Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 May 2011, p. 18

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ToPac nAdCl 90-62-44 e Emil clssfe@alosea.c e, Fa 90 3286 MILTON OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9 am. 4 pm. é/- CALL CENTRE HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:30 arn 5:30 pDa.un _ _ E AD SUBMISSION: Bp mail orsi person ut Bunlington Pose, 5040 Mainway, Uent 1,Bvnlîsgton ON t,7L 7GS5 DEAOLINES: Monday t11 am. for Tuesdlay fil. 'à publication, Wednesday 1t amn. for Thursday publication. Special Feature deadîlses muy oaey. PAYMENT: 00e wiii accepr cash. cheque, leteran, Visa. MasterCard, t * << mrcnEpes uiesacut a eoee vt napoeicei plcto vial rmyu ae oslat HC ORA H IS o iclto nurepes alYu XDAV IT APPEAS to esore ifs accorale. The Canadian Champion will non he responsibte for anp errors appearne after the fient day of publication. If an lsiedc emaor apes le novia contant pour Sales Consultant vvohîn 24 houes of publication -Thursday publication eneors muest e repoened hefore 5:30 p m 905-878-5947Clsîedc on ehe=loing Monda.------ FREE VOURSEIF rom 99e POND Stoc hg. 68 Ü" LO CAL deht Money for anypour Ru rhows/ 4-6 B ns '-'-c Y U ES O U C pose. Oeht consolidation (min 100). Raînhows 8-10 gIO lst, 2rd, 3rd murtgages, $1.50, 10-12"- $2.00, Franchises Franchises Divers »MSlon r &j OIM oiportu7 1 sale opportun SallesOppêdtunles crettit lites & loues up tn 12-14"- $3.00 Broons/ ~j .., ,,,,JL ..... S90% [TV. Seit empînyed, Specho n o50%. 16' .cmrtgage or tax arrears. 6 ond ens vi rdmîil SALON MANAGER & Sty- Por't pay for 1lyr programl $999.99. Ottenhîne pond Frmése lafe Sies"r-~ * lîsîs Ornat Clips is oprnirg *Ibo s 10171 Ontaeîo-vide Fi- aerators/ foortains, Teve- Caain lil- inn opn xodn oyu a salon in Burlînglor ard a d e î 18-3077799op.Cal lu r dets B act recan! Lear about our siferdable, haine-"o, tum-key * l:etrola d e i tu 1883O79 nes[]Vfor a Manager and Stylists. s vevontarin wîdetînan- opporlseity et o iel firee lno Suuie. WrNSOR oler eè lis, GuarEAVETSIGSAE Scial.comn (19)833-2559, Ero, Ont. ~ att uln etre ie,~-anteed fs.PerformanceuU ID ADETSN SLS $$ONY$coosL lm -,r Hako Irlsl-dm itn Bornions, Busp Salons and M toan iia $$OE$ 0CNOI Freparking. apoiveuba trlnDgtl 95% No income, Bud ceedît couWerphlomeirvsges.gom r oeai R environ ment. Cmaii: Metrolandos Digital Media group os lookîng for hîgh-energ SMio OK!6 Bette r Option C fo1e1isCi Mi ch elle @ Account Consultants wîth a mini mume Of 5-10 years retail onieoae Mort gage #10969 NEW CONTRACT AOUIRED 647-234-7595 expe1180Ce t0 support anti divîe sales in son Digital Astomotie Division. 1-800-221169 -aUS Tandeen/US Hoavy/Lsca As a seasoned Accourt Consultant, yos woold be respootîble fon m. . a, , aril MLTON- CHIC 1-Itedroom +Den Apansnent. Less then 3 y.o., this condo pt feu- «tvees open concept dettîgn, haiconp. den (possible 2nd bedroomi. ensuite iaundry, parkine i2nd parking car he aneuneed), ent includes outr. Fn.v useage of or- g ound Gom J une. ist. fdrev 905-91-7861. MILTON TOWNHOUSE- 3 bedeooms, gurage, uxuilabie îmmediatelp. Fiest/ last. Cuil Pave 905-878-5444. 1 iRiWi I REASONASIE INUSTRI- AI unîts f ornrent 1600-3200sq.lit mith ioud- neg docks & drive in, Mi ton. 905-277-9347 905-275-6834. rQae1nw MILTON- LARGE room for rent, vtîlitîvs, internet, parkingu, $125/week. inciv sîne. P eposît rnqvîred. r Avoulable immediatep. 