Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 2010, p. 21

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t"s~c' ~ L~ L~ W ~Y4~ -'SHOPPERS ZDRZUG MART Openi to midnlght 7 dmys a wgek Kennedy Circle, 1020 Kennedy Circi 90-878-8828 flown Rosa Plharmacist HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE What is hand, foot and mouth disease? Hand, food and mouth disease is an infection caused by a virus. It typicaily occurs in young chitdren in smali epidemics in nursery schoota or kindergartens. Outbreaks are most common in the somnmer and fait. What are the symptoms? Early symptoma are fever and foilowed by sore titroat, loss of appetite and iack of energy. Between 1 te, 2 days after the onset of fever, painfut sores may appear in the mouth and/or throat. A non- itchy rash develops over t to2 days on the hands and feet and sometimes other places on the body. The rash looks tike red spots. often with amati btisters on top. How is it spread? Hand, foot and moutti disease is spread through direct and indirect contact with an infected person's saliva or stoni Germs ihen get onto a person's hands or other object, then the itiness spreads it someone's mouth and cauaes infection. Infected persons are most contagious during the first meek of the iliness. The virus cani tîve in the stoot for 4 meeks lifter the stant of the (mless. hAhat cati parents dIo? There is no treaimeot for tiie intection. Antibiotics mon'i heip tl po away any faster. It cao last from 7 to i10 days. Keep vour chiid comfortahie and continue to offer food and iiquids. Give Tyienot tir Advii for the tecer and sore throat. Lotis of resi and fiuids arc important. Be sure evervone in your hbouse washes their bands with soap and water aiter changing a diaper hioming iheir (or a chiid's) nîîse. and using the toîtet. and before preparing and eating food. ftretientiîîn Good hcgiune pcacticcs cao tomecr the risk otf(sctting titi infction. Reinfîircing good h,îed îc.ishing prîcic lis verv importnit. For ainq other coerens pieuse visit orn phoune your /-Iealth Il kitch I>amuiacist ut.Sitoppers I)ruq,'fart. 353 Main St. E. Milton ON 19T VP7 TFiYiH (Besîde tht Gltar Shagi 0ýne & Cerlifid 905-864-6360 Groomsr Should 1 shave m-y Golden Rettieverfor the summier? Ilis cottage une asnd i ai\\ a,; gel a loti il Is askinag il I coîticil u, dotsn their goldeni rcttriever tir the ssttttttcr. Thle im.tit sliii \Ott shoulci net shasc [ein dovn e )sgs has ca. cotlei a t e,ii. Goliden rctriecs icîe a double citi Thes hasce. ile cit ,teda top ceai or (euiei' ci i Thc ts' c cats ss erk toî,ttir, Bs sha, t5l thenm cou are îaktîtg the outer ceoat titi and espuiîg tie utedet. cinî and hi deîng, tisai the Lindler ceai clecs net kîtiow ohat te cdii Tîtese aie tIc iecasiîo s y titi sitciîlc nit lsîatc a gtolcleiieriet er i . \tuhen the batil s.ails gîoîeg hacIs il tcîll get Ilufici- tnd Ililiit c\Civ tune VOee suas e hei. They sîtouli basl e etcc Ilat lsssiat 2. Bs cspesîeg tlhc sîidt ceat thes shedl moire as At1 lot (Il peuiplc IiIel. tihes c10e1' ibut lies hast siserier tii so u ( itan i sc te lsi ,is IItICI l ' lties \ýI5COc lsiy 3. Thce deg t'. .tc iiiill\ ltîic i- il \u sui t lic III 11 ih Sli ItItItIstI Flic colhe cciii ke eni e m i'm t he i tc uie andu co ssii iiilie sontIIiet tîtîte Il istccis [lie sinIros fiîislie suit l tise ut te ss eaiicr. 