Al14 - The Canadian Champion, Wednitsday, October 1, 2008 SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail Missed opportunities corne back to haunt Magic Under- 14 girls toppled in League Cup final GRAfHAM PANt /IANADIAN CHAMPION FANCY FOOTVVORK: Above, Niagara Fals' Kyah Morocco (ieft) batties Magîts Bittany Redy for possession during Saturday's League Cup final in Oakviie. inset rîght, Multons Vanessa Machado fights for the bail agaînsi Niagara defender Stephanie Manneila. By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Tlits sas un' lin t ut is the cpesî ,.M ilioni..i's ici14 git- s n uuld strongis tiisagrec. I o-ang osisteduring a highls'- ilupressîs e 20108 Southi Report Soccer i cagne (SRS-) tampaign, t %ssas thetfla- tel- of1 titee cais i hat taric a mo litture disaîp- poinutiltint. ihlailitcaithrtak titisc 5ti lilosoti ioi \Iii iiakvîe Il tht \iagart 1 lîi aO Iaiu d iipa tcLîroguctu p fing all. tnii Clae I etr iag 2- .,lcned af-me.ici dg np Misingh tho-e ind ni ar,i opper tunite s ealiba dmto e mhak ite n Christoforou makes much-anticipated return to track Chris Christoforou makes his much-anticipated retum to the race bike this weekend, after a sommer spent recovering from injury. The three-time OBrien Award wiîî- ner (Canadas Driver of the Year) fast drove neariy four monîbs ago - dur- ing a qualifying session ai Mohawk - and bas been off since due to a non-rac- ing related accident. li felI off a ladder doing some work out.side mv bîtuse,' tbe Milton racer told Trot insider last week, referring tii bis back injury The seasoned reinsmnat atîenipîed a reîum iin August - doing some wtîrk witb local tramner Blair B3urgess - but it wasn'î long before be aggravated bis back and was once again sidelined. "It was frustrating. i îried 10 come back as early as 1 could, but 1 jusi need- ed iii give it time. Tbe lasitbing tbat 1 wanted lia do was com-e back, have tbe inlury tiare up agaîn and tben bave to take more lime toff." I1 didn't wanî 10 corne batk, race two days oui of tbe week and iben have to book oft the rest. Ih wtuldn'î be fair to tbe owners, trainers or anybody" A winner of more tban 5,200 career victories and $82 million in purses, Cbristoforou is scbeduied to make bis return ibis Sunday at Mohawk. yoti' satt i\litons lhead-toath xs'btîsec tain ss'et liaiists ait t otingstown, New Yiork lîttîtnainent andîti nishiet firist ii thle SRSVis Second Divsision ssitb a ib1- rii etord (iosîng otis \,thtei tgt lar-seastîn fiaie) alte rnaking the îuînp up iront thte select ranks. -Ne tîst touitin't tapîtalîze. Stitlng ont tiurîng a big first haif loi- the Magît Rebetta flintori deliîsered a t i nt a t istiLithet \atitssa t.otuiio anti Mîlton s deittuce led b\ Paîge i)ugas îlot up a foirnidable nîiidilieitl standt lrtîîgliîtue openiiîg 40 minuttes, alioss îîîg uthef rst Dis ision Rage tîsi ont slîoton Dî [anîieeiela. Niagara Falls so otîd stant to pick thîngs tîp and tealix ltîrtified its effots1 alter sinkîng tiîe gai-ne wînner 12 min- utes iitbtue setond half. itcaile on a risîng blast trorn the leli side ibat ssenî oll'a Ieaping Vellas linger îips and îîîto the top shelf. Lijîviig ail kînds tof rntmentuîîu oser thîe balance of the contesi, tbe Rage would test Multon-s cager four mttre timies, and essenîially put the gamne awas' with about 13 minutes rtmnaiîîing - on a cltose-range siiot ittt the btîtounîrîgt corner. Vella suffered a premature exit- afier baîîging up ber knee - wie the Magîc bad a couple of brief sparks down the stretcb, but couldn't regain their eariy control. Brianne Moinar, Marissa Plant and Christine West were among the others wbo offered solid outings for the League Cup finalists. lst ANN(IAL E.C. DRURY SPARTAN INSTRUCTIONAL BASKETBALL FALL SESSION 2008 This E.C. Drury basketball activity is being arganized Sa that the basketball skiIIs af yaung S players in the cammunity af Milton area wiII imprave. This is a chance ta play basketball in a fun' enviranment where Iearning ta play the game is why we're here. WHO: Boys and Girls in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. WHAT: Tuesday evenings begînning Oclober 14, 2008 and continuing to December 02, 2008 TIMES: 6 p.m., grades 3 & 4; 7 p.m. grades 4 & 5 & 6; 8 p.m. 6, 7, & 8. <Divisions dependent on number of registrants) WHERE: Sports Building on E.C. Drury Campus COSI: $5000 per player (cash or cheque) INSTRUCTORS: Mr. Kevin Houldcroft , E.C. Drury Basketball Coach Mr. Gerry Moynagh, E.C. Drury Basketball Coach " Eaeh player wiit receive a unîfornî top. " Each session wiii invoive skit deveiopmeni activities and game lime. " Each player wiii be piaced on a team ihat pisys within an appropriate grade division. E.C. Dnîry student-aihletes wiii be involved in the program as ieam coachies. NO league standings and champions witi be deciared. " Application forms can be dropped off or picked up ai E.C. Drurys office iattn. Kevin Houlderofti from 8 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. " Enroilmeni is imited iyou're in untit we're fult). Uniforms and ieam rosiers are determined by earty registrations. You will be notified about your siariing time before the October lOth. Cati the E. C. Drury Phys. Ed. Depariment at 905-691-9796 for turiher information. Chris Christoforou Annual General Meeting Oct. 185 2007 9:3Oama 1 1:OOam Sports Center Banquet Room M ILTON MINOR CYBASEBALL ASSOCIATION 905-876-2288 or visit us onlîne at www.milton-baseball.oirg iiiiii.11 , 110 . 1111,111111111 N I ii ..i 1 Md