t14£ _ _ _ __ _ _ 2~ r I SHOPPERS DRUG MART" Open to midnight, 7 days a week Kennedy Cilicie, 1020 Kennedy Circle 905-878-6828 ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE \ilioxxi [,illxi iiîig iiîulîîiiîa iîiî lIIx lii xxii i lxii l xi ixio i no iii.lii gh lI), t . MNentor> litîx that affects ilax tii-daN lunct 1 i x Il , xxx1Ii, l, lilci -p l xx i lii i i lmp iiii Jx i i ,I IIl t Diiiul periirmtiig fanfiltar raîks i - i i i Ii ii xix, i tx txixlx1xxiixxillxi4.xiixi iiiiiiiitx 1 xxlxxxiixlxxxxtý lxI, pxIi i 1 xx ii xii 3ý Prfihleitîx i illatigiagx Io xxx i 11, i i iix '111 ] xi ux xi iiii, ix xi Plirtiritiatiixttixl tutidg Tietî. ix iiii M.ixi, i lxxxii iaýc lix an ica ou i I gcxiI 1 i x) il i l 11 11ii xi c I)xnate (ecnerueI 'sseseabnheinwrca 'i %lge e N.xr' H"11elp for Sensitive Teeth It 15 estimated tflaI more Ihan hall of Canadiati adulis 'lave sensitive feeth due t0 recession of the gums. This occurs wfîen the denfin becomes exposed as the prolective cemenfum layer on the moots is osf. This denfin has littie tubules whîch confaîn fluid If is belîeved thaf rapid movement of fhis fluid wifhîn the tubules (caiised by heal, cold, air and pressure) causes sensi- tivify which can elicit a sharp pain. There are varicus methods of freafiog rouf surface sen- sîfivify incfuding fluoride varnishes and pofassium nifrafe (Sensodyne). Colgafe has recently introduced a product calfed Sensitive Pro-Relief. Perhaps you have seen fheir felevision commerclals. The acfivei ingredient is arginine, an amîno acid which is found in saliva. If fiinds f0 fhe denfîn surface which, n turn affracfs a calcium-rich layer from fhe saliva. This layer effecfively clogs up the dentin tubules f0 prevenf the movement rof the fluid, thus causing a decrease in sensifivify, If is administered as a pasfe in fhe denfal offîce which is pol- ished onfo the sensitive feefh and then followed with fhe cor- responding foofhpasfe f0 use at home. The office pasfe does indeed work very weil If provides immediafe relief and, when followed with fhe foofhpaste, will have a fasting effecf. S0 if you are fired of frying f0 cope with sensitive roots, give us a caill We may be able f0 hetp make life a lot more enjoyable. Etayne Tanner n< ussootate Elayne M. Tanner " BA.B.S.W M.S.W R.S.W OlP. S Counselfîng & Psychothî Milton (905) 854-0801 Eîayne M. Tanner www.etastilutiofls.cer OC. ADM. erapy 0.- I arn uorking to loue u'eight. lu it true thuut hypnosis can strengthen rny conviction? A: Reoeareh studies have fîîund hypniisis Inx he an effective \veight titis tuttI. Il eux help yîîn remain insptred and coinfident so that yîîcr diet will he moxîrt effeetixve. Ilpixisx ix really quite simple. Il uses relaxatioîn teehniqtues tii foievs vîxur mind and ereate xcix mental pieturei. Hivpnoiiss is nil mlxx nol difficull oîr frightenixg, niot people tise Ihe relaxevl teclxig'Itat lhcev gel frxîm il. In tirder tu lie hypnixited, aIt thal xxxii have tii dox is close vxiur eyes aîxd liv litexing In xil\. xxiice, vise nxînd-hoidv teehniqueis lii gel ix>o a rulaxed itatu. ibis tîeips y-li lieeîme iittiixallv ioprin tii recec thxe plisitixe ixmages voxii xi.tht xiv sugg.