Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Feb 2011, p. 37

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Shorccase re g i stntti, On n rçwFh19tfr4'r -t Room for 120 vendors Calling ail business moins. Vendlor registrations are now heing accepted for tht' Spring 2011 Mil ton Moinprt'neur 'chowcast'. Spaees wif f be rt'servtd on a [irst-corne, first-serve hasts for tht' Saturday, Apr. 30 ex ent at Memrorial Arena, with rootn availahie lor i 20 vendors. There wiff also bc liiniteti space for sponsorship tipportitnitit's. Tht' exent wîff leature a witie varicty of husînesses run li ncth- ers i Milton and across th,' GIA. Admission wi be frect' those bringing a mnonctars' or non-perish- abie food iteni donation i support of Haiton Wornt'ns Place andi Ille Santa (aruana Music Schoiarshtp) Fond. [he shocctasc wiil incltîdc iorc than $ 3,000 iii gîveawvays anti raille prizes. To register or loi- mioic inlot ia lion about tht' showx, visa xx'x v, Miion Moiliprecut ',l-.cotnl Toronto Argonaut cornerback Parker Scrihhle nl Spiatter: [Fxp)ressive Play' Stuirios will Ilex more ihan ousi its artistit muscles later ihîs Thfe lotcai arts studtio - for t bu- dren si ncmnths ii f12 years oil aîg - wiii patiner xx'th Bc -1 bc (aine Sîucrtsxxcat iftic. lor a is piro- grainiiîg fîudiaiscr 'cattrdax' i-ch. f9 A xxidc s'ai cix of ktds gaines antd cris, ,ctittlcs xxiii b hel tIt ini nocmn ici 4 p ni irng which x'tst- cors young and culd tan get an atttograph f romn Torontto Argos ail star cornt'rhack Byron Parke'r i -here'il aisui be a chance to wtn prizes, whîie Be 11e Game mer- chantltse xviii lc on sale, xvtth prcc ceedls gocng to fini tht' extracurrit- iclar it tcxili txcc ofniidt'rp-rx'tcgt'd fainiltes. St crichhl' nsplatter t' fotated ai 342 Bronte St. S., Uncii 19. Hispanuc association to meet Heart-shaped pizza fundraiser Mon. FuiruRE ïHop 1,11q-1110 N0ý9'f 19 un ïew î ew oui j M M wmrm Mr-Mm"M 1 10 should be 10125395. Please be otir guest >. for a special seminar on the lise of loAdentical Hormones for Menopause, Sex Problenis & Anti-Aging presenied hy Dr. Switchuk, M.D. Presented on Wednesday, February 16th 6 00 Pm ai your Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy located ai A Nobel Prîze xvinncng laîtreate wcll be tht' locts hnthe' Fialton- Peel Hispanie Association hoitis its first fiterars' event. of tht' vecar. itfs slated foi Fritiay: Feh. 18 ai Foster Hal veetht' xorks of Pertivian acithor, politcian. t'ssax'ist anti ot nalisi Marto Vargas i losa xx iii hc di,(O'c Docng tihc honoi' xi lic ct speaker Dr. Arturo Victoriano, a iaw course insirriciot ai tht' U.'niv ersity ofl foionco's M isscssaucig camnpuis, xhose iescaiich iiciresîs incîticit Htitiiins ci l)ciiic,r fici erattire aînd gentit and p0ýýt" dx'nacntts as t t'cicntecd in cctciac turii c.fim, sotigs an'd inasiss ncit a. I ntctlcd 'nii,ttii'is coii la culi toma, t f l.tiltci-c xx h tht' ccittîte ili'c 'ccc, cliii cii îi~ii Iroii '7 30~ i( c.) pci îcî Hutgli cîsici fHail cx ioctttl ci f41 Kinîg "'ci bescdt'I_ý icl î' I L Bcostoni c::c licatri-lilictI papti iicciis lc i- anti xxrite a D'at\iiit l)i ncdtltaisci v, hacI . \'l c i ut' s i tagc ici cîiicict Ou Mocndta\, \fiiiciiiati' t ai s.pcial. t'iiccx cai l~pt pizza ,ii t'c i hi' papti lict i\ xiii 'c î'occcl \iapIt'ic ci \Clti'xicccictii, xx iii ScI iiîtccigiicct tut iicicaî ccciii t'ati gciccnoc to lcicstn iflit' hla i i'cz:,is xxiii PczcI ciiiti litcit xx liih stliici x ialc't' loii 'cii h ut i ci aiti 'HIi i îi,iiiic' c', il'ilc ci clc iiian ic oi c i (i s ili c ii' a u c itx i cc icîitt linaloi ccld kiit' t1'1 i)) Ï1 lai I ,0 0 s l t icl , xx tIc ici Pacccxtrosccidxiur l'cis ceci get ccl SOO'c00. p Ladies' pajama party comning up Ibroxi on thîîse Pjs. ladies. its îîarty lime. Tht' Red and Whîite Pajaiiia Party' [tir ladies tiiiy - in support ioci tht' Halton MS Scicty chapter wîll lie heid Friday, Feh. 18 at tht' Besi Western Inn [rom 6:30 to 1l p in. Speciai roocîî rates are axaîlahi e [or those who want to inake it an ail- nighter. Along wîth dinner eatered hy Troy"s Bar and Grill, musîic and a cash bar, tht' ex'enicîg wiii inefude a variety of foonie and toonie games. For tickets, whîch cost $25, or more information, eaul Michelle at (905) 681-8770, ext. 12, or send an emaîf to mîchefie.kingson@mssocî- etyca. Draw ci lne frorn the patient to the doctorYîv just dernonstrated how Heàith Care Conne i1 works. Heaifh (.areý Connccan help you find a doctor or nurse practitioner in your conînunity. Cafi 1-800-445-1822 or register online aI Ync ot heafth cacpitt îiî ncîarîy. Get to lxiû.lem better. - 1-800-445-1822 b1reet tast in Milton, Please call (905) 876-4466 to reserve a seai for iend or farnily niember Presented hy SPRING SPANISH CLASSES 6:30 - 9:00 P.M.

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