A6 - The Canadien Champion, Wedneaday Ocober 1, 2008 Your«thoughts? At the Canadian Champion, we believe it's aur obligation ta provide the town's lectorate wiîb as much information about local candidates as possible pnor ta the Tuesday, Oct. 14 tederal election. Leading up ta tbe big day, the Canadian Champion is publîshing profiles on eacb ai tbe can- didates and presenting coverage ai al-candidates meetings tbat take place in and around aur town dur- ing the campaigai. We have asked the can- * didates about variaus * issues, including tbe envi- ronment, economy, beaitb care, growtb, cbiid care, Canadas raie nin Afghanistan and even gas prices. But maybe tberes some- tbing on your mind that we didnt tbink ai. In that spirit, thc Canadiati Champion has decided ta ask you, local voters, for your thougbts. Were issuing an open invi- tation ta you ta tell us wbat the mosi important lederal issue is to you. Simply e-mail us ai edi- t or i al@mnilt on c anadi an - cbampîon.com 50 we can address the issue wîtb the candidates and include tbeir stances in aur dcec- tion coverage, wbîcb will wrap up next Wednesclay. Pîcase write 'My Bîggest Federal Election Issue' in tbe subject fine. Our goal is ta address issues ibat weigbi mosi beavily on y'our mincis beading ia ibte election ta decide who represenîs you in Ottawa. The resi is up ta you. Readers Write E-mail your letters ta Wditonial@niltonoenadiarïcbampion corn. Does writer really know what breed he saw? DEAR EDITOR: l'iniwritiitg in rsptase iii hil as l s ter eîîîîîlcd Dtgs lhasve noîplace la scîtuitl artîs' ii i îchlie identi- lied a dcîg as a piî-lîull. 1tIn îbcîkh deitnsiraies sarinetif the iîîhiereîîî prob- lins wiîlî thc pît-huliliait,gis-ciithaï,in n tl sure lit' really kîîtws wbai lîreed ai dog lie sasv lîle lias lalieleel a dtig a pît buill thai. nia> lie ituie.but clearly iîîay îîîîîbc onîe as wetl. flas lic ever scect a eatiecotîrsto? iloss aboîut a Lab mnix, or evexi a rouiîî mixý Beiter yet, wlîat abotut a Dane inix, wtîîcî are aiten miistaken ta bc pit-bulîs. Docs lie know ibat the Ainerican pît-buli terrier actu- aIly scored bigber on temperaîient tests ilian inosi ai aur comm-onîy knawn, chiid-friendiy dogs, sucb as golden retrievers? if bis point was ibat dogs on sebool yards sbouîd weau iîiuzzles, 1 camplctely agree. That wouîd bc a responsible tbing for a dog owner ta do, regardiess ai the breed invalved. Unfortunateiy. be gat sidetracked and bis point was lost. Urging the people ai Milton who aren't dog experts and may not know what a pit-bull looks like ta caîl ani- mal contrai could put many dag owners and dogs at risk. It also couid take important time away fram real ani- mal etuergencies where dogs, cats or other enitiers are in distress. Wbat a waste oi time that wouid be for animal contrai aofficers. 'm sure 1 speak for many ai us in Milton when 1 say that we're intelligent enougb mot ta, start calling Up ani- mal contraI every time we see a medium-sized, short- haired, muscular dog being waiked by aur bouses. SHELBY MCMURCHY MILTON DEAR EDITOR: Ain 1t altnin aheiiîp disappîiited witli the transît serviuc ii oi-toiasiîlis sec> poar. Things wcrc ltîîking up whei thei nuinheî of huses ws - ntrt-asetl Ioilotir bt svhat gatid arc te> ss ien tîtex aie cîintinuals' lîreaking tcaown or are heinp pulied Ailthe i tad lor soite reasîlit li's noatiîîder ihai rîdcî siip lta,ýn'i inureased îî support public interesi. II tooot en, seniors and students arc leli ta tue lurcb, sînce they re die mies whiî rely mnosi beavily on public transit Tbey inusi cîintinually rescheciule appoinimenîs and personal obligations ta meet with busing sebedules. Onçjoing harassment isn't appreciated DEAR EDITOR: galoîî of used black ail was tbrtîwîîar( We bave ived on Regional Road 25 brake oîpen as wilI. since 1963 and believe we havent Then a gallon tif creain paint xa caused anyone any probîems or done smashed on aur driveway ci anytbing ta deserve tbe folowing. September 8. Bcginning on September 4 ai 2007, We dont deserve this and ask ts for îbree straîgbî days we bad bags ai responsible iii refraini froîn sucli acts. garbage strewn on aur driveway This Il you bave a banc ta pick witb w conîinued ia October and November, have the intestinal fortitude ici confro- and on October 28 the door was torii tie siiiiatii insiead tuf ctîînmiîîiî off aur imaiîbox. tbese sick acis. Naw agaîn ibis faîl wc arc experi- \Vc bave canîacted ihe Region, th encing more barassment by tbis sick Towni, tbe police and aur couniciliîr I persan or persans. lîclp. Onu September 3, we had a gallon aIf WILLIAM AI yliow paint îbrown and broke open an BRIDGET SERAFID îîur drivcway, wbile tbe following day a MILTCI AXnd no, aiiî es crs uoneliýa- a h cidai) relative sslio tait pitch inIo dr tivisc i doi thes ail have thliaittial ahilits ta pas loi.i tC. ide A't iha\ niri tn-ai isitt cas ail- ahle uit îl cid-atu-e'-- tillit its ,Io thlos'%h\X li siil i iialîs ride [lit huc, lasing niolîe han-c se' 5/itiltl (lt wil or) ui riîat :lgC,ii ionitant i itake i t ca-iirIi atiend lomal lîiiitîiowikle Ihle ail lair or il ai mers 'markei, ior even poing ta clînre-li services. \Vc lîricie ourseive- on hasiîi a i rait- sit ssiciiiaaalabie, bai iîîisvahbout inaking suce is ,aciually asaîlahie ta us. ANGELIKA KOETH MILTON iid ,as ta Se us- iii for ND NI zbt C Q abat~n Qiampioli Min «,n i iry cN-n ipner lAtO 16 555 Industnial Dr. Miton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax. 905-876-2364 Cassified905 875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vww miltoncanadaanchamnpion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager ai i H i'vc j Editor in Chief Managing Editor Advertising Director Production Manager -i ni Gilos Circulation Manager Office Manager n 11ýy Pin- The Canadian Champion, published every Wednesday and Fiday, ns a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Pesident Ian Oliver Anifl -1 i t lion u'04,1,1 e , ;,,ýi'býir ,o ppcuA itemiii ii -pr %ohni CCAB Audited opcna ingeBell und lC A N A OF MILTON TV AUCTION MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE YYMçA 5_hawcase Milton S', A L .1wards I Our transit system sure leaves a lot to be desired -- - -- - --- 1 Ad 1