12 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday December 31, 2008 ~j ~ l H e ~ j I n m I ulp M I t H o ~ i j ~ ~ jSjales k H l L Sales Help Sales Help Sales H tp coo , i ,eeriHepBE7enra 9 D !ra Tl &ents & ,i e .favyII n&t Agents &rpse'ntsv I jAg MAKE BETWEEN100 ANDl,20EC OT. MM-71U As an lodapandent distrîbutor, pas miii dativar The Hamilton Spactator and the Toronto Star iv Buringtos door-ta daor. Muat hava a reiabta aahicia. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS! For complete details, please cati 905-526-3377 or simply filI ouf the anlime application form at www.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spactator represenfative will contact pou. Pvno ann a 0 v a c rýMilton Canadtan Champion Circulation Department Requires Part-timne Staff H ave a professional phone manner *Work well with minimal supervision *Be comfortable with computers & office equîpment *Be willing to work closely with our youth carrier force *Be a quick learner *Be very reliable and responsible *Be able to work some evenings *Have own vehicle and valid drivers license Please send your resume and availability schedule to: Kim Mossman e-mail: kmossmnan© miltoncanadianchambion.COM Fax: 905-876-2364 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE F r Min -aeneson yoind C op efitive comstio n tpakge HAndymanroitsnasel. a hnde Fax/e ai euetiing exper-e in ce1 a:4(902-878164o eaILIN kUERreaTy@ElnDELa HELP PROMOTE GREEN ENERGY Products! Product Tranng Provîded Exceptionat compen- sation package Orientation incentive bonus Make a cleaner, grimner wortdt Cati tsdap ta make an impact 1-866-585-8770 Volvo of Oakville n. Service Adisor 10 work weakdaps. Some Saf. shiîhs map ha req, Reynoldo exp. and camputer knawiedge a must. Candidate iîli hald a valid drivero lcense and hava an aptitude for motor vahîcles. Contact- martinsi@votvo ofoakvilte.com ffMetroland MAC A'ÀRTIST' The Metrotand Weut Media Croup Ltd, pablîshers of community newopapers os looking for u port-tme Mac Artiut to tain our Reul Estute/Classified Production team. The ideul cundidate must be acte to work in multiple locations wthin Halton in a uat puced daudline orîented evironnrent. where the usility ta moiti-task îu extremely important The succesu- tut candidate wîlI be responsîbla tor desîgnîvg adoertîoîng for uarîouo Real Estate/Classîfîed publcations as well au desîgnîog creatîve and effective marketing material for a oariety of projecto and producs, The îndîoîdual MUST have a reiable oehîcie & be tulty traîned to work in a MAC enoîrooment and demonstrate proficiency in the toltowîng software: Adobe Phatoohop, InDeoîgn & Adobe Itistrator. Application Deadîine anuary 16 2009 Previous Newspaper or Magazine esperience is a plus, but not a necessity Plesse appty with resume la mgarcia@metrotand.com Ooly canddates selected for an intervew wil be contacted. ~~OfficeeH ep - RE.TOPRTN 11f pou are a heaty energetic person wh isl Ihghly motivatad, organised, wiling ta learn Iandloves to elp others,We are seeking a *receptionist/office manager for ourbusyl 1jiherapy Clnic Georgetown35 to 40 hoaro par weak, Mondap bo Frîday. Please forward reoumes 10. careers@ rosuphy- io.com. Experience preferred bat wiliing ta train the beat candidate. has an îmmedîate openîng for OUTSIDE ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The qaalîfîed candidate wîll be a motîvated, in- dependent, self-starter drives bp achievement. Ysu will possesa excellent wriftes and verbal communication skilîs and be familiar wifh Mi- crosoft computer applications. n this rote, pou wîtl be castomer focused and wîll baild strong relationnhîpo wth saw and ex- isting clients bp ensarng that their advertisîng seedo ara met. You wîll be goal-oientad and capable of meeting regular msnthlp budget. If pou woald lka 10 wsrk for s leader sn the me- dia industrp thia oppsrtunitp map be the right ose for pou. We offen a competitîve compen- sation & benef il package as wattasu opportu- nities for future career growth. Reliable vehicle la raquired. If înfereted pleaoe forward pour resume 10: dbaird@oakvilebeavercom We appraciata the înterasof 0fail applîcanta however snly thosa oetected for as interview iilba contactad. No phone