A14 - The Canadman Champion, Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Thrilled firefighters recover wedding ring from fire Tel: 9US517.13 Fat: 905175.70 Châdre Me aq-6 yn-ars ttu md adalts lue *r )«fo, owi cWohe1, stumffed anuals. q«Rts & lwus decr *'is C b M t aller ie*oo & Saturdaýs Semai ai gay dm.u SURVEYING THE DAMAGE: An investigator from the fire marshal's office returns to check out the scene Monday. GRAHAM PAINE/I CANADIAN CHAMPION *fromn FIRE on page Ai and Prevention Services. "They really have lost everything." But the salvage crew was able to recover something thats very near and dear to, Lyndas lieart - lier wedding ring, whicli she leaves at hone for safe keeping when takîng part in activities at the cottage or tlie Milton Ladies Softball League, whicli shes the presi- dent of. "Et was 50 amazing to get that back," said Lynda. 'Uts a bit charred, but 1 can get it cleaned." The famiby stopped by their hire-rav- aged home again yesterday to survey the damage for tliemselves. "Looking frorn afar is not so bad," saîd Lynda. "But once we go inside and see our things and say, 'Oh, remember that?' That wibl lie the liard part." Pratt said the Ontario Pire Marsial was cabbed in to, investigate along witi the Halton Regional Police fraud unit, whici looks into suspicious fires. Tie cause of the blaze is currentby undetermined. Pratt expbained the drywabl and structural membrane of the house had been iurned away, leasing no evidence of humn patterns to help identify the origin of thie fire. He also said no appliances had been left on. The fire marsl took some samples [rom the home in an effort to detennine how it started. The Wallers are now working witli their insurance companry to get into a new home. In the meantnne ie community is stepping up t0 help out the faînîly. Friend and neighbour Sheni Kiwit lias established a trust fund for the Wallers and lias also been husy con- tacting people in the Pineview Public School community - the scliool the families' children attend. So far, some donations of clothing and toys have corne in, said Klutt. 'Uts so liard to see a four-year-old bawling because lis toys are gone," she said. Lynda said she lost the charger for lier ceil phione - lier only plione tliese days - fît the [ire as well, but the local Rogers Wmreless store was kind enough to give lier a new one. 'Everyone lias been amazing," she said. Those wishing to make a donation to, the family cao do so througli tlie trust fund at the Scotiabank brandi in the plaza at the corner of Laurier Avenue and Ontario Street. Tie account number is 684520405825. Melanie Hennessey can be reached a( mheninesse@mnilîoncanadiamichampion .com.