntrn repnrts *Monitor ternnunry inseciury lela eseebly Laijson site Incal nemîpaper reps tn lenenanu marken reliionahips and incrensu avenail *Maînitain and rumplete meeble repunning requirumeets *cnnsubt mite dealerseîp reardînu itheir individual mueb soution tn munimîze sales n efficinies *Monitor and conaneitwthenatte nusoumen on Oseir innentoe and penuide adnîce retunding levai, peine and ineentnry min *cunsult mito nustoeses renardion inuit mebsite and inuentnry traic, pronîde euaninniai insîiht of site and nehicle veee numbens *Manae bad debi and bun amuaren ofeceinubles *Menitor und nsut minis dealer renus-ding Ose effetee une and management oI aimait anA pisene ieds A13Oli VOU The sucneîsiul candidate miii be e proen udneriising sales consultant is a demunstrated ubilitlyto estabiss unique and lon-lan purnersis and close business esiOs independent and muter aunemotine deulers groupe. S/be viii be a ey hinis enenus. sharp individuel whtese proessionael efforts are drinse ispie dessire fer excellence and Inr menrknt ieadenssip.-and s/be sbnuid ulse bueae telemwieg: " A snrung uederstunding and familianstymith Ose inter mnrbinns otfrannisse and independent car deaiersbip * A nb-eeg understaedinn and Iemiiaitn mute nuve udnuntising suies * Strng salen/clesinu nkiiis and reiasnonship skîlis " Sirvng time and ierniieny management ukiiis " Entireporeneuria teum miedant * Sein-moiaeeilieen individuul mise tubes nersbip and deiîners on gouls * creutine, eaut-ed-the-bun« Osieber mise enoys ereutien ven-inediinel edventisinn solutions * sentbing and reitabis autemobile, preef of inserance and a clean drieing retend Interested candidates are inveted tu unend Oseir résumé andi cover lutrer ne Enynn Renline erefleseooand. ceen on or before July 4, 2011. smetrolandmedia Cenneninnto ueerneemiviflt Meireund iean eveapouidempleyer. We thaek ait eppbcaees fer their ,enerenc heweveruuilyihone uefected for an interview mili tue coeructed. 2.4440 n iagairaIife Niagara Lite Magazine os ueeking an expenienced Fiai Tla MA uetWslg Sales Represontatve Position ta service and grose enisting accoants and develup new basiness retationships. Position AccountbOllMe: *Service existing clients marketing vends thmagh magazine advertising developesent and customer reationsbip bailding. D evelop new business accoants tlirough direct sales, researcht and new businesses. *Coeate proposais, wnrtten and verbal fer putential advertisers to, illastrate howthie sales progrant will meet ttseir business vends. *Asslst clients in ad design and coordinate with Production an content and appearance ofails. *Develop and recommend spedial featores and advertising promotinns *Proof ctients'ads when necessary to ensure completeness and accuracy. *Ensare that monthly budgets and targets as assigned are acbieved. *Wlien applicable, co-ordinate special coverage by Editoriat wliere appropriate. *Must be resaîts oriented. Compeds/kills and Esperience: *Previnus sales espeience, Magazine-expieience an aises *Strong written and verbal communication skillu *Sotid time-management and organizational ukilîs *Interpersonal skilîs *Solid relationship building skills *Ability in woek witim in a dendlive drîvun nirosmuni *Cusiomer Focos *Can mulinask *Reliable vebicle and nalidi insurancu *Good team eneironment Please fowiard esurme, ne Iater thaniJete 300h, 2011; We appau.jatethe nreý :uealduppiuais, h:,uever oWyyfho wi i foi a n w ate soeýopmrtm S" Offlrtun

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