AS-The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, December 31, 2008 (,9W5)878-288I Teacher of the Month- Mr. VandenNoort patilent caring,, funny By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Bert VandenNoort didn't intend to become a teaclier. In fact, lie hap- pened upon the profession in a rather roundabout way He actually dabbled in several careers before he realized teaclirng was what fui- filled him most. And now there's no sumning back. "Being wish the kids wlien 'm in the classroom, I enjoy every Iast moment," lie said, adding, "Its a real calling; its a lifestyle. You have to dedicate yourself to is to suc- ceed." VandenNoort, who teaclies Grade 6 as Wl. Dick Middle School, lias been selected tlie Teaclier of the Montli for December after being nominated by i 1-year-old Spencer Chilwell, one of lus students. Spencer cited VandenNoors's patience, caring attitude and humour as a few of the reasons lie sliould be cliosen. I think lie is my favourite scaclier 1 liave ever liad," Spencer wrose in an e-mail to, the Champion. Its ironic tliat wlien VandenNoort was a higli scliool student and took a quiz to lielp determine whicli career lie was suitçd to, lie refused to even consider seaching wlicn it appeared at the top of the list. ,'No way! " was lis reaction, VandenNoort remembers. 'I didn't see myself standing astlihe front of the class." He eamned a diploma in envtronmental protection and then graduased from univer- sity witli a history degree. Is was while working as a camp teadhing environmnental science for a few summers that VandenNoort realized lie enjoyed stand- ing in front of a group of kids and helping themn leamn. So on lie wens to Teacliers' College. I was meant to be liere," lie said. This is VandenNoort's second year as Wl. Dick and lis fourth year teaching. As well as Grade 6, lie also teaclies Grade 7 Englisli. Students in Grades 6 and 7 are fun to work with because they're as a point where tliey can have in-depth conversations about GRAHAM PAINE CANADIAN CHAMPION GRADE A TEACHER: Wl. Dick Grade 6 instructor Bers VandenoortlIooks over some math texts with Spencer ChiIweII, who nominated him for Teacher of the Month. world issues, VandenNoort said. Remembering whas lie was ike in Grade 6 lielps hlm besser understand lis students, lie said, acbitting: "I liad a tendency to be difficuls." Vandenoors said it's important shat lie be accessible to lus students if sliey need extra lielp. In Spencers case, shas extra lielp made ail the difference. Spencers mom, Andrea Thiomson, said lier son's seaclier contacted lier riglis away when lie realized Spencer was struggling wutli math. Vandenoors began working wîth him as luncîtime, giving him the one- on-one help Spencer needed. Now, Spencers grades have improved, Tliomson said. Vandenoors said lis students arenitshe only ones leamning; lies continually seeking ways to, improve how lie does lis job. "There's no blankes way to teadli," lie said. "Teaching is an art formn thats con- stantly being re-done. The way 1 tauglis last year isn't even close to the way 1 seacli this year." When asked whas lie likes best about lis teaclier, Spencer said: "He cares about lis students." Stephanie Hounseil can be reached at LOCATED RUGHT HERE UN MILTON COVERED UNDER PHYSIOTHERAPY BENEFITS ,myoI4i.mgnims was e ïenr.We 1s lere wus pain in My Iower "~dboesjnmyes gîEJwdm to go without pain Haton spinal. Deco mpression 'Centre 17 Wilson Drive, Unit 12, Mltony A2MMUSIJUICAL, DRUG-FREÇ procedure designed for Herumflt Dise, ---- v.Dises SUlpp" Dis=s a"d Scitla. -pnal Decompression, chat is, unloading due to non-surgicat distraction and positioning. Take back control of your financial Journey by attending this 2 day forum. February l3th & l4th, 2009 Cali 905-749-2705 to reserve your seat