Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Sep 2010, p. 1

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Since 1860O Weend Edu7o ww.Rmc èANamed Canada's Top Community Newspaper w S PO0RT S Magic suffer heartbreaker N EW S Turbine projeet moves forward A & E Delivering a positive message e VO 15 No.57 6 Pges $100 inci G..To MiItor. Centre for th*e Arts GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN C APION The Town of Milton announced the first major corporate sponsor for the Milton Centre for the Arts, and with it the naming rights for tee new 500-seat 'Mattamy Theatre. Haro, with the symbolic cheque are (from Ieft) Mayor Gord Krantz, arts centre campaign volunteer chair WNendy Schau, Mattamy founder and CEO Peter Gilgan, and his son, Caleb, Big donation kicks off arts centre campaign By Christina Commisso CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Milton Centre for the Arts fundraising campaign kicked off with a bang following the announcemnin of its first major sponsor. Peter Gilgan, founder and CEO of Mattamy Homes, bas donated $750,000 te support the centre's 500-seat ibreatre, which will be named Mattamy Theatre. -1 really believe tbe community is more tban bouses. Its about ail tbe îbîngs ibat provide tbe fabrie of fle," said Gilgan dur- ing Tuesday-q announcement. "As the iewn grows we need to do omit pari in belping those otber services. Culture îs a big part of it and for me its great te be able te do tbis. Its a no-bramner." It was ail smiles ai Victoria Park as Gilgan, along witb bis son Caleb, present- ed tbe over-sized cbeque to Mayor Gord Krantz ancl Couneillor \A'encdx Sehau, chair of the Invesîmenti n tlw Arts Camrpaign Comrnittee. Milton reeeived $ 16.2 million froin tlw provincial and fédéral governments for the arts centre throughi the Infrast ructutre Canada stimulus program., The local com- mintce is trying te raise $2.2 million, throughi the 'Put Your Heari in the Arts' camnpaign, to subsidize the opcrating costs esee LOTS on page A2 Need urgent for anoter public school By Christina Commisso Population projections camne as a sur-prise te seme ceunicillers after learnîng Nliltons Béat,, ncighheourhood 15 in desperate need of a new ele'- nmenîary school. -Thbe growtb in Milton bas taken us complete- Iy b\. surprise.', saîd Miltons publie scbool board Trustee Donna Danielli. '*Everywbere else in tbe (school) board, we den't bave multiple families in the same home. When we're expeeting one or two kîds we're gel- ting six or seven eut of the bouses," she said dur- ing Mondays publie meeting regarding tbe devel- opmnent of a new elementarv sebool immediaîely soutb of Derry west of Fourtb Lîne. Earlier ibis vear, Halton District Schooï Board approaehed the Tew.n fer hielp ftndtng a site fer another scbool in the Bnistol surveN. Despite the openîngs of îbree new elementary seheels thîs ycar alone, Danielli said as the town ,s growth spuri eentinues througli the nexi deccade. îhe need for another sebool serving students seuth of Derry is imminent. -e knwthe scheels Haw..thorne Village, Bruce Trail and the ne'.'. Tiger.Jeet Singh, if tbcy're net already overerewded, they seen will be," she satd. The pareel of land tbat planners bave identi- hied for the new,, scbool is eentral te the tbree existfng elementary sebeels in the area, wbieb are wiibin four kmn of eacb other. The meeting bad some eeuincil members won- dering bo-, an elementary school missed in the planning process. "When we build a neîgbbourhood, even if we use base statisis, we should bave a number," esee PROBLEMS on page A24 004Jr&s3' Lest woêk 1 été some candioî 1 fouet on tho choir. Thel wors testf. l4ow was 1 to know that lt was homos médication? 1 was so sick asni octet op at the Vot Hospital. "'&70,'hww#hs. plasoé rosolotaol humons to koop modi- kéAtW cinés out of our rooch. HawkiflS Animal Hospital poor darllng boyl Rlght you humanos.. .rsemhobr this... keop ail foot modicisos, iociuding antidoprsans, paishillors, coid modicloos, dief pilla ond vitasoins, oafoiy socurot wharo yoar pots can nlot rach thsm. Thsy cas b. lethal to potso if ingostet. IF ORLYPETS COULD SPEAK. 550 Ontario St. S., (located In Pizza But Plaza) 9OON.97S-6888 !BERGSMA'S s paint&decor

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