-tioni, ereatu in 5xvur xxnd. Yo dio nutl se exînîrlî axd aixîxlit cati lic hsxpnicd il thexi are wilittttg. \hitie nol àl nagit cutre, Cvi eut leartit l.ehniquestc tht vo îîi îli tuie xiicrsetlft iintai pax ir xxvi] on xxii xxxiii . exxii tîînxxî ix nit ilixtilix' Il ixîetîrne thiip It )i dà c i 4 il iii i ixî ixix 0111 xi xii xi iilii i i iiiýitd lii dhxxýixii.i and pii. hiiogieýil aspec.s ii comxpulsîîive xxcrcalitxg aîîd lxehaxioiil vchanige is nextuirevi a e\% fîinxi lxx leai.t xvi lxxxi lx iscý the. teehnitques anid xIii , Il li)ux xv di. crin 11e xtr icaixn xii xr ixxireîtllin and uxîxîr ti'guirs ilti iitîxxîitýe xviir dici tlv'iitoii i xiii tioli i c tie l lkiit i i.i.v'xî thit i.àî lielip xxxii ri.ot.l xxoiii vii xxii blxix ou tx.îîxxîi'aIuei.. Iiii.itdîig di.t,'xii 'lîItiien is i liitîii.-d lxtixliix in td Irais t Ii.iIilxllxiîîî I iiii adititit lxx ixtier ttxiriîii.xe tietixlxi .'x1Uýfo liiiiîxxx xxliii. Il xxxix xxxvild liii moii iun l iiti xii . c%.ai Illiii ititii xil i.xxtai.t xiii. tiiriivghlic Ite sit uaddîexî îîxxld. lxxxL ixîrllîc fxvlicg i ut lxxxv lîxîx n itiliex t Plx DR. RON STROHAN WNakefieldl Professional Centre OrRInStrohan N1.1 1 cli ) li t ultd lxi )liii )-[1)121 Optonrettist 1i IN I )OSl 8178 588t'2 - i AX xi05 8178 7158i CONTACT LENS FAILURES eiox ! x i-,, i's e t xxix lviii mvaixirl oui-i x ii vaiîil xai i niyî0liaixilO iilfpiîx xxiii mxîiloa i po1xx wxi ris howexer manp toitures uccur due to poor selection arnd contact lens care. Priesciptions ac lut eîxaîry la ine he i Pînvioxi iteanipis liii xixoxivîici q xuirii thev iîxvaltîxbilil oi lit xr cil ailxi i~ vi x Ie xc'raova a îe iair aOriv taux', c cl orîla ni idific aliai depex idai oIli(,mviii taîxteit af ile aontac in xviivaylirg fi 2M to '8% mair ntent.lix ile editttxultyo idîlyaîaltx i tffic hilii le anlext Oxîilxl pianex lao i miajor abstacle due lvi lin pei ot l beii able ta delivel siiit leurs natt leep lie liii mel aid conîtîable, Eveocallx the coriact i ct l lie ai ipange abîoîbixg ail thi eaus eaxxxxnx liie c or11cm la sweu ava the lent bo ditficuli la limone. Smoking and aicohai conînnîipliar aggxaivale île stulation. The meairex ttaaly ends xp miti 001 meaxr tynîptanît xliii a te our ofî ni i.ia The solutian. liopex coîxtact lent niainîxail lerevîlixr xx delexnîned by the pîoteîîionail mho PRESCRIBEO il toi yox Piopex teletior oflteniex and thi mole retunt piodoct aie deoeboped mith silivorex iiillcoiehydiogei vontilis mhlvti avctnait ploolde nmore oxyger hîeaitxaibiity militom otel e content. Titi tontats homeoeî inqoire tîngerit tleaning dne ta filer i tlnity, ta 1001 owf teur pioteuixi Hygienie s ai mai01 problem. Many people neglect ta math ie hardi priai tc, toovhing a contavt lent. rouI particte tonchîd geli îîanîmittîd to thi contact lent mhich van contaminaite thi lri and evenitxaty hi ingexted tinte leaur drain int the biak, of sauf natal taivity and domr youl thîoatl litious oye infetionsinîclxding Ut1ceraited Coîneais van retuit in vision loti and inaibiltiy lu tolerate contats. Rilied oa hygiene and vamlori is the provexi of maîhirg foui handi, Main îaaipî conditioneti and I4AND Creams enter ceîx of titi 1kn of oul