Thie Canadien Champ/on, Wednesay Jane 18, 2008 - 19 M-B Oakville Autohaus Mercedes-Benz Daki/le Autohaus bas an immediate oponing for the tollowing position: CONTROLLER This is a well-rounded rois for on accomplîshed finance ard sccouriting protessînl ailS prevous deulemship esporierice. We otter o competîtîse sslory and benefits încludîng an RRSP plan. If you posoess s minimum ot 5 yeors previous eperierce in Ibis rois rn a dealersliip envirorment, please serd your resume îmmedîstely lu: Shereena Rab/nsan - Mamain Resaurces Fax: 905-886-0686 E-mail: arab/naan@aw/ Canadian Therapeutic College Sv Inn/ing lor an ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for Ihe Regtsirors Office. Must ne a friendly und apprnachable people pervon. detaîl orienled and love a fasi paced enviîonmenit Gond workinig kcou'îedge of Microsoft Office Includes some Liaison duies Ihairecuire ecellient pieseniafion s/ril Must be comforlable with public speaknoq Cai essenliai. Please e-mail: ) on fax: 905-632-2895 Requirecl lomed'ately ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Baird & Associotes iv a groaîng engineering consultîng tîrm. We are seeeing a s/riled and reliabis Administrative Assistant tur loin oui succestul team in Mk/viiie. This psrsur wili support Proîsci Managers (report preparation, protreadîng, trayai plans) and peitnrm garierai office dolien. The ideal canididats ai/I bava o pot sscurdary dîplnms and 3-6 years ot raiatad eperiance, Strong Microsoft Office abuls required. Pieaua toseard rasumnen Sp Juna 23, 2008 Reaumnea to: Bookkeeper i requirad toi trucîng companiy in M/hton qU)asstfed H ours Exparaence necar7 M nay( ra to proi & mSio & M ndy oFha Simpiy wnuid Se an 9 arn (o 5 pm assat along Itr Cer Office procedtures , Fax resuate to-: r 900"93-190fot arrange Interview A virnadgrowîngtfood dîslnîbuton iocatnd ni Miiron /0 cennenlly oee/rg an Inso a Sales Rapte- santatîsa ta loinr altaen growîg gteam. Tira saccasafful candidate sould posserair th ollswing. *Eacellent cormputernSISl HIltepoemasser g amzlv ed -Abiltya tloTlloprocedouras *AbSty to eonr ir a fast paoed erramonmet If pou are lonirinq 10 eopond your pnaferaional boni- zona w/lb a napîdiy growîrg organîzat/on Ibat /0 nflering an esce nt compensation package, banal its and fantast/c adaancement opportunît/es, we las/r toreardtIo besrînglfrom yau. Resumes cao bursent oiasterait ta Berry Monaghar. btmsnaghanelnesblarttodîm cer INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Dus f0 contiraad groath, me ara currantly seakirg corser mirded individuels f0 loiri our raside Sales Taam in nur Matro West branch (Trafalgar& Hw.401 ares). Thtis Individuel w/lt: *Have well davalnpod communication, intarpersonal and problam snlvng Skibl -Enjoy and dermve satisfaction from interaction ailS people ir a salas and cuotomer service capscity -Be a tsom playar, ablatsi oporate effactînaly ir a multi tas/r orîertsd ansîrnmant -Ideally have a garerol /roledgs ut building supplies sort their applications Onoiifisd candidates sfmonid rasporid in wrîtîrg ny ailS resome Io: Patelle Building Supplies L/mitad Atn: Hamant Resourcas Fax: 905-875-1312 Ema/i: Only ihos respondenin clionen for lutinei connîderafîon wîli 0e cooiacted e------------------RIDA For oie-vcar maieînîiy leaveý A dlean, busy modenn compoierînvd collisin shop needs a computer ier- aie, ratre, organizen self-starter Io hardle încioîng receivabies/payables ail aspects of a sel ni rompu- terîzen books, race to ttal balance arnd preparo monihiy lînanciai sialemeni. Esperience /rnoaisdge ni Mitchell Esiimaing usiness Woirns and Excel anuld Os beneficiol. Apply to Mr. Lump/mn, Upion Colliion Georgetown 905-873-f1067. Fus: 905-873-7408 LTL, traîgbrliarag &Ontaroda l. Ortnl y oufia KlTranuport tio n In551 is lokn orap Sspputan fetve Mbn tio fsalesaiy Fna areres Sof Stesssaes reuls AnIne cutme eats & Donr t ews in es Launh ffctiv o urctn &Codciaree SeiLF, PTgh Casuae& neroal, Onlyghtiie cniae a pp e ot for trvews. P T/Crassen ai urearti 53 Bkltcrasond Sti.c Oeb ale 04 44-70 fie4 KENCO Logistics Systemas Operotions Manager.