4. Ioo oiîlut lor stîti liste Bv -sh.issng tii ire ictiiig tise suit gelto icits skie sthidi cait lcld Ioi sui bsii. Vs bat abcout huit spiss fiii spcots aic escr cîsisseset te geicit reiriesers ihat aic te ihe mater a eot, Mis acice te iry ancd as sud iheis is te toins tlise reas a uitile shcintci ss irc ihes arc prcoce tsi geîîîeg set spots ssii set shase thens, andi M, and isakec suie thes, are dr- aller ibey are donc sssînitssteg te the sae Financial Literacy Learning Centre inc. Desmand Jardas, Presîdeni ( Don't be Intimidated .,re oiu l'amitiar îîith itis scenartil yiou gît tutti titi hitk iii gel a f1110 gage, and lthe hatiker sas wuld yuuu like insuronce wili, iheU Il sîtunds lîke a gîmd idca iii yii and uilu dittit liant Iii tpset the hatuket (i ittise jobh il t.. Io scil pridtuctsi, su lakie lin theur Mitgage and is-. aihiu itisuramice iii prîlieci itur fit s\ lu'ing iusuraiuce to c cili 5tiur mogage i. a very good idea. nitere ilt f attadiatis bu il e. gencraly nul. ,i itere can lie set cuti dra%%haeks, iii iakîîg oii miogage ii..urne 15115ai "the tank" us. getitng yiiur iiwn persiinal fle and disahitity, polucy (PiL1) nitich wiIt affîîrd you the samec if not beiter protuection i. PLI) tiller a guaranieed renewabilil?, wilr mith Ml ifyoiu mille ort rehinance your morigage ciiieeage il net guaranierd 2. PLI)t tîfler guaranieed rates, mutile raies are nul gnaranieed n ith \1l (MI raies are ohme stguhhtcantly igher titan Pi lit 3. PLI) you auuign the beneficiary who will reeire flhe Jui poliey ben- efit. With A1l "thue bank" ju thue beneficiary, uunly thue reinuining bal- *ance of the uuortgoge ia pai) off. while your prenuinu are bouedl on the enfre original ,uorgoge principle. Eunenfially poirt ouf your prerniuun are poyingfor nothing. 4. PI) lis uder%-rîtien ( II i' iiricessed and appriied) %% ieu lthe pittcN is îssîîed, MI s uuder%% rîîîeu aller deatit (ciii erire col d lu. deuîed i Cai 'dauts sitiulul tut\ titrehase tuttir.iuce trin a ltceiised aentu, .k ilt\oui isitker lia, iii itiî,iitct tui(i Il tihe iiiii- i, noi iiiidiict'dtitese itîdît idtils l,,tii iiilui î is i As titi iii thte Canadiaii ttImusiin 'i ui 'c tic uisu tts iiistraiutt hiSd sets atd titi îisuraiiic mi tha tudcuts aii iiî,ie tut iii the' inuri ic iîî t hlat,- ( iitlt u iii i ttiritic\ si\ us iiititt scss.ioni\ iîli he i ti ithell î,îîîiîîîîîuîî i liiuni tiop i iii iiii, -ii Canadian (905) 828-1 392 Milton/Oakville inevesîrnent course li!PARTNERS IN PLANNING Fl1N44CA, lAI I'-SLT 10,, To:19051 876-0120 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lu Multigan Milton, Ontario L9T IP9 IcM, F ,cul, PC QUESTION: Why arn I getting taxed on my UIx Free Savingu Accolunt? ANSWER: The TFSX tîters significaif tetiefits literilong terni satilifs anîd îus'esîîng. tliitetvr usant' peoîplc receuili' receîs'ed a rude aitakeiiing Ini fic formti f a ta:s hbi foitihein Ta.s( Fret Sains . Iccitant. i liste are fise stîmple "'dîîn'ts" iii help keels ('cîcr Titi Frise Sarîngs hccitunt "tas lice." t . Don't use your TFSA as a itank account: Yu casi invesi u tir $5000ttt ta cîtur TFSA tact test atnd have il 5rui tlas frise. hît onîce s'u istk il oti ita cannot replace il ciii the fIilliîting ee. t. Den't ever conîrtitute: If thetot l ii ait you conîtrihbuionus t flie \.car us grealer tisas situreittibls rniii lie. $5,000t ftir eueh ofi 2009t anîd 201l)iti. iel hie paciig tte penatys fax. . Don't mane an ineligile TFSA investment: Nuis .rm's liti lîîus tir iriestimenis te à1 eîmpssc siou eotîrs lire sut cligitile iiit'cstiitislts tot 1 F4. Don't put money it your TFSA while entside of Canada. ((tit depîttîts mallde sîhîle a Canadian resideusi ire elîgie. Nue resîde!isi c,îu eut inake ,îddîtîînal eîîntrîiîîîsitiOI TFS.