ingex. Thilt cari lesin ia depoîli of minute leveli of the pioduci te hi plated on thi Int allecting yooî abiity t0 toleraite the ettitti of thi producvi AlIergi reattions te île lrace element aire ailto ai common unknomn thxeat Io contact lent meaif Te soltion, Avold lte oie af the pîodoct ai tinte yoî hardsi n maîm meliir aittempting Io îednvî the ikin iranîter of1the citemîcal. Finilie The contact lent taie. Conîideî xl simila ta a loothbiutit tf it i dirty on the anisde dangelrl lu ite BOWL asia pomelînt source of baicteia and other nnkxnomn coxtominainti. REPLACE the cale fiequintly and math il ant attoming tl Io ai dry dxily. oawn Boss Pharmacisi Oî MarkxCaxx 90--) 876 1188 B.Sc. DO .S - \" lin OV D Tory Wux B.Se- . Do S JEWELLER - GEMOLOGIST MARK BRANCO Gi'mduate GennohIIs Milton Mail 905-870-4301 wwvw.branceir.coml Brancier Jeweller's Pearis 0f Wisdom Wihen the ýiiixpecited happeîi niake sure xxx' r jeweller ri. protr.ted, lite are uPmv %,dliiihi. titis il) gel xxix sart. 1) hfie bs wav, to krrp axa tuahie oir extensive lxxi liers colttectioin securk! is t0 purchaxe atire proof sate ad kerpl t in an untikcly 'il ialtttr and xx.trxdon 't mis. Oiican ittet tani daflîxttc isonne ,tonus and intiiIati ýI living vin r jiicicx tprix.d hy il pri xiîin l GJÀ... Gxxaduati. (icînoîgixt i, a xrnart iivtii.tfhxt. h iu. .) xi.Lir hk!fîIiU ixiiininli Fi rs cti.xii in iatu. oîxxiîîtvln- xxii iiax reileci thei tro rei iplacennvt picux it a iii.ni. xIiiv pluot miuiI mxv tirn xxili nil bu hi. ei.Ituxd oni hulocxii.. iitlied - vuin hilillonids I lii îiili. îî xi a ia i.*i iil iî ' t xxi u xxii vix ll tu lIi xilit vit liiiI 1 tlî ý lIx tx i it. iii> ii i II Scorn i iCi Brnir ieelr and i. e thexi i ii i fferilIi in gemrittnes lii professional knowledge regarding fine jewelleryî xx xii i.id xxxth Thl, EitxIy, Colieg, xof nda I.i ?6 Years Experienice IhW A( 1ii & BODY~ C.ONTOiBN \VI 1l 1I1 \DÏ\I1I D \VORKS Loxitilxt~ l xi LTii x ilîlîx Mc 3DI \gi xIi ii xix ncu kl h\ ii (ll iii.ixti (,1 i[ x DI1 ill ii' wii.tgl xxi l i Lîiilti xg i.ii0xx \ t tal luthx 1x xxiii (lIII. THLîîî ~ixiiandt i.Ilgi.îhLx it Itiex tI xî lcoitlIi xiiii ttLix vel xi i 1ii lîxîix1\Il .tii.'.i nc-xx . lx -i iiiý iti.itiei txxiix i.i aîid itili ix tiîi Iixxg li r liii iiit x tttgcol vilvt i . CLI 'ataCi ti. at tititx \viiiiii.-. tîicstiei 01tiitiniu ix ii (e( loi vixxx tul isli n ofi lxxi xxelttrxali, Resui.ii tiimaltx tigin ailicaringaltci flic -i.xiiui. tixatîietin tît iiic iii unoixientii II giatlix,11 aplxai Al lie tîeaMinI1îi i.t:O*iC itiîgtiex tlie îiiîxi Iiiitii skuî qi.itx xhldi. lie loing lasi ng as lontg as dhut, exeticîe and lietexxle ai e i.c vii adit , ex îrxitletî areai itti. l as lai.c ele.k. cii xx eaxCii- upi. ai ii tiglix antd tiîtxîik t lie hliue!its xi t x tieiireatiiett ai e xii xxaux t Ilîgîxîx eIti c o eipitimlt satxii. iiti iimiial pinî andv noi idi.e e ltI stiiitt trvaîxîvxî xxo tit oii dxîxs tttîie titi. iîitii.eatle itiiiîevlitî t iixi. îeî iii ln terni1 restilis Fotr ingilevcotour tl i atiteiti citi tus Ixor tiformiation tit Tixetîtiag. N\1, Sec us on www.dailywebtv.com E-mail us at electrolysiscollege@bellnet.ca Web Site: ecclaser.ca 905-8640000