Tinvest in i1foi'r chi(d fieitt s xife ristittg cîti ix( li is itîxli ii x Ih t littiti s Jil pii (IIilllS luth %w( Ix Iixli tttiii i .(on iixlci xghi(Iiitî - o.-i issue( of iililix ii of li xili tux (xiliul; i tc xIo *lxil)iil( jif s it 'xtxsftllxîli Mix ltiiil lie ciiiil alxitilîi fui.1 \\elt isdt 's î iin <titi iili I) 4li i ileluî i s I Iib MondayJuly 14 Miltn Dtistic n lrîs1ital hlulc, a xuîeclii hue breasiteced îîîg clinte witli t rc etic itel aria huit coniisultaii nt i :303 ii 3 pn iii moriitxîe tîtîxut itatixut r 10 lilse aii a1pxitittîit raIl luIl 1ltrlss i (91(5) 878-2383, est. 7b61(. 1 lie Mliltoni )CieoxiS, Arctixvai ucrette, 'tO( Chlîlds Dr., hitlds dans and hilliards frontt 9 a.îîî. ii 9) pin. anrd table tennis fretin 7 iii 9 p.iii The rîlsi lor earli artivits' is $2 fxor mnemrbers and $4 foîr itxuî'-ihers. Bld euchre takes place ai 1:30 p.in. Thlicrosti s $2.50 lotr tetubers andr $50 îO oi o tîtttihiet cs lot itiote itîlorinatioit rai (905) 875-1081 Titesday JuIy 15 'nSîlil Assiillt andr Vtolire lIittelltltit e rsol Hflaltoit (s \ý\ 's" Ilolcîs is' wccelH ispanie wolien s G.rocip lion' 1 to 4 p iii ai Applehx Liittel (lutrît 4407 'sO lic e N Btrltigtoni its t r onlidential, lieu gtoct1i loi woineti artd ebil- rîreti F or lie inlot tiion, rA (905) 82,5 3622. llelp fite Parents, a Hialtotu pîarenît support grortpi nîeets [il the e itng n the haseinetit ol St. Llîzabeths, (lurh, 5 324 Bronilex Rd. iii Burlingixii I lits tîxundenoiniîiational self Srtp- port grorip lîelps paretnts of rlîil- cîreti sxho are iii tiroruble ai homne, ai -,rbo(I ori sitl tlie law ir xxho are abusive or tahiug drîgs. Tîte grxîup is a itîcîmber oîf the Association tiI Paret Suipport i roups ii Ontario. IFor moîxre informîaioîn, raIl I 8(003 488-566(1 or Vcit wwxx.apsgo.ea. Calling New Parents, a frce drop-in program foîr paretnts andl babies agel 6) inonths ande youuger, lacets wîîh a public lîealtb nurse îo discuss parent- ing andl infant rare. The group miccux att the O3ntario I ans Scatr" (-,etre ai 410 Broute St. troum 1:30 to 3 30 pîti, Io 1ii1not inxiirnation, rail (905) 825- b6000. est 72(9 filitot i îstrict iH-ospital holds a oue on-one hreastleed- ing ciri wxtîh a cettiltild lacit titou cotnstîltant iront CI 30 to Il 30 a ii i no nore îtiot itta- itcti ut to ttî.ke att appomîîtttînt, ralil il I mrs at 90O) 878-2383, I fhe Deck younh centre, 200 Main Sm. (rear euitt ane). mmnxites Stctdets in girailes 6S ii 12 tri dirop hi beîweeîî itoon aiîd 5 Pin11 (o lilas a gatine of pool tir jcisi bang ont. -Flie Milton Senitors' Ar tivity Centre, 500 Chîlcîs 1r., liolcîs bingo ai 1:30 Pin1 t's Downsizees Wcight I oss Club ai 10 a.ii crihbage front 1 to 3 put. attî dans and billiards frotin 9 a.nt tri 9 p ni he rosi for Car h arti\,it\' is $2 lor inci- brs and $4 foîr tutti inemibees. Evening Bid [uchre is lield ai 7.30 p.mn ai a cîsi ofi $2.50. For moîrre infotrmationu, rail (905) 875-1681. Wcdnesdayluly l16 Milton Meals on Wheels. holds iLs Wheels to Meals lunrh progeamri for seniors ai 11:30 -see more DATEUNE on page B6 U~lHixian Resources and Resure huxmanes et **SocialiDeveopmensiCanada Déeleoppemen&tsoiaiCanada *RCG,&r&CP UI- PBIýT 'lx AMO CI