Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 2008, p. 30

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3R - Th e-Da'Iadfan IParnpiçi, fr'0X-9(ýe P,$1, Oq8, CUTMR EAINS $17.9OIhr Manager We are iooking for a seif-motivated, CUTMRRLTOOftîCelLocation MngrAccaim etrepreearial indivîduai ta mon our SALES F a fparin M 1fr Cua1iieýd canidates will i00 aiIngi. ri7 7"î si 0 GENERAL HELPER POSITION THE JOB Reprlîrg laorie Shiftsuporaîsar, lire se- leclod candidates aHileork in 12 iour shitis Contnental Scirodule 2 cooksofai36 iours, 2 weeks ai 40 oral Tirepersans iave la work in un indostial envirarimenl and need la e able la cash in a medium la faot pacod envranmonr Tire slarling raie for iis position is $1523 per naur ana cie puy averlîme aler 40 iorus. THE RESPONSiBILITIES * Make Palers Assemoly oi producion lino * Wrk eîlh v avlertolasord suck recyciîg producîs *Wrkng tal svoacurlng largo caraOoard pieces *Takînig ail ana slackîng af inish gonds aod con- rollîng qoalîly lumnuian. lnglir ana iarri * Perrm airer aules as assgnea QUALIFICATIONS t SKILLS and EXPERtENCE 2 - 3yars ospriorco marulaclurig Oouronln * Have sale wark boiraviaur A b laolir 35 55 cîlh nomuer empayeo * Aile laose a tape measure * Psses a Hgirciol Dplama * Speak Englîsir luonly * Have a Good Team Sprt * Auonomy Intiaive and Adaptabiliiy *Wîlling to graci guiclly in a Grea Company Please emaîl resame by Novemirer i5iirIla erame-dulur@coascades 000 Importantlie Sile foieob is lacalod in Brampton close 10 lie Csrysler Plat Cl canddates for ntnervews ilî be canlacted. Deparîmeni. Nou aaperience requred Company offera: Compiete training, paid vacation, rapid Advancement & benefits. Al applicanto muai be neat in appearance & ready to sfari immediaely wifh own transporfafion. 905-634-0000 - lOam-Bpm Teîncai HeIp Tjchncal He. PROGRESSIVE BUS REPAIR SHOP IN MILTON requires: "Certitîed Welders& "Licensed Truck & Coach Techincians, Excellent wages & benefifs. Apply withmn 8170 Lawson Rd., Milton 905-876-0669 CNCHoizntl Brig il era r Reqire fo Cutom Machine sirapin Milan. Your CommuntyIMnmm yeasCN e ape ence Newsape Fa resme:905876-4451 in wper w Orml F our Total Recru [sME XPERIENCED U ________________ITEC NICIAN LICENCE OI cati905 78 241 ~ IandthIthYEAR APPRENTICEI ca 95- 7-241VsC4b*,CallRay OLIVER&BONACINI I 7510o077 C A F E G R1LL Evaporative Tower Service JOB FAIR SERVICE MANAGER Long eslabliîoied Misssauga baned coliîng Oliver & Banacini Café Grill îower service company ias immediîaîe apen- aI Oakville Place ng, Cties. pannîng/ochedlîng of malerîi, H-irnfr0C, ai ,rlob caesaOur new egipment & labour Strsng sapervîoory me- Oakville location il 1:Oam-7:00pm Saturday.Nvmber lst 8tlr & lth Wednesday.Nvember 2tln Oakville Place Management Offices luaner levet. near tire food court) Oliver & Bonacîni Café Grill Osirvitie Pace, Unit 253 240 Leigiland Avenue (Near Traffagar Rd & QEWI Qakaîlle ON L6H 3H6 Emait your reoume to *~m EXERCISEe d* SPapesr es re nosalonger uu. kîd's stuffi Esxcelesl oppertnit n Okvitte fus sers ice-m inded v.vscientios dultîs Purs tiîme- Wedsesduys. Fridays & audas o pick yvur * m H b09 95eese aui -NOW MHING AI THE WATERDOWN LOCATIONS Shift Supervisor 2pmn-lOpm Aso hing for tire following shifts 2pm-1 Opm, 6am-2pm, 6am-l Oam Benefits available. Order