Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jun 2009, p. 8

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COMMUNITY amil STeacher of the Month French Immersion teacher goes the extra mile V By Stephanie Hounseil St k ils aUieffortL i4 IIii V 0z CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Iu aciilc citratii, h 2 ise elange didn' wari t o ncalie a bocnli ad ni-tai l s i Ilivcswith rcgrcts, iii. f1 y'cais ago, sfic dcîdccl to foffow thec Icacf of fier iw\o uniser-si- iy atieiiding childie ci ti ordci to fîccotii a teacher - proving if's ricver too laie hi hilfili a drcaiîî. "lis soiiîcthing f always wislicd 1 liacî chine anc1 nesecr goi around Io", sfic said. addïîîg wi tf a lacîgIli -Thec n ,cre îhrcc of us aI uîîivcrsî- l v. Has tng neveccil eti uniscrsitv hIeîicý il 5 ast, a iic iii' o c, biut Mantiger isas up~ for thc challenge. For the fiasi 10 years, sfic fias been a French fmmersion icacher ai W.f. Dick Middfc Seboof, reaping the rcwards of ber determitiation ande bard work. And for lonc, sfic bas been sel ected tbe Chainpioîî s Teacber of tbe Montb tbanks to a glowîng nomination fetter from Grade 7 student Katbfeen Fofey, 13. In ber fetter, Kathleen made it efear sbe's not the onfy student wbo tbinks Belanger gues tbe extra mifle. "My entire cfass realfy respects Mme (mademoiselfe) Belanger... We can telf îfat she respects us, and enjnys wbat sbne does. Not just because ifs ber job but because sbe likes being witb us." Sbe's always giving of ber lime, Kathleen said, particularly witb the yearly sehoof pfay she en-directs and the fuandraisers sfic organizes for the bumanitarian organization Free th'e Cbifdren. And ber students enjoy tbe way Belanger is creative in ber teacbinî metbods, Kathfeen said. as 'scil as Dufiai andj ')an Francisc o - or- a c ouple of ycai s, so tl seccmed tiaturaf tuiai sfie fîcc om a French fi nici sîiî icacfîcr. Mal.nger' icachcs; liercistuscnlt Iîisior, gcogi apîy, mthîf and lfan- guagc .iris, iii Frcch. Sortie of hier sicci avc ail adifitional laiîguagc s1ioker, it fhonte, n.ikiig iliem ti-hîîgual. 1tIf; sucb an asscî for îhcnî,' shc flfet Iirs c aicci- s\as iii haiîfiiig, but Meanigcr saicd shc ahi ays likccf working witb kids. seo hcrt switcb made sense. Wfîen shc's not in tbc cfassrooiîî. Belanger cani oftcn bc founld work- ing with students in any number of ways. She's abfle iii exercise ber passion for drania througb thc sehoof pfays, wbicb arc timc-consuîiiing but rewarding, Beanger said. "If's almost f ike antînîer carcer. if's like working two jobs. But f love drama and we bave so mucb talent bere al, the scbool." Sbe added the students put in jusi as many bours as sbe does, and ibeir conîmilment and cntbusiasm is adnmirable. Tbis ycars performance was Wilfy Wonka, and it wenî off witb- out a biîcb. Ton often, ils onfy tie trouble- making students tbc world secs, Belanger said. But sbe secs tbc otber side on a daily basis. 'Every kid bas gond in tbem and once tbey understand yoo'rc on GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION GRADE A TEACHER: Wl.I Dîck Middle Sehool French Immersion teacher Lise Belanger looks through a math test wvith their side, ifs preîîy smîootb saifîng. fits mutual respect." she saief. Tcacbing ber students not jusi acadcmics but also bow to beconie responsible, carîîîg citizelîs is imîportant, Mcanger said, and sbe bopes to f cad bi' example. "Those are probabf y the tbings tfîey'f f reniember lne for," sbe said. Every first break, wiîbout faif, Belanger can bc found selling ice cream treats to students to raise moncy for Erce ifhe Cbifdren, an organization ibai niobifizes kicîs to fief f other kids arouîîcf tbe world. So far ibis schocîf ycar, from te crcam safes ahînc, the scbouîf bas raised $1,600. Its eîîough iii paY îbrec tcacbers' salaries for one year in Alrica. Befanger saîd she originally intended to sel tbe ice cream only dents proîcsîed. ",(Ifiex saici) Ofi no, scIcal uce creaîîî afiyal 'on Teachiig is an exîremels rewarcfîng profession sfic saicf. adding, f iii Iooking forwarcf li many more ycars. Stiplîanu' Houtise/i can hc rcacIîed ai .sthite.çsciCmiltotit-atadi- aue'haoîpiî;.c ni. & Milton Real Estate Investors Club Present APublic fInformation Event by the Landiord & Tenant Board reeutand mythunderstaiidiflgs about being a tandlord stepping you from beccning a real estate investur? Cerne and learn, directty [rom the people whc administer the rules, bew you eau prolect yourseff whitst being a better landlord. Tbursday Jue 41h 6:301 to 8pm Cfi the Best Western Inn. Registration infor- mation at Want to Buy a Home? Need Some Guidance? Then you'If want tu attend the 'Your Firsi Home' worksbop, presented by Chris Newetl cf Keller Wiltiams Real Esiate Asseciates. This FREKE workshop wti introduce you lu the importance cf iiorigage default insorance, things lii looîk fer througbuut ttie humebuyîng jcurney. anîd witt feature videc presentatiîins by a number cf induulry experts. Tbcrsday, June 111th 71 to pm ai the Bcdt Westerni Inn. Registraini u aI The Mil lionaire Real Estate I nvestor Workshop An introduetioni ti the mîîdets and systems from the bc'st settiug book 'Mittionaire Rteal Estate Insestof' Ibis FREE wîîrkshup witt answer questionis fur experieuced invesliirs, heginners. and wauua-be investors too. Tuesday Jue lCth 7:30 - 9:00i (b the ilest Western Inn. Registrati on ai Agents - Feel Free to Accompany Your Clients f0 AU Events!! Wtobri5t'xttstd Cx' Chous Nc i. Cal xpeiun & Audrev'Nuwe<ii.Btth<. Keller titiameL iRwi Estait Xsusates Ic.. Biekerage. 4EKo Siuite SL. S.. Soite 219.(C 05-7562 ce Cliris(Chr5isNewei.ctm

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