905- 299-2171. MISSING CATf Griffir Ya tsIt Sut, Muy 7eS @ 2pm neor Trudeau & Clark. eladî/beown tahhy w/ biack 'M' on forehead. Tim- id induon cat/no coliar. Pi euse check gorog- es/buolpards. Coul w/ in- formation or last sîgbtîrg. iteourd vfil be offered. Alicia 647-986-8636 PAIN? FREE PAIN-RELIEF Patch Pemol Pli Natunai. Peug Free. Feel Better Nov. rn stant, Fa st, Easp. Cuil tRop ASAI' 647-404-4232. HOT TUB (Spa) Covers hest psice, eest quaiitp. Al shupes & coinurs. Coul 1-866-652-6837. www.thecoverguycu LAID OFF/ UNEMPLOYEO L.LLL TRAINING? Second Caroor May bie for yeu CaI threYMCA to hind ouf more WAREHOUSE SUPERVIS- 905- 681-1140 OR iPart-timel reqvired for concrete etoration com- or oisif pairy iorcated'r Mîton. Ex- mydroamjeb.cs perîeec e requin vOir This program is varehouse management, funtietib the smali tovi repaie, mateniai bY handing and toelift opera- Ontario Govonnment lions. Mvst have on transportatior. Coimpeti- coneil tîve vages plus henefîts. Pieuse forard resume 10 VOITH SHIFT V TH SUPER VISOR- Voit h Intiastrial Services locate i n Oakville, provities janitorial anti support services f0 sur customer. Expenience in janitor/al anti industria cleaning is s set but sot nequinei. Applicants ahoalti h ave the foltowing skiffs wr/te anti speak fluently in EnglisIt, min. 5 yos. work in a union- ized environnent Microsoff office akilîs, ability fo operate in a fast paceti eneironmett, able to work shiffs anti weekends Please senut lieur resumne te the sédross Emsil: RONA ROI/Ais the largest Canadian distributor and reta//er of hardware, home renovat/on and gurdeoing prodscts. Visit fo learo more RONA Home & Gardon: Wsterdowu is currently necnuiting for: F/T KITCHEN DESIG'NER If you are Iterested in building a csreer with a growinq Canadien companp plesse oisif www arees.romaca te loiaru more about these sud alber, opportunitles. Builti youn careen with RONA a rDdiap Equc.ivpi no v Wee di CLASSIFIED E-MAIL OwnerlOp>erators Reqsfred s Weil f aonted0rdreai.Ccom Revenue average $1.80 per mile INTERNEI * s . * wwe.akillebeavercom AZ ROUTE Orîvees- Onvees dedîcated t o seruine the co"Hill eoen" Nelp customers. Monday-Frîday,L Z 40 h/oh, home ev rieht. Pîckiîn e vo use d Cease irom restaurants. Inside Sales/Marketing Rep. Sp sical v ncor vorli. Railgowninutalsesni Competîtîve salarp. Pieae Rpdygoi nusrlslsad upplp on lin e ut - mechanical companry looking for a dynamic Sttp*//rve. individual to join sur tease. Dutiea wil inclatie sanimae.cvm/caeeers regulan contact anti sptate of Customer i l management dtiaabasa, scfetuling Gemm Hdp appointments anti direct mail, phone marketing initiatives. No. specif c intiusfry esperience ________________ reqairei expenience in insitie sales anti direct IPARTTIMEI contact a muat. Salary cooemensunate wfIth PAm uIM espeniesce, bene t package anti Persn wafeticommissions.. t sitfanmer Emali Rosume te Mhgartiening, 1 building fences anti clean-up VOITHI PART TIME LEAOING TO Cali Rlck FULL TIME POSITIONS 905-06431 Voith Industrisl Services locBte i n Oakv/île, leave essage provides janitorial andi support services f0 sur DISPATCHER- TRANS- customer. Part time work is moutly weekentis PORT company in Milton Expenience in jatorial anti industrial cleaning requies an eopetîesced lu a asset but nt neqaineti. Applicants shoalti Dispatcher ton ove fleet ut bu able 10 write anti speak ffaenfly in English. drivers ard ovrer opera- tors. Must he hordahie, Piesse send pour rosume tu the adéreis have 3-5 peurs evoenîerce belese Siedents weloime. and possess ece ilent computer/ communicatior Emtait: careers.volth@gmaii.uom skinus. Serd resume toi: torniler.kallut < " JOIN OUR SOBEYS MILTON TEAM - ~ Pari-Time $16.39/Iiour IU)L Wi~I(ii ~ Affennmons, nighfs anti eeekenda I»rtl,( ' Heany liffing (up 10 65 lbs) nequireti Sebeys Milton Rotail Support Coutre 2701 High Point Dr., Milton ON 19T 5G5 Ploaso appîp y Wemtal te: Z 'm or by fax: 905-876-1260 inygoiiaiii arnu snîîîîîy oîîîîîe services to roeaî custonens muthna designoted geognaphîcal 0180 (401 cornidon, Brampton 10 Guelph). The itieul candidate hus otnong onlîne esperierCe, Can pronîde solutior orientei sales presentations and has