Piokers For the 1 bo 9pm shift needed immediatly, reliable, punctual, leam player, able tc, lft Up to 5Obs., operale a multi-levef plaform Pîcker preferred. Wllînig to train, greal pay Fax resume o 905827-4247 E-mail carlos.valencta@buflzicaflada.Ca chanicai And organîizational oklis needed. Electrîcai knowedge/previous esperience an asset. Company paîd benefîts, competîve saiary. Come jion our great team! Email resumne ta: or fax: 905-569-7969 Wold you like 10 wok 4 aays for 5 days pay? We are looking for a store Manager wifh excellent customer service, you muSf have an eye for defail and capabfle of working in a fast paced environmenf. If yoo are Sales oriented, have extra ordînary management skiils, fluent in Engfsh and have a relîable vehîcle then we would ike 15 hear t rom you. You wif f be required fa work t WEEKEND day. Please forward your resumne to autumn-leaves2008@hotmail.coml ACCOUNTING CLERK Fuîltime position in lrendly, lat-paced Milton officeý Respanoibliîtieo include Accaunis Payable, Accoanto Receivable, Inaentory Coing and airer aooîgned tanks. Tire soccesiot candidate must have acconling experience, be moiiated and accurale whie workîng under pressure ta meet deadlineo. PI ease send resamne incîading references ta: co Miton Champion Box# 101A 555 ndustriat Or. Mil ton, ON L9T 5E1 haurs/week, somne shifts end ai 800 pm. Re- Icepion eperlencepreferred.I Peasemnail vas j re surmein cluding refer- encqs lo a ýanmaIc@beIlnelca or fax ro 905- 877-8081 or drap off ai 4 Mounlainview Road aSauth, Georgetown. L7G 4J19 AUDIT SUPPORT CLERK W are a multi-naianai Cansuliing irm, localed in Cakaîlie near Branle. seeking un Audir t Supporr Clerk la assisi aur audilars. Tire deal candidate wil have accounting office experence. a orong attention la detail. and goad computer skiia. Reupansibîliies inciade inputinrta Acceos tlales, Excel spreadsheets, and proprietary software, copyng, fiîing, and afher general office activiieo ao reqired. This ia a contraci position for 4 montha, wifh coniract exfensions or ful ime empfoyment posible. Please forward your resumne ta: mm atapm ssng Data Pncessng Dt roesn IReytiolds - _ & Rýy no1ds], TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (HELP-DESK) OPPORTUNITIES Reynoldsanad eeynoldus sa oakt-eadne proaider otinformaton technouaey deaieeship software slutions, and profess>onai servicesta t sucpport esers aspect of aterotive rtailinOur Candianperaion hasbeen gowing for ove 4 ears, and ve areiookin to add toour awara enineteamn Severat opportunities cit tor entry-tevel Hardware Support Specialists and Software Support Speiaits inour Misrsissauga Technikat Assistance Centre. pose * Utf. q -o*w Uduriiodroewbru pietiop *Lwen oràw .W 4 oeeuiito to M»MW Ofo$ Ni oetWWd/a tkffn upeirg efflOMs MaawewnftOue. cueiti, A+, Expe(rSWt d M I cgeh aottao mordrle"nid rdwçpruoelens, hisue 4* re- S« meSuppot SpcWit Proide CrnoR te teopoeî support eund realuttAn Ot9cmputer sotunOnpro- btemtufsooh tetepitome degnosis and*diecton; Iesarh and resoNe nxoedu- ra service repots; mahitati software applications 1, ~ssnurene effl diwrr Wet- aeiwM%»Jy"«eAoearxtLcoHtieneueeplanad e flesi -1à doiupata gwcwdM rsdo reuM4Sri rtegertttrcb sthio pr* dfal ...vus' o nd pril ivo. 3aê-dyetaf a a er-re ag peve-4y he,-,rrvu . as-ca, aa ilftCanada#'reyre com FulIl ime - Accounts Receivable praduats is a must. Acclaîn Hesir and Communit Osto Services is a non- Your main responaiiriliiy cllI iret1i maîntuin and proit, chartable organîzatîo dedîcsted 10 prvdirg a esiablîsir reiatîansips wtir cusomers firougir bîosd spectrmm ni commonity ieallir and support services. aut Ontario, Ooebec and lire Maritimes. PRIMRY FLINTION Oviîea mlade irandlîng încamîng oles PRIMRY JNCTONSingaîrîvo. preparîng quatatians, enierîng arders " Perform weekly and montiriy banking faniclions. and coardinatîng related papercark. " irerify, code and enter ail cash and cheque receipts. Ail interested applicants fororard ffoar " Montor otstsnding accoonts recoîvables, reaumne for conaideration ta " Reconcîle Accoants ffeceîoabie sub-iedger 1oi G/L coninsi accounits. or tax ta 905-864-9060 # Prepane sort post ail bankîng transactions te tire No phone calta please Genenai Ledger. * Reconcile ail Balance Sieets accossols relatea tai receivabie items " Provîde support and backap coverage iv Bllîng, LOCK iOOD " Preparation ni year-end ta recoîpis. ii , 'l, f POSIION WUIIENINTSUNHAPPY IN VOUR CURRENT JOB? POSItONREQUREMNTSCARIER OPPORTUNITY " Community Colege Diploma, Accoantîng Recoi pramotionns, Eacîlîng Nec produci. " Minimum 2 to3 years accounits receisable eaperience. ana ncreaaîng sales valume meano ce need " Workîng knowiedge et ACCPAC, Microsoft Word, severai additîonul Excel, Outivek. Professional Automotive 9 Detailed srîentated, orgunîzed. very accorsie and Sales Consultants goed ime management skil We Otter: *Effective communication aid interpersonai skist. - Tire Top retaler in Haitan' Up t1 041% conmmîssonn Oualiiied indiidujals may appfy in writiag ta: * Moniiriy and yearly bonus Please quote paating # CC08-3 - Car Alacwance -Nec stale aiflire Antsirowraam Acclaim Health -Nec otaleeaiflire art Computer/ CRM Syaiomr Human Resounces - Award cînnîing Service Deparîmeni Fax: 905-8275476 Il yau are prafeosianai, and hirgily mtiîvaied ta E-mai:iumanreseources@acclaimhieaiiir ca oucceed. ihen emaîl yaur reoume tla Pîno Auletta Please noie - anly liane applîcants selecied tar an interview wîllire conaîcîed or Pieaae Contact aur Acciaîm Heailo ns an equai opparrunily employer SlsMngrat958565 Hopial Hstal, Sles e Saes HeIp lcal Denal edial, Dental & Agents& Agent 0.. ýzl"aý SALES CONSULTANT Are yau ovkîng for a niew career cilS an unlîmted opportunily for advancemeni9 If so, our alespeopie earn an excellent income and enîay tire benefîts or warkinig cirh a succeos- fol and pragressive dealersip Il you're currentiy a professionali n automobile sales or if youre serious about a career change and are iaokîng loi 1he training aundguidance plesue fox or emaît your resame ta: 905-633- 8815 - Wondwdeprvîerni icîlt ces 1 îng for several positions for long lerm heaitir care taciîty in Georgeown. We require espe- rîenced ieavy dviy and lîgiri duty cleanero. laundry aides. fuli-lîme and part-lime for suri- nus shifts. UGL Unîcco aifers a campetîlîve compensation package, Apply in person cîth resome to: BesO Western Inn OnThe Hill Wednesday November i 2th i OOO0am - 4:0Opm 365 Guelphr Street, Georgetown Crifas reoume 1: 416-369-9156 ir -J 1 in Hortons

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