catis or agancîas pleaaa. Milestone's is now hiring for our new Oakville location Apply in person searting January 2.d Between t Oam-8pm 3529 Wyecroft Road Hiring for ail positions Mitestone's is a category leader inupsctate ,.asuat dining. t)vn't îustss'ork here.Excel. \Vith extensive traning progranis, incennvs and mianY, other perks, Mitestone's Proims ~grvrh anîd srRccss. Forward your resume tc, mkennedy@acara.com GoJd BODokI ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES (NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT) We are Onturios leadîng media companp. offaring Reach and Service bandleo that help sur customers grow thaîr business, As a division af Metroland Media Groop Lfd., a whally owned oubsîdîary of Torsfan Corporation, we are eotremely watt posîtîoned fo pravîda best-în-class producta ta adoartîsers and local consumera. We sarvice local markets. praaîdîsg omail busînasses wth affardable multimedia advertîsîng bundias that allow them ta profila thaîr busi- nasa, product aftering. location and more. Gold Bookos innuvatîve produat afferisg includas wab-sîta developmenf & mainteance. web ads, idea commarcials, dîgtîzed brochures & catalogues, and aur vary aivo virtual consumer, wficiçtaait camplîmantary ta aur raie as the pre-domînant source tnt cammunit information acros Ont aria. Gald Book's diverse array af business solutions pravîde unlîmted incame patential ta enargetîc and self-maîîvated indîvîduals inter- eated iv îaînîng aur team, We are seakîng ful-tîme Advertîaîng Sales Rapreuentatîves ta service aur Brampton and Haton North markets primarity in Milton, Georgetown, Caledon and Orange- ville. The prmary reapansîbîlîty of thîs positian s ta maximze udoartîsîna revenue for Goin Bokanie rvting prof ie opportunitvas for amati business and ialarmas choice far cansumers. n this raie, o wîll be cutamer-facused, Yau miii provîde creatîve. effective advertisingmarketing solutions and wîll play a key raie in the over- att succes af ur organizatian, If you... are hurd warkîng and independent, a oel-starter? anîap dealîng wîth umaîl buinesses and meeting naw peopie ave- ry day9 Sare a hanter, wîfh the confidence und drive ta escel uit generatîng and clasîng new business? have excellent communication, presentation and tlephana aviis9 ara a type-A parsonalîtp who is goaa-orîentad and capable of meeting aggrassîva weektp turgets? *have a "whaîaver it takes" attitude whan il cames ta achîavîng pour fînancial goals? *have a reliabie vehîcie? are intarestad in purauîng a rewardîng carear close ta home Then this is the right opportanity for yout We will provide you with..- unlîmtad incarne potentiai a comprehenaîve benefit plan and group RSP program protessionai growth & davalopmant oppantunitias two weeka afiîntraductnrp training as watt as ongoîng coaching and sales support. Ta tain thîs escîting team, amai us at rnakemoney@aaoldbok ca. Please refarance yoar prafarrad location(s) in the aubject lina. We thank ail applicanfa for thair intereat; howvvr only those aelacted for an interview will be contactad. No phone calis or agendaes please. F-ax resume to: 905-639-0028 or cai your closest location: Brant St 905-632-1232 Burloak 905-634-4111 Milcroft 905-315-9050 ENTER FOR VOIR HAIurr TO WIRI un u Il U IlIl 1U Il 1 IV inegacitCard VISIT: www.gilcardcataIogue.ce Ie Si prodcts throughout North Arnerica0 is okîng for a hîgh energy Isolde Sales Representative 10 parsue new business opportanities. Key Duties & Responsibilittes " Bud and maintain a trsng castomer base. " Promot e prodacto and services prsvided by the company. " Havesa hîgh levai of retapant product knowledge. " Candidates wth an eoîotîng portfolio of castomers witt be strongtp considered. " A minimum oft3-5 pearo eopenîence iv the steel îsdastry. " Ability b wsrk îndependestlp and manage ime effectivelp. " Basic computer literacp încluding Microsoft applications Please forward your resume highlighting your documnentable achievements to: Box #45A C/O Burington Poat Classifieds 5040 Main way Drive, Unit #1 Burfington, ON, L7L 7G5 is looking for F/T or Pfr- Line Cooks Dishwashers , Wait Staff t, , 1 jý ý, ý . ý, , ý ', 1 , ý il 905.878.2341 pion Thr caliablail ý:1pm 1 7-1 a 1