Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Aug 2008, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadiani Champion, Wednesday, Auguat 6, 2008 OPIN IONmu lime to put eyes back on the road We've ail seen the driv- et, chatting on a celiphone while the stopiight changes to green, bhisstuiiy unaware of other motorists behrnd hum/her. Or how about tihe driver who crosses over the cen- tre line while trytng to retrieve that aIl-important Biackberry message? \Vhîie inattentive driv- ers are unlikeiy to go the way of the dinosaur, the Ontario government i proposrng new legislation this fait - the so-caiied 'distracted driver legi.sla- tion" - that could range from an outright ban on the use of eiectronics whie driving to measures that wouid toughen Ontario's existing laws. More than 50 countries aiready ban celîphone use in vehlicies to some degree and three Canadian provinces (Quebec, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia) ban phone use with fines ranging from $115 teo $400. Certainiy there wili be civil libertarians who will crow about an infringe- ment on nighrs and others who wiil say the law is vir- tually unenforceabie, but we're eager to se what Ontario Transportation Minister jim Bradley cornes up with this fait when he attempts to get drivers' eyes back on the road where they belong. Readers Write- E-mail your lettes to eWtrirnoncaenadinchamplofl.cOm. Hospital's parlking fees too high DEAR EDIOR: 1 agree with Mike Labencki's comments in bis July il Champion letter entitied 'Hospital parking shouid be free.' He's not the only one who's upset about this. We ail knew when Mike Harris pusbed us under the Haiton Healthcare Services umbreila that the initial $4 parking fée that came into effect was just the beginning. Its since gone up to $7. other hospitals have free parking close by on streets and at shopping centres. Milton doesn't have that option, as there are a lot of 'no parking signs near the bospitai. Our oniy option is to pay When the gate went up, the 'no parking' signa came out like mushrooms. Manly people - like the sin- gle mother with a low income or the eiderly person on a fixed income - can't afford to pay for hospitai parking. Many patients require family members to assist them, wbich can require rnany visits per day The [ces are too costly if the hospitals keep taking, people won't be as gencrous with donations. Ail hospitals need rnoney- that's understandabie. However, there are other formns of revenue like donations, fundraising and government assistance. To charge for parking is, in my opinion, unjust. if a business or shopping centre charged for parking, no one wouid go there. If any church did this, the building wouid be empty and people would pray at home. We in Milton are very fortu- nate to receive millions from thse Mohawk Siots every year. Many sports organizations enjoy financiai support of this win- [ail. Do you not believe that thse hospitai is just as important as these organrizations - if not more so? My gut feeling is that people will be giad to donate if the board lifts the gate. W. TIELEMANS MILTON (Editors note: Milton District Hospital offers a monthiy park- ing paas for caregivers for $30.) Repeated theft of sons' bikes very upsetting DEAR EDITOR: i have neyer feit the need before now to write a letter to the editor. I have three sons, age 15, Il and eight. If one of them ever came borne with something that did- n't beiong to them, they were told to return it night away, and at times I have gone with them and made them apologize to the person they took it from. Neediess to say it neyer happened more than a couple of times due to the embarrassment invoived. 1 can't for thse life of me figure out how my chul- dren have had go missing eight bikes - includmng one on Cbrist.mas Eve - a scooter and just recently a skateboard. They weren't worth a lot of money - except the board, which my son spent ail bis birthday money on - but that hardiy seems to bie thse point. I'm wondering why parents arenit questioning, their kids about where these things are coming fromt. if they're ditching them before they get home, why take it in the first place? I have a teenage son and he wouidn't think about taking something that didn't beiong to him, especialiy a littie kcida bike. MARY ANN WRIGHT COMMERCIAL STREET More parking indeed needed' at Bronte Park 1 find it quie strange that at llronte meadows Park parking is only available for up to 25 vehi- And thereý no parking affowed in thse ares of the park on Laurier Avenue. one would ehlnk ehae 'with three soccer pieches, a basieball diamond and a childreask, pisy- ground, there would ix more parking. It muse eeally be difficuit on a bot summeSr's ight for parents and grandparenes to iug lawn cluir and cooler bags along wlth amall children up two blockes fromn John Tonelli Sports Centre to thse park. A sô1u cdb e o hIe fC No pakling signa cbalged to Tukbdg 5 to 9 p=. Onl>t' .1Or how about inmrasIing the size of the eisiasg; pmrichg lot to accownodate the extra spae 1» sumt thte Tn of Milton çS4 ul4 t dt o d om ffidng to reI84 *" press'mg MO0N ~ib C~auabîan QDIampion lton's Cocroy Nerwspaper Since 1860 555 industrial Di., Milton, ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-33OO Circulation: 905-878-5947 V.P. -Group Publisher Neil Oliver Gênerai Manager David Harvey Editor in Chiai JiH Davis Managlng Editor Karen Micehi Advertislng Director Debbi Koppejan production Manager 'nm Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare %b Canadian Champioen, puablihed evey Wednesday and Feiday, is a divsion af Metrolaed Media Group Ltd. - President lan Oliver Adoetocng is accepted on thce condit io a,,,n the event ofe a tpogapiccal erro, that portion of the, advec tisingspce occped bnthe ec1one0alous iem, t ogte a eaoaicle allowance foosignaturewiIli notbeichased fo, but the balance of the advertsement xcii lie poid for ai the appiccable rate. the publisher reneroes the nih to olegoize adven1oenents or decne. 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