A2 - Thp Canadïien Châmninn. Wpdnasdâv Auiit 97. 200 Sentence cornes with conditions *from MAN on page Ai But since Shipley bas already spent the equivalent of that time in prison - based on two-for-one and tbree-for-one credot for pre-tnial custody - bes now free to go. Hes been beld at Maplehurst since bis arrest. Sbipley isn't completely a free man, tbougb. He was also sentenced to two years of probation, during wbicb be'll bave to report to a probation officer and take any recommended counselling and assessments, among other condi- tions, LeDressay told tbe court. He may also bave to take medication and can't be witb any youtbs under 16 witbout a pre-approved adult. In addition, for 10 years bes probib- ited fromt setting foot near a variety of public places like parks and scbools. He'l be on tbe sex offender registry for 10 years. LeDressay said be took intu account the fact that Sbipley made an early guilty plea, a sign of some remorse. As well, Sbipley bas no previous criminal record and is willing to undergo treat- ment, tbe court beard. Wearing a striped sbirt and khaki pants, a heavy-set and miserable-look- ing Sbipley stood and apologized. "Personlly, 1 just want to admit full responsibility for my actions and apolo- gize to, everyone burt by this," he said. Shipley was arrested February 11 after Halton police seized a quantity of computer equipment fromt bis bouse containmng 815 photos and 971 videos. He was one of 22 people arrested across Ontario in wbat was called the largest co-ordinated child pornograpby crackdown in the provinces bistory. A report from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Healtb (CAMH) indicated Sbipley bas no major mental illness, but bas a disorder wbere be prefers pubescent girls, court beard. His risk for acting out in a sexually inap- propriate manner witb a cbild is low to moderate, the report states. Court beard that Sbipley didn't bave a reasonable chance of getting bail after be was arrested since bis family lives in Australia and tbere was no surety His lawyer, Ken Lackner, told the court Sbipley was suicidaI after bis arrest and was served with divorce papers from bis wife wbile in prison. Charges of distribuuing and access- ing cbild pomograpby were stayed. Lackner said outside tbe courtroomt it bad been a long road for Sbipîey "He served more time tban I tbink be deserved," be said. Sbipîey's sentencing was put over several montbs due to a delay in the CAMH report, wbicb was unfortunate, Lackner said. He bad told tbe court bis client bad been in prison long enougb. Crown attomney Brian O'Marra said be was pîeased witb LeDressays deci- sion. Altbougb O'Marra bad recommend- ed tbat Sbipley spend 45 additionsl days bebind bars, be said tbe 18-montb sentence imposed was actually on the upper end of tbe normal range. Stephanie Hounsell can be reached a(