lte ability to establish unique anti toeg-tasting partnerships with his/her Clientele. THE JOB IN A NUTSHELL- Actively prospect anti denelop oea business withit a specific geographicaly territsny -Maittait anti gros existttg business relationshipe # Achiepe monthly sales tangets - Activey consut with cliente ot traffic anti inventory reports - Monitor tennitory invntony levels seekly - Liaison with local newspaper repe to levenage market retationships and increase overaîl revenuen * Maintain and cumplete Aeekly reporting nequirements - Consult with deatenship regarding thein individual web solution t0 masimize sales an efficiencies Monitor anti consult with each customer ot their inventory and provitie ativice regarding tene, pnice andi inventory mis - Consult with customers reganding their Aebsife anti innentory traffic, provitie meaningfu insight of site and nehicle v îew numbers * Manage bati debt atd be avvane of neceivables - Monitor and consutt with deaer negartiing the effective use anti management of emait asti phone leads. ABOUT YOU- The succossful candidate wilI be a propen adventising sales consultsnt dit a demonstratei ability 10 estabist unique atd long- lasting parfnenships atd close bssinesu with intiepentient anti major automotine dealers groups. S/be wilI be a peny high enengy, sharp individual whose professional efforts are ti/nn by the desine for excellence and for market leadiership, atd s/he shoalti also, have the folloeting: - A strong antienstantiing anti femiliaity with the inter worlungs of franchise anti intiepentient car dealenship - A stnong undenstaniing anti familiarity with ontine ativertising sales -Stnong sales/closing skiffs anti nelationship ukilîs - Strong t/me ast erritory management SkIS Entrepreneurial tease mintiset - Self-motinate/itvren individuel who flakes ownenship anti tielinens on goals - Creatine, 'out-of-tfre-bon" thinken AIto enjoys creating non-tratitional atinentising solutions - Working anti neliable automobile, proof of inaunance anti a cîsan tiniving record. lntoresfed candidstes sre invitaid te seud their résumé snd cover letter te Erynn Real ai on or before MaylL0ZD2011 - Metroansd is an equal opportunhlyr employer. We Ihank ail applicanis for iroir loleras; however onl those soecledl for an interview Il hu contactait CARPETS- 1 have severai 1000 yds. 0f new Stain master & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do ivoing-room & hall for $389. oncludes canpet, pad & installation 1 25_ pardol Steve, 9056 38192 wwv con- Aio Cash 250 & $p Cr ertippd, or,4e 2006TOYOA i rie c me ca rl ewt lintie, M.C gond oni- tin M/FMrdi, iPS Etch Schger, 4,2ikm $1000 aî 905--7831 & e tng 20812700K- A mtiescape? Ente on c0a6 eTOYfOrTn Mtrm 4Rsnt nI tn. Viatgs ,li tres ds otod condi Due fa, the grawth af aur Deatership wie are seeking a Produot Advisor (Salesporon, New & Uaod 6/oh/c/es> to assiot sur clients with msking the right buying tiecision. TItis keen individual wil be s self-starter, AilS esperîvoce in netal but not necesaily aufomotîve. Priority consitienution wil be given to thcoe ih Hyundai eoperience, but training is provitiedtio ail employees. Compensation is performance baseti with substantiel incentines for stnong contribution. Submlf your résumie electroncaf y to Greg Ellloft ait: L ellloit@mlltoh undalcom Tirn to shine Litfor 30 days for only $125 -1 Your Classifî, OV UrmIbmWaiH Accounting Assistant (PermanentFT) CelIege Diploma or equivalent in Business Studios Proficient in Excel Software Minimum 2 years office experience Details for this position are available ait Youths & aduits wanted to deliver the Milton Champion Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are interested please cali 905-878-5947

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