- Whlrlpool Canada Location: Mlton Position " Support for production, audit. transportation and distribution " Analysis and make necessary improsaments to enoure cmoss tunctional efficiencies jr the warelrouse " Analysis throughput information, capacity planning, flou through and tinancial information " Deoelop infernal procedures and budget plans *Develop staff and baffer tie organlzation Qualifications *Abiity f0 read and onalyze inancîi reports and legal documents *Ability lu respord no complainto trom customers or regulatony ogencîs *Ability te, detîne problemsansor build teom attitude in tant paced envirooment *Excellent eorking knowledge ot MS Ottice,ffisio, Acces *SAP krowledge preterred Appticanta Io, this sions q;% Id submit lhir rasane to: GIf. h mnt kunco rnc Wanted tan Buoy ME> Wellnasa Cantra" Nortb Os/roIle OAKVILLE Naturopath JOB FAIR Physîatloerapist Supana/sora, Uine MasMaeTherapist Cooko, Disb, Prap, Chirepractar Bernera, HostS& ChirpodiBartandera Chrpott Pleasa apply in por- 9905 -M-42 an: son at Shoalaso Joa's 2501 for more information. Prince Micbhael Dr. Tus. Jure 17 & Tirura. Jura f9 1 Hoel Rstauant 12-8pm VSWhetGat GlfCors. KITCHEN PREP PEOPLEI IEntry laal ktcben poitonsosuitabltfor anyetl hoeco/klhnmanager se. Adult abo are Ior base bean rasponsible for preparatior of tbair 11aiyal. garera j choinng and siicing of ra1 j oagstables, meas sort chaasao and potoînng ut tond prado ts. Wagas compotisie. Cati Nathan Brown 0 900-827-7750 exil. 3 ar enflait tai: Naew Restaurant TRAIL EATEY requ/res Campbe lli1 - Line Cooka * Watt Staffi okn o * BusStaffl& -o;PTdy *Dishwashers -lxý1 ho - Send resumes toi: .pl in -ro sunset.mittonti hina/lsa or cot. or Cal Pete 41649498072 958420 ECE POSITON AVAILABLE Co-op Nursery Scboal nequ/res ton, entbusiastic and an- ergetic ECE teachar ta li part-lime matai- rita leane position for 2a0-2009 scbool year. Catt 905-335-2395 an tata@penntaa ca-ep.cant 1br QEaim ii t tj ton Ad Submissions Received by: Fax: 905-876-2364 Tel: 905-878-2341 Email: classified@ For your convenaence me accapt: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, INTERAC, CASH, CHEQUE, Campbellville MOVING SALE Sat June 21 8am - lpm 2246 3rd Siderood (West ot Telsa Rend> Hage ente - Antique roll rop danl, pool taSie, nea Ooneraror, 2 colonial notas, sein Sert sein, ridîng moae, yard rraiter, planr lighr stands, onowbiower, Moytog teirtge, mapia dînîng roble & chairs, reoir dinîng and coi/se rables, hammockr ' aviar canoe, firoaxo aeighr machina, raievioion. lors of awn roolo, mriss Romance plates, otrec ser, tramad r nnr, houoahold irems, toils, books, toyo and a nsmber of free items, s camne enrty ANNIJAL GARAGE 9ALE Sat. June 219t, 9am-3pmn Caeh Onily for Garage Sale Iterne 276 Mant. E. 905-875-1070 Final Sale oit 0I Item M GATMULTIAMN 2 UEGARAGE SALES Sat June 21 - 7:am - 3? 914 Vols ntes huc arne &Thigforapsaryn Tos 6ssfyo s asat abSn GIANT Mana1Ia F~AMILY topae an ad cai 7:087 .-3? =Your Total Recrj co078-2341lI Nussagaeya STREET SALE Sat Jane 21 & Sun Jane 22 - 8am-lpm 5th Line ibsimeer Guelph cire arcd Hwn 25, South of i5Sid îeînaul Gordan tactors snow bliwers chin and toyso Something For Everyone' MILTON GARAGE SALE Sat June 21 8am - Noon 752 Applewood Cres. Campbeieîila MOVING SALE Sot June 21 - 8amn 2420 Steeles Ave. W. Fora/tura, taleviion, VCR, striait apphiances, power ros, itcban cabinets, dînîing room chaira, nîght tables, boobs, rffls etc. CAMPOELLVILLE GARAGE SALE Sot June 21 8am - Noon 111 McLaren Rood Beast/lal Antiques, hoasehold Semai, furnitne, Pros table and mach mre Milton STREET SALE Sait June 21 8omn - Noon Somerville Terrace iSth Lire & Clark Btadi Ra/a Date Jane 2&W0 GARAGE SALE Sot June 21 - Barn - 3pm 931 Stearn Place Lots of gn5 & para htemai, ch/na, glane, Antiques, mîmrar, tom/taure, somali/ng ton everpone.