* (Â'LAi IV h MEMURIALS LIMI I hi) I Sera'ing Milton t & the jor58years Now in our 3rd generation. z 2 JIM & JENNY STRAIN 190 Ontarjo St. S. Milton 905-878-6522 E E E 'Y Paul Smith Morigage Ageol (9(0 bs 609000414 MILTON DIAGNOSTIC IMAGINO MAMMDGRAPHY * ULTRASOUNO * X-RAY * BONE DENSITY State of art equipment; csmputerieed, digital images; /iigh/g experiencedassd skhtled Techno/sgists; dedicated and caring staff t/le kegs t aaur service ta you. Our team of 1)5 Radiatogists are high/g experienced and ais staff aI Credit Vat/ey Haspital. We are a fut/g acvredited and ticensed faci/itg. (S~ ontarlo breast screening program .5ivmrisistai5isp.isqi~iis serving you for over 25 vears Csnvenicnttv located dawsstossis ais Mais Slreet javI cal ot Branle 75 Majis SI. E., Milton www.cvia.ca Tel (905) 878 8831 Frer Parking Pas (905) 878 8832 ~3ODICOOU 'Breast ~Fonns YKatura~wear If yoss could change ose lhsng about your breasl form, il would be 10 make il co<sler - much cssssler? Well, consîder il donc wîlh the totally new, îolally dîllerent, lotally cool BodîCoor Gel technology b kcep yoa cool and corniorlable! Make todav the day 'sou cxpcsicsce tise reall~ cool dîffercuce of BodîCocsl' Thc qualsly you cxpccl, lise natural cosoforl yos desire Cosatact lise profcssîonal Trulîfe titter brlow and ASK FOR BodîCool'~ D~o~j~1y 905-454-5710 wwvv.d mannesmastecto my.com Most of us have a cancer story. W&ve ail been touched by the disease, directly or indirectly. There are more than 200 different types of cancers and a million ways that these cancers touch our health, families, friends and relationships. That's a lot ofstories. Make your sto'ry the reason you give. You can help the Canadian Cancer Society enhance the lives of cancer patients. Support cancer patients living in the Milton Community. Cail 905-845-5231 and become a Volunteer Driver or a Peer Support Volunteer. Neighbourhood canvasses wîll take place throughout the entîre month of Aprîl and thousands ofCanadian Cancer Society volunteers will be knocking on doors across Ontarjo. The rnoney raîsed durîng Daflodîl Month makes a real difference. It helps the Canadian Cancer Society fund life-saving cancer research, provide up-to-date and reliable information about cancer to the public and deliver community support services. o \Vlsen oui cssss'sssess cosse kssoskiog s Api il. lsosk or hese asaiersils lu essore tises' rie *. Cassadsas casseur Socsesv ysts fssr rosi suppsef volunleers Aud îhank la areas wlsese oe do sos have s casseasser sou cas -. expeco ais ens clope iii tise mail Proud Community Sponsor