Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Aug 2008, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Wedneaday, Auguat 20, 2008 - A9 Canadia lied Cross Town councillors endorse growth principles <People who CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF bc requireti [lton. to give the Province:" their personal Warti 4 Councillor Paul Scherer At the endi of the discussion, Wards Council narrowly supporteti Bestos inîurnes FUTU SHOP CORRECTON NOTICE SýKDuI40S410(l 10105968B Ples not0e ot ae 28 of 18 51h flyer, the conirosi rao eut tuis produsl is fisted ut 25000:1 thîs e inourete. Care «i strest rai0s2,500:1. wu elearuy ~keIteeea ie dUay lae FUTURE SIIOP CORBECrION NOMIC ta W24571 24« LCB/MS WIRELES5 Dniooa EN/FRE 0 p eLstIn on e 10, the iMS WIOEI.SS siioea(0EN9 ggs oeited et S99. 9 serue S60, bel shoutd in toit lie 99R9 nRo sotigs. B*SqiiI5 kaf W i yi m a.d of neeti for more employment lanti. an ansentiment to the motion before Melanie Heincessey rail bc rea hed ai "We needti o have people working counicil. It asks that the Province file a m!iennesscy@inmilioncanadianchampion.cane cioser Do where they I John O'Brien, w' tiehaîf of the Catholic Diocese of Hamulton, port for the growrh p He toli COUIcÎil ti posing a Cathohic northwest corner of anti Regional Road 25 Town's support in cemetery, shoulti the] The Town has a long list o.f concernis it wants the Region to address before it w/Il support itientifying a preferreti methoti for growth heyonti 2021. Town counicil endorseti the I/st of growth princoples prepareti by Town staff at its meeting Monday n/ght. The item comes in response to the Region's Sustainable Halton plan, wh/ch is being tievelopeti to steer future growth while preserving anti protect/ng things like greenspace anti farmlanti. As part of the process, Region staff lus come up with five concepts that show how ahout 2,400 hectares of 'greenfieltis,' or undevelopeti landi, in Milton anti Halton HIls coulti accom- modate 120,000 people anti the needeti infrastructure herwecn 2021 anti 2031. The forst scenar/o for îhe new 10- year timeframe sees Milton taking ail of that growth, whole the other four pro- pose that Halton Hills accommotiate frons 20,000 Do 40,000 ncw residents, w/oh the balance goong to Milton. in response to the concepts, staff tievelopeti a I/st that teIls the Region the Town wIl onîy support identifying a preferreti landi use concept for growth heyonti 2021 on the bas/s of principles, inclutiing: e Balanceti resitienual/employmtent growth haseti upon a minimum .5 employee-to-resident ratio * increaseti financial support from the Region for its capital projects O*justification anti potenuial rehine- ment of the natural heritage system. - Conuinueti anti respectet isnput into the Region's evaluation of the pro- posed growth concepts - That a honancial impact analysis he completeti anti presenteti to town counic/l that incorporates ail budget impacts ai the regional anti local levels anti incluties options to mit/gaie the impacts of growth on the taxpayer Warti 2 Councillor Greg Nelson saîid to lsîm, ail of the pninciples are 'deal brcakers.' 'You canst take any part of ot out anti cxpect a coniplete package," he saiti. "If cvcn one oi these is put to a hack hum- er, l'm out." The Town os also recommending that more areas of potent/aI futture cmploymneni landi in Milton he consîi- ered on the plans. The curreni concepts direct employmeni uses onto about 600 hectares along Hwy 401, divideti hetween Milton anti Halton HuIs. A few memhers of the tievelopmeost communoty turnet out to vo/ce iheir support for the principles, ioîclutiing CN Rail anti the Orlando Corporaion. Orlando president Phîl King saiti he thinks the Region has grossly underes- -maied how much employment land w/Il bc neetiet. file saîid ai least two to IMPORTT ON SITE ESTE AJJCTION SALE Saturday, August 23rd at 10:00 arn sharp for the Late Robert Bruce (Ptes Inclusions) 86 Delerx BIvd., Georgetown, Ont TWILIGIIT ON SITE MiCTION SALE for joune Evans Durrant Tuesday, August 26th at 5:00 pm sharp Located at 24 Blackcreek Crt., Georgetown, Ont (Trafalgar Rd & 15 Sideroad orez - Siewartown) Pîen'îwîng & Registration wili begin 1 i h or io alae iiine' PIBaBO show I.D. wheB rsgistoring. Terms: Cash/ChoqBe with PrBper 1.0. Dwner, Atictioer nBt respoBsible for accidents FBr more compilte listing, visit;ollilg Au ton e - Do sln YOU'RE INVITED!. ALL MILTONIANS, ALL AGES To Get Creative & Gsi Published ln Our NEW Paper... FCUCIS *SHORT STORIES * POETRY * PHOTOS 0f your ART (include a photo of yourself) PHOTOS of your PETS (with you is even beffer!) *PHOTOS of EVENTS, CELEBRATIONS & HAPPENINGS * PHOTOS of SPORTS, ACTIVITIES and RECREATION Email submissions with detailed lno ta cathysmith@miltoncanadianchampi' F.CUS IMUE AT THESE LogK FOR aLÀ COIVMMENT LOCATIONS.. I My Sioter's Ciaet -Maton Public Libraey Mikea Barbec . Rn/Ma w* ' BaoParbertcy Sbea Pleatre t."The Dentare Clin/c Angets Diner *Harois ilice Pro -Tbe Weter Store *Maton Blonms & letior Jiitt 4 Y00 *The Iv Armeo R/Pcardon Cb et * teo d Nable $am &T. *~~~ ~ Laa 80Fn a Rose Stan Bakery Jewellery DB Brewuter *MatIon Greauboasea MaOturt VI e li * P re o f îe rfaCr Oi * Soopeti ~ Mitbea Toyota *ACe o M . COOBdlBlt Tire *As"ow .*Fm wyw . - Roya LePpe po . MUbewCeewel er Trit Sm An** ove," he said. provincial infrastructure and financmng ho appeareti on plan - for things like hospitals and la e e mn also voiceti sup- before the adoption of the Sustasnable rtnciples. Halton plan. Q itn ls e se diocese os pro- Ward 1 Councîllor Brian Penman *: Q t lg Cl e cemetery at the said he thmnks askmng thie Province for Start at anytime! Teens & Aduits t00 Lower Base Uine such a plan w/il only delay the proces s hI~n6ya p*a~atrsho aud and asked for the further. irn6yos&u o fe col&Strw establoshong the But Best sai the Province os alreatiy -Y rI lbasSw td lantis he identifieti worksng on the numbers. DIm not ask- Yurs TuyAte' eigSuiyt 'east-of Derry and TrenrnaiS **%* ~ ~ e (,, ~ 905),875-4683 UW MILTON WFIRI OK.WMRflIINT M aSo panish Services JW RsMiras vo BA., MA., B.ED. Iar- mP- e wle- doeysw [101Tpi.-Oemeo C- sao

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