oeU 2I-~M~ Rh M~ESTATE CE NTR E e 22 Ontario St. S., cuii M ilto n , O N J :878m7777 bMtl<,r bUNUAL J ...ainseatelvnrom se'parle dinýing e-novm,g esat- kitchen and 3 bedrooms an te main level. Finished lower level Iwith 4th bedroom, washroom and rec. room asiti gas tireplace. IBonus features include recent Isitingles, furnace and central air along with central vac. Ail set an Cail Mille $399,900 'UN ITY.. .buagalows are hard tai fimd espe- cially with a great iayaut like this. Open and opociaus Witit hardwood and ceramic lhraugb lte living raam, separale diming raam and thracgh the tuan main tiaur bedroamo. Hcge tiaished lower level with rec. raom, third bedroom and waohroam. Main tiao lacadry, landscoped bock yard and double garage. Juol lioted. Cali Mike $494.900 Overt/2acre (100'x248') - mature lot ira highýr detîred Set oieil back wîth a lrng thit beautilul home aiteas hardwodfiloors, iireplace in the hale living roam, teparate dirirg roam and a rerovated Oak hAtcher aith walkout toia 2-tiered deck. Bonus teatumas iriclude 3 waahroomr, sacioua bedrooma, recreotror roua with fireplace, double garant ard lota of parking Great oppor- tunitu. CatI Mia t Qotae are ra c rotirt; law pueturar a twc Par tees home 1 h.e itrO rhe uriner levai tea exueptioai proerty k erdiesai A aaar rare a Lacated an Trudeau Drive, large linong Raam & Living Raam cambination, brinht windows and hardwaad floarng lthrOughout the malt level. The inat- ing Family Ramn as oper ta the eat-in <hacher ah ceramc, 3 bedraama; the secoand bedraam Meatures an cccent wlodoar. The Motter bedroam aith aiadaw seat ua lueurraus easuite. Thbe lauadry roam la alsa caaaeaiently loated an the uriner leue. Cloue tai ail ameaitiet &l great schools. Thbe pertect place ta cali HOME! Juhl lleled. Cai Lindsay. $433,M0. reideace a 0eao amiiy homo I on Kingsloigh Ce-I IComaes complote I with 3 bodrooms, r Main LavaI. Losoor lavaI has largo 3-pc. Washroom & Ofiefryour added anjoyment Awosomo peivata back ya-dl Ovarsioed Garage &lot ofC parking. Walktoi scitools, park, & dosontoson. MC BI Dite ow.lu Aokkhg$N- - ~/V~WMUENTRE 00-870-4044 çaryatWWW.bijurne.con 4-level in Dorsal hodrooms, 2 washrooms, MF Family Room with gos FP & Il walkaut toi large dock & privato yard. Office & finishod Lowe- eavol. OPTIONAL IN-LAW SUITE. Lots0f parking. rmaw h$U9,UA CaliBlUtera anawlag. Leeleo for Team CouSyt Ter peresatny Ilil la pl *MtST 500 aes os 75 afan acre Slaae Onea quiet court f aserand ranch s Tis wefl-raaeva character solédera sPore moer demeenare Mol aain feam heelea oas-wO wOer a es"Il Mass Lavieara; 3 basiroseia elocation sear dowetuwe & egea etepura Kieeroaaoewaeaeodeamaemaewsm est-in Otchen L-Auead LIOR. à 4-pc. tor osreweiaaess. Main lavaisaOUMaapore LL18filiWWbhe fdwiRR à OW-bWý Waasreaee Lswar Lavai tee e a lrila BR LF4 MO Xitclor & Wuaitrqm. UJp« aeteeel FP plu a bedma... Add.d epearaee faaees 2, ie Oaas Fp & » ead e Fo« pur samaer 3 Or 4 beasreesn & wmtmue. Tas partds 1111lO mW.bis a dw nb ern asisonseet dur pnilia bok yard hIan Vl hO sec Freet & er ametsc& Zoait Ct £"Ummawa Aél O -fli Or 1aeurgpn = 8 e Ioeel p8 al u 1 - il Comrscial. Numartes arn 0 Mt CSMMIOIALINVESUENTOn approx. 2 PRIMEACRES ln MIL TON a, MAIN STREETI! Many Uses-- $2,490, 000 fe M ie caatrhm close Io town. $1450.Imonlh + has. Cali Dii. [Exclusive] TEAM HILSON eaeot# TERI LYNN*& NORM* HILSON O ARE!E MEUBER 0F T-HE REMAX HALL 0F FAME iIhiIsony@sympolicoca nldhilson<isympallcca a % www.iîstednsold com 7eQ J 76,~ DRESSEO TO IMPRESS! Dressed In impress absalutely stcnneng Heathwoad Lexengton model atfering over 4,500 sqft ot living space. This home bais tl ail and more from lthe mincte yoc pull eo ta the triple car driveway yoc will realize that te-ce pe-ede of nwnershp enînts. A large front foyer with beactitul cee-amecs and 18'ceîlîngs set the stage ricit dark hardwaad flooring. Please cadi taday for your parsonalr tour 289242-334. $899,900 GREAT CHANCE TO DET UN THE MARKET Spacîous townhomne located in a great area of town. This townhome offers; good sîzed principal rooms and 3 large bedrooms awaîtîng your personal touches. Listed at ATTENTION HOME BUYERS YOU WON'T F110 OIE CLEANER!! itepsl hoome thasibeeng iodaed alter meit lthe up maosi Care. Largo prin- cipal e-noms wilh tgitgt winows makes Ibis ane a ploaucre tei showe. Good sized ecl in kitChen esiti gobe-oaa caunler anA cabinet opace malles food pro ambton a snap.Tit cozy family roem offers noarer gardont Anars Clta osAl yau sunny backyard, or ccd cp in fronl t lthe waad bcming lireplaco. Titis homo e000 esaris as an lecomo pe-eperly witb a oummor kitchon la the bauemen.Tte 3 bedreema on lte cpper lenel are al a generous size witb a ituge masler aod 2pc boude. LIsled ai $419.900. srn WV LISTING VV BRAr.lPTO