Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Feb 2011, p. 6

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OPIN\ION zEFrom th z Canadians, as a whole, 2are a delusional lot. SThaïs the gist of the Heart and Stroke Foundation's 2011 Report Ion Canadians' Health, which warns that nine out of 10 Canadians are jeop- ardizing the quality and Ilength of their lives. The [oundation found that many Canadians arc in denial about their risk Sfactors for heart disease, such as being overwcight and bcîng physicaltvý inac- tive -risk fac tors t1bcy can manage and contrul. lîs poli showed that 84 per cent of Canadians know that nine out of 10 adults have at least one nisk [actor for heart disease and stroke. Nine out of 10 of those e heart polled know that the majority of first-time heart attacks arc caused by risk factors they can control. However, the poli aiso showed that Canadians overestimate their own healthy behaviours. On average, inactivity and cîbesity can each shave aimost four years off a per- son's expected lifespan, high blood pressure two- and-a-haif years, and Io,,vcgetable and fruit con- surupiion. 1.3 \ecars. \\c aili ktîîis \s liaitîc to hc donc: Excrcisc, stop smoking, red-uce stress, control your blood prcs- sure and cholcstecil levels, eat healtbx, Iiinit alcuolo use, etc. it's rime to gel off thc couch. ev eho(s *a.. 1TKINKYV4 CAN SêUFE.IY PRE.DICT AN I ELY SPRI4GELET,N Readers Write Emalletters tehfvrlé@miftûfl mal su nhsrnp on (ýin Letunt whic il be tk I cud vh wrtx&' wfne adi ' and phone nuinixi Expanded bus service needed Town's quality of life DEAR EDITOR: \s tht lastest gr,ý,igcnnuuyn on a definite decline t'm currently working for a viiion iaiiiy as a live-in caregiver, or nanny As we ail know, the popuilation of' cbtîdren in Milton is high, whîch is why famities hire live-in earcgivcrs. Thts is an affordable solution t0 meeting their needs for qualîty childcarc in their homnes. Many caregivers like m-yset f Who t tvc in Milton don't have access tor a car. We tnusî comptetely rely un public transportation tor move around town and run our errands. Our days off are mainty on weekends, and there 1s nu bus service iu Milton on wcekencis. Tbis tlimitation becomes a big issue for us. Peuple Inay not bc aware of this, but WC mnust waiR (somectimes a far distance) to get auv- wbcrc ini towxn. loti cri imagine thîs is espe- cialls diflicuit iri the xintcr. services. Othier things liRe ies schuois, hus- nesses aind houses arc hctug huili, so v hv luit match ihis wîth increascdi transportation sers- tee? What about other residents who have just one car, oir who arc eldcrly and don't drive? 1 undcrstand that having the saine bus schceduie offcrcd omn weccdays inay bc burden- some, hut if WxC could onix' have the option ti take ihe bus on \vcekcnds during a short pe i- od in ihe day, our fixes wocild bc ichi casier. ht may nuit scem like a big deai iii sonie, but for the niantîtes in Milton, wcekcnid bus sers'- ee %VLIL ouidaRe a big diflicruce. VALEXIS YACOMELO MILTON 'OId Milton'1 residents deserve their own Iibrary DEAR EDITOR: Wby shotîldtihey tic petializeti because tlle untike must people who bave wrîîîcu iciwn is growitîg? its important to Recp the abocut tbe Bruce Strcet tibrary, 1 have ontv lîvecl dcîwnîown core active and octcipicc;i us tic in Miltttn a short tume - 18 tîîonttis. bicart oif thc îîîwn. Une of the first îhings 1 ctid upon niovîng te, Thîe long-tine Mittonians shoittn t li tiwn ssas get iii> library catti, wlîich bias been igutîreci as chbauges are îîîîrodclcîcc, atnt t reai- greaiiy îsett ever since. iy bîpc ibat the Brce Street library wîlt bc 1 agrcc wvtth ie neeci for a nicw mint tibra y altîwecl ii conîtinuie servting ttitsc Wvho îced it. site, ctcarfy. Milton is ottgrowing the origi- t realiy tiRe living iii Milton andt hope that ual otie on Brute Street. cntil wiii proteet tbe ultier pari oif towiî anti Howcver, it scenis itîtîgîcai andt shîri sighi- the nighîs uf thcîse Whio lîve therce. cd bu take away that sanie service t'romi the res- SHEENA TALBOT idents of the older dcîwntuwîî area. MILTON DEAR EDITOR: Like many other long-terni residents of Milton who are fleeing town because of the rapid andI ridiculous rate ut gruwth. I have waîchecl this town transformi from a truck stop inter a truck terminal; frum a small rural community intu a Maithusian night- mare. 1 take nu pleasure in seeing Milton become a clone of Erin Milîs. My qtiarrel is with the invasive number of peuple who have transformed the char- acter and quatity uf the sî-naît towni in Canada. Wbile millionis tof new immigrants coin- ing tu thîs country cvery ycar mnay bc a buon andt a ncessity for the bousing anid devclopment industries, its impossible to ignore any Maîthusian misgivings uver the consequences of populatioîn gruwth. l'm gutie for goud. 1 regret the decline in the quality of life. 1 won't rcgret lcaving behind ail thuse who race around town as if tbey are late for everything [romi appuintmeuts tu bill pay- ments to gcîting their coffee at the drive- thru. TERRY FERGUSON MILTON i9br Canatrtan Cbampion Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 555 lndustnial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-8I78-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver Regional General Manager David Harvey General Manager Dpbbi Koppelan Editor in Chief Jili Davis Managing Editor Kaiecir M,((j Production Manager Tirni Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare On Line Sales Manager Daniel Coleoman The Canadian Chamnpion, published every Tuesday and Thursday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. Advenising os aooepted on the ooodiiioo that, inithe eaeni of a typographical er1100 fiat portion of the advents iig space oooopied fig the etioseous item, together witlh a îeaoiable aflowanoe foi signature, wiil flot se oflarged foi blut fie Oalaooe of the advertiseiseot wilI be pair] for ai fie applcable rate fie publiohei reoeivei the right Io categoie adanflisements or deolne êÇ~ CCAB Audited () M News'paf'es Association 4? A Canadiae Commanity C NA Newspapets Association flo Sbuîbas Newspapets MI ý of Ametîca MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARAD0E UNITEDWAY OF MILTON YYMCA it Awards ReadersWri*te

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