\s. .5. Don't assume you have the TFSA room: Yiîi dii lit aîeuure addiliiinal TFSA coîntibutioîn moînt is .unc calendar \mît that cu are a esisdeni tir if sitar Social tîssîîî,nee Number is iuvaltd. The TFSA is a registened invessiment. TFStu. and RSlts hase simîlar investment opionîs and procedares forn lnansfenrîug fruit ont financial iustitution 10 anther mîthout tas penalty. Duetl et headlies confuse pu. Get tht ansseers ihal ou need 10 mate cour omrnat decisions. Cali Panineno le Planning -Milton at 905-876 11120. ArnîcuArEn WISH PARTNERS IN PLANNING INSURANCE SEVICES lut. towne Dr.IMrkuCroce 905 876 1188 ' ~ Dr. To.y Wa B.Sc., DD.S. mo qtn i 'AN stvms B.Sc.,D.D.S. ENERGY DRINKS ARE 10 TIMES WORSE FOR TEETH THAN COLAS The hîgh-catfeîne, high-sugar beverages that some teenS guip like water are three ta 10 times morse for your teeth than cotas. According to reports, lemonade and energy drinks did the most damage to teeth, mhîie Root beer mas the teast damaging. Drink manufacturers put acid into beverages to balance the sweetness af the sugar. A cano0f Coke includes 10 teaspoons af sugar. Put that much sugar on a cup of caffee, and "yau'd be gagging," it wauid be sa sweet. The acid makes it patatabie. A low pH tevet means high acidity, and a high level means thie acidity is low. A pH beiaw 4 is enough ta dissolve teeth, and ait the energy drinks tested had leveis of 3.3 or tomer. Some sparts drinks and iced teas were even worse. Wine aiso scored pooriy, with pHs in the 3s. Tîps To Save Your Teeth Enamet Erom Energy Drinks and Sodas " Use a straw îsositioid ai the hack ut the moîtth se that tise liîçsd avods the teeih " Rînse the mouffi mili mater aller drînkîng acîdîc beverages " Lîmit the intake of sodas, sports drinks and energy drinks *Do flot use 10 quench thîrsi, as a dry mouth is more susceptible to acîd due 10 iack of saliva Accordîeg 10 the sludy. the popuiarîty ot energy drinks is uts the rîse. especaiy among adolescents and young aduits. Tisei peirmanent leelfi are store susceptible lu attack froi the acide found en soft drinks, due 10 the porous quaily of their immature 1001h enainet. As a resuli, there is hîgh potentiai for 1001h erosion arriong ibis age deîîsographîc te increaso. c Ontario Foot"S GREG J. LAWRENCE B.Sc..D.COs ROSHNI PATEL Greg J. Lawrence B.Sc.,D.PO.M. Run ae B.SuxODCh. FOOT SPECIALISTSI Bc.DPnM CHIROPODISTS 550 Ontario St. S., Unit 205, Milton, (905) 878-6479 Q. How do 1 know when t necd new rumnng shme and what should t look for? t a ,l atiii 5 tt i , us o t iti iii(ti.ils, as t icii i Ille us tts (est tutul' iii t' stut i îîîîug st,' t[li lstil î'stiineis plaice tit tuileag' au indiclit lils situls lii rep<tin licii Is ilt' lit tutt tuu ut ciiii( iiil Ilu i ' tut iîli s t.. ut \\cl' titi ..lîuîî Iiii ) luasitilil ttusinit is abtil.(soirptio tutu l I1u ý u l, uts ust('1 ali p( I hIi' t .ritiig Ioi luiis sti c ltu t il lis ,hocii on, [iii idlc t(is look froi tut(uuiigof tuttiho til' thie ic ilst (uc <i tf it, hoi ii <tutt tit o gci i'55stt utulis iliisr pl o (tuthoc lîîît ' siluit il tutt s\tu titi tut ilts l t itisussi <u tutu lits \0t .1 ilig it ,t1 (tutt li titil i sho titi' clics (I isuît itu a Itut 1 (li li cabit (,)tcllii iitiiit 1stii tio i ho ît si, ti t1ic' o itidcii\ t'. tna uitikii ut it i tur tut tutti 1tu its it oitnc ti t its can Iit t lnie intei tu <tut titis In the tutti i iii ilil ii Ii o r ltiges' lian i '.1 to oni tt t tutti li1i il <titi do tatt haii s'lisutu utuîtri 1iil itis ,îîs',s ii lii c hal a 1 <lusk ioc lui' <tt hooldtt cîîîîîîs' suitc tu l tutongue'r sire tut ît tîtlîlr itîsi tuitgel Iflu hit ave aî flesible unît <rritc tis \cI i lu it tut cîîlît titic ru th a boaurdla.c t sît il Buti ut tîîîkuuîg tir a1 gîttd scourtier andc a siîîîî îhî us igi iîttil the pîtîitnt %liu <tur ltors atîîas s s a aii .er eînîuuca su ay lui fîtîc a gittit sit' Titis utfier iscîsîs t,îîîe lui totrsion and unhîhuts îîîîîî,uîuîî Suit lastes <its ire Ircesseîî giutic fuir hîgli arttest fect, Conuhbinaîtin lasieS shcs are ssîpposedi 10 îîftr the tissu tif tot wîîrids suahîlit un tue rearfîîuî anS ilexiiity ii tht fotre foot. If you have any huiîier quîestions regarding fouîîwear feel fice ici gîte us a cati. A Roshni Patel B.Sc., 1).Pod.M

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