CLASSICS ON DISPLAY Milton Cruise Nights are back for another sum- mer, Sundays from 6 to 8 p.m. from June to early September at the Main Street GO Station. Clockwise from left, 1957 Chev Bel Air owner iim Brown (striped shirt) talks cars with im Iackymek. The chrome grill of a vintage English Lancaster The Edelbrock head- ers of a classic engine. Car loyers check out the Iineup. Car loyers Mike Favrin and Andre Baumann look over a 1974 Gran Torino, similar to the one made famous by TV's Starsky & Hutch. An ele- gant flying lady hood ornament sits atop a 1935 Buick. (hls weleek' on, DaiyWeb Sunday- Health & Beauty Friday - Style Wtadow coverings, ike ail bomne décor, change wtth trends and Inovations. Atlas Va compan Olten go Gita le more than just a hot Yoga studio, it's a centre mat supports hoiic living thraugh praper nutrition and eoercise. Piinlehing touches n the kitchen nme evesvthlng ta tls overali laik and design and ite a fabutaus way toaedd meat entra aaomph" ta, anti ot. *~III nUnes Canada, a weii-tnown relocatian y, Is amoa estalg company die two services ing hand-in-hand. DaWfbE MInhner WhatrUP [Thiey want to PLAY§ You can help build an outdoor playground for these special Ikids. WH~EELS Di /m Please sponsor the 3uIy l2th Milton "%Wheels" Ride to raise $.60,rOOO. - Bring some joy to the kids' lives and to their familles'. T aea pledge, go to 95-887373 A wheeichair accessible park wiii aiiow ail the children at the Darling IHome for Kida the opportunity to play, regardicas of their physicbi abllilies. The Darling Home, iocated ln rural Milton, le a hospice/' respite home for chiidren with compiex heaith needs. Il .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........