Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jun 2009, p. 11

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Region's paramedics honoured at special ceremony HalonEM .~, to or tîa 5,00 cli pryar to retneve ber purse and sboes, D'Ftiennc foltowtng an accident tbat saw his car hot a0 rerînddecided it was uirne for a four-minute dash to pole near tbe Ford plant in Oakvttle. By Kim Arnott en-ng Georgetown wben a 911 cati reporting the Georgetown hospitat. Paramedtcs spent more tban 90 minutes SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION a choking 18-month-old sent tbem bo On Tbursday night, at a cetebration bon- at the side of tbe higbway stabtlizing the cnit- Mattbew's bouse. ouring tbe work done by tbe regions icatty injured man so hie coutd he transport- o Dressed in a sky-btue golf sbirt tbe colour As tbey drove over, tbey made a plan to Emnergency Medicat Services (EMS), tbe ed by air ambulance to a bospttat in Toronto. z of bis eyes, Mattbew Laframboise toddied bring tbe equipment into tbe bouse to treat paramedic finatly bad bis cbance to apolo- Not only did tbe celebration eventng gtve around tbe Haiton Region auditorium comn- tbe cbiid. But once tbey putied up, D'Etienne gize for leaving ber bebind. patients a cbance to tbank thc paramedtcs pletely obliwious to the fact tbat tbe roomn recalis, "Att tbose plans cbanged." "Wben its a kid, you're a tittie more wbo bad rusbed to tbeir aid, tt aiso gave 'c. was fuît of peopte who were tbere to cele- He coutd sec Mattbews motber standing byper,' D'Etienne, bimself a fatber of tbree, paramedics a chance to sec recovercd brate tbe fact tbat he could stili toddie intedowywt b binwlm n xlie ae.patients like Mattbew. c around tbe room. purpie, lyîng in bier arms. It was immediate- Mattbew's story was one of seven cbosen "Paramedics often don't find out what tt was onty a few montbs ago tbat 18- ly ctear to D'Etienne tbat there was no time to illustrate tbe dedication and skiii demon- bappens to their patients after tbey arc montb-old Mattbew rode in tbe back of a to waste, and bie ran to tbe door, grabbed tbe strated by Halton EMS staff as tbey respond brougbt to a bospitat, so tbis is a good oppor- 0 speeding ambulance, witb paramedic Ian cbitd and raced him back to the ambulance. to more than 50,000 caîts eacb year. tnt o bmt c b oiteipc Manson trying frantically to extract a pop- Manson began trying to suction tbe *'Tbe paramedics bonoured at tbe cetebra- tbeiy bavem ado pepte andfaiies smaid corn kernet lodged in tbe boys airway and bluekage out of tbe toddier's throat, and tion of tife ceremony represent al of tbe Or. Bob Nosat, Haitons medicat officer of blocking air fromn entering bais uiny lungs. DEtienne asked Mattbew's mother if she was paramedics bere in Halton, wbo continuotis- bealtb. Its a day that Mansons partner Joe comtng to tbe bospttat witb tbem. Sbe said iy toucb the lives of tbousands of Haiton res- Not all cais invotve survivors, and O Ettenne remembers well. Tbe patr was cov- yes, but wben sbe went back tnto ber bouse idents," said Haiton regionat cbair Gary C Eine ditd btte ossca eg "Tbeskits nd pofesioalis ou paa- eavily on tbe shouiders of paramedics. For Fam ly uck ly sca es rag dymedscs demonstrate are greatly appreciated." bim, tbe memory of betping to save Farni Iy Iucki Iy escapes tragedy b~~~rugbti araies rctted bronte fa beor Mhaubwslf itbtcutrc oedf bruh O aram edoies raned freome tfhemr att at thw iewl epcutrc oed rhagng pegnnt wmanwbo had lost 50 ficuit and tragic memories. basem entu fi re ca gh quickly mucb biood sbe wa nsevere sbock, to the Hatton emptoys 152 paramedics, wbo quick response to peopte tn cardtac distress. work out of 10 stations across the four By Stephanie Hounseil board tbat caugbt fire. Halton EMS empioyee Adam McPetrie munictpalittes. Staff memhcrs inctude CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Tbe couple and tbetr cbttdren were get- was recognized for bis rote in saving tbe tife advanced-care paramedics, wbo arc trained ting ready to go for a watk wben the woman of bis fatber, wbo collapscd wbile tbe pair te, provide emergency roomn care to patients-, A mrnor fire in a new borne coutd bave went into tbe basement to get sometbing. was out on a walk on tbe Bruce Trait. bicycle paramedics. wbo provide medicai baddisstrusconequnce bd i flt ben Sbe noticed smoke and flames in tbe ceit- A eam of paramedis was also recognized care to patients during community events; caugbt quickly, ing. Tbougb tbere were working smoke for tbeir work saving tbe ife of Jobn Everrett, and tactical paramedics wbo provide medicai nar--.~ ,,, alarms on -eryfloor, the on ntebs-wbo suffered severe injuries after wandering support to tbe Haiton Police Tacticat Rescue tflts~~~~~1- ts a ver 1uu"ua ovr n nbbs-f traffic on the OEW Unit duning bigb risk calis. rowly escaped a tragedy," said Fire Prevention Inspector Steve Eltis of tbe Milton [ire Department. Sbortly after 7 p.m. Monday, firefigbters arrived at a, bouse on Piayfair Tenrace wbere a fire in tbe basements ceiling bad been extinguisbed by tbe bomeowner just moments before. Elis said the occupants were baving con- tractors; finisb tbeir basement. Pot ligbts bad been installed in tbe basement ceiiing, witb tbe drywall stili to be put up. Tbe new ligbt fixtures bad been pusbed up into tbe ceiling and ieft on, Ellis said, witb a 100-watt bulb resting against somte particte The bomeowners immediately called tbe fire department and put out tbe tire. Fortunately, damage to tbe borne was minimal. Tbe incident can serve as a tesson to, resi- dents everywbere, Ellis said. "Tbis is anotber example of bow easiiy fires can start in tbe borne. lis important to always inspect tbe work of contractors before, during and after the work is complet- cd," bie said. "(And) always turn ligbts off tbat aren't being used and unplug smaii appiances." Stephanie Hounselt can be reached at snugIIJe Oî bugz STROf%.e.LLER DEMO DAY Test-drive over 30 strallers outside aur store! One Day Onty - Saturday, June 6th - 11 am ta Spm Company representatives onsite. Buy a stroller. receive $SO in free accessorie* Draw for prize giveaway! *$s0.00 witl be credited towards accessory at time of strolIer purchase. Stroller price must exceed $300-00 905.63~~~ 1.0 5I wsugeu7c 32 5F rie r I. V 1